
  • 网络Employee performance management
  1. 笔者作为导师带领下的项目小组成员,负责对CITC公司员工绩效管理现状进行诊断,在此基础上设计出CITC公司员工绩效管理系统。

    As a member of project group leaded by my supervisor , I take charge of diagnosing the current situation of employee performance management in CITC Corporation and designing a new employee performance management system .

  2. 企业生产部门的员工绩效管理研究

    The Research on Employee Performance Management of Production Department in the Enterprise

  3. 第五部分是对ACE武汉分公司员工绩效管理系统设计工作的总结和评价。

    In the fifth part , the performance management redesigning work is summarized and evaluated .

  4. 培训工作和工作分析。第五部分是WH公司员工绩效管理系统设计。

    The fifth part is the design of PM system .

  5. 本文希望建立科学、合理、具备导向功能和可操作性的知识型员工绩效管理体系,从而能对CS所绩效管理工作的推进产生积极作用。

    The author hopes to establish a scientific , rational , directional and operable performance management system for the knowledge-based staff to promote the performance management in CS Institute .

  6. 因此,本文选择AB银行本部员工绩效管理体系作为研究对象,通过了解现状,找寻存在的问题,剖析其中的原因。

    Therefore , we choose AB Bank headquarters staff performance management system as the research object , by understanding the situation , find the problems , analyze the reasons .

  7. 第六部分简要评价WH公司员工绩效管理系统的设计特点和存在的不足。

    The sixth section commented in brief on the characteristics and shortcomings of the Performance Management system of WH Corporation .

  8. 第四部分是在第三部分实证分析的基础上,提出解决问题的方法,设计ACE武汉分公司的员工绩效管理系统。

    Then comes to the fourth part , which , based on the foregoing practical analysis , aims to seek for problem solutions and redesign the performance management of ACE Wuhan Branch .

  9. 通过这些调查以及对SY公司员工绩效管理的现状进行分析,归纳出员工绩效管理中存在的主要问题有组织机构存在的问题、管理制度存在的问题以及员工绩效考核技术存在的问题。

    With the investigations , it has summarized the main problems in staff performance management . They are the presence of organized institutions , the system of management and staff performance evaluation techniques .

  10. 成功要素公司(SuccessFactors)是一家提供员工绩效管理的软件公司,自从2007年11月上市以来,其已成功完成了大量的股份交易。

    Since it went public in Nov. 2007 , shares of SuccessFactors , an employee-performance software company , have traded all over the map .

  11. 然后对于分析出来的不足进行解决,并从绩效实施、绩效考核、绩效反馈和绩效激励四个方面对ZS基金会的员工绩效管理体系进行完善。

    Then it analysis the resolution to the deficiency of the organization . Subsequently , it improved performance management system in four areas of the ZS Fund such as the implementation of performance , performance evaluation , performance feedback and performance incentives .

  12. 科技员工绩效管理及考评体系研究

    Study the System of Job Achievement Management and Evaluation for Technical Employee

  13. 吉林化纤员工绩效管理研究

    Studying Employee 's Performance Management of Jilin Chemical Fiber Co. , Ltd

  14. 发达国家企业员工绩效管理特征及启示

    Characteristics and Enlightenment of Performance Management of Enterprises Employee in Developed Countries

  15. 制造企业员工绩效管理创新思考

    The innovative thinking of employees ' performance management in the manufacturing enterprises

  16. 盘龙山庄大酒店员工绩效管理体系研究

    The Research on Employee Performance Management System of Paragon Hotel

  17. 轨道交通工程设计项目员工绩效管理研究

    Research on Performance Management in Rail Transportation Engineering Design Project

  18. 中小型道路客运企业员工绩效管理体系设计

    Designed Staff Performance Management System for the Small and Medium-sized Transportation Enterprises

  19. 国有建筑企业员工绩效管理系统构建研究

    Research in the Performance-management System of State-owned Construction Corporations

  20. 员工绩效管理问题及应对策略

    A Study of Staff 's Achievements Administration and Tactics

  21. 我国工程公司员工绩效管理研究

    A Research on Engineering Companies ' Staff Performance Management

  22. 个性化定制员工绩效管理体系

    Establishment , of individualized management system of personnel performance

  23. 员工绩效管理:领先公司的远见

    Employee Performance Management : Leading Companies ' Foresights

  24. 所取得的成果可为其他高速公路公司员工绩效管理系统研究提供参考或借鉴。

    The results can be obtained for other highway performance management system for reference .

  25. S省移动通信公司员工绩效管理研究

    Research on S Province Communications Company Performance Management

  26. 科室主任应用平衡计分卡对员工绩效管理研究

    Study on balanced scorecard applied in staff ′ s performance management by department director

  27. 本论文的研究对推动商业银行员工绩效管理有一定的借鉴作用。

    The research will promote the employees performance management of the stated-owned commercial bank .

  28. 职能部门员工绩效管理体系构建

    Establishment of Functional Staff Performance Management System

  29. 基于平衡计分卡的医院员工绩效管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of the Performance Management System for Hospital Staff Based on the Balanced Scorecard

  30. 同时也能看出,员工绩效管理在企业中越来越受到重视,因为这一活动不仅能够规范员工行为,促进员工发展;

    Because this activity cannot only rule employee 's behavior , improve the employee 's development ;