
  • 网络risk sharing;Risk spreading
  1. 并分别从高科技创业企业的风险评价、风险分散、风险分摊、风险控制、风险预警等方面进行了深入研究。

    Besides , intensive studies of risk evaluation , risk dispersing , risk sharing , risk controlling , risk early-warning and so on are carried out respectively .

  2. 还有另一个风险分摊程度的问题。

    There 's also a problem with risk-sharing at that level .

  3. 工程合同风险分摊与索赔管理研究

    Research on Apportion of Contract Risk for Engineering and Construction Claims Management

  4. 合作创新的风险分摊与利益分配

    The Risk Share and Benefit Distribution in Cooperative Innovation

  5. 不确定性、风险分摊与我国资本市场功能完善

    Uncertainty , Risk Shared and China Capital Market Completion

  6. 异质性生境中的植物克隆生长:风险分摊

    Plant Clonal Growth in Heterogeneous Habitats : Risk-spreading

  7. 它以两种方法管理风险分摊体系

    A risk pool can be managed two ways

  8. 问题在于,尽管风险分摊原则,听起来浅显易懂,但是实践仍然需要技术支持。

    The problem is that while the principle of risk-sharing is very simple and obvious the practice requires technology .

  9. 作为第二节课内容的延续,当时我讲过关于风险分摊的原则。

    It 's a continuation of the second lecture , where I talked about the principle of dispersal of risk .

  10. 探讨了联合投资收益与风险分摊的机理;

    Firstly , this part discusses the mechanism of the sharing of risk and revenue in joint venture capital investment .

  11. 资本市场的风险分摊功能在于提供细分资产、降低交易成本、传递信号和做空。

    Capital market takes functions of risk shared by deceasing business cost , offering proportioned assets , passing signal and hedging .

  12. 在深入地分析了工程项目风险分摊与工程索赔的相互关系的基础上,从合同风险分析出发,对业主的工期索赔和费用索赔管理进行了研究。

    The management of time claims and cost claims owners run is illustrated in the last part of the article from risk analyzing .

  13. 不同的国家具有不同的社会健康保障途径,但是有一点是共同的:一种称为风险分摊的体系。

    Different countries have different approaches to social health protection , but all have one thing in common : a system called a risk pool .

  14. 预测了今后的发展方向,即:增强家庭内的风险分摊能力可以采用强制性的医疗储蓄帐户,也可以由家庭自行安排;

    For the first level , both compulsory medical saving account and the free choice for the family can be used to improve the family 's anti-risk capacity .

  15. 但对冲基金的重头戏是:阻止国会通过立法逐步关闭两房,将它们巨大的抵押贷款风险分摊到私人市场。

    But the hedge funds ' real game is to stop Congress from passing legislation that would wind down the two behemoths and share part of their vast mortgage risk with the private market .

  16. 只有把技术创新风险分摊到这些参与技术创新活动并得到受益的个人、组织、团体等中去,技术创新才能更好发挥其经济和社会功能。

    Only we proportion the risk of the technology innovation into the person 、 organizations and groups who take part in the technology innovation , can the technology innovation realize the economic and social function .

  17. 供应链利益协调机制作为解决合作风险分摊与实现系统优化的有效手段,是供应链管理研究中的一个重要方向。

    The supply chain profit coordination mechanism is one of the efficient method for sharing market risk and achieving optimization of the system and the study of it is viewed as one of the important embranchment in supply chain management research .

  18. 第三章主要针对有关船舶油污的国际公约,从预防反应、技术管理、行政管理、责任认定、风险分摊等不同的运行机制角度,对整个国际防止船舶油污立法状况进行详细论述。

    Aimed at the international conventions on the topic , the third chapter undertakes a detailed discussion on the condition of the oil pollution laws from the different operation mechanism angles , such as precaution reaction , technique management , administrative management , liability contribution , and diversification of risk .

  19. 从风险有效分摊角度优化工程项目的管理模式

    Optimize the model of project management through the effective distribution of risks

  20. 政策性生猪保险的提出是为了转移分散风险和分摊经济损失。

    The policy-type insurance for pigs can shift and spread risks to share economic losses .

  21. 保险的主要目的是融资投资、转移风险和分摊损失。

    The main function of the insurance is financing and investment , transferring risk , and loss sharing .

  22. 为实现批量订货与柔性采购相结合的目标,用一定折扣换取一定的柔性,从而实现供应链内部的协调及风险的分摊。

    The advantages of batch and flexible orders were discussed to achieve the harmony and share the risks mutually in supply chains .

  23. 这看起来是个共赢的交易:在客户支持得到保障、风险得到分摊的情况下,创新迅速推进。

    This looks like a winning deal : innovation moves forward more quickly with the security of customer support and risks are shared .

  24. 在将费用分摊到发电厂商的方法中,分析了按风险度分摊方法的特点,在此基础上提出按照电量不足期望值分摊的新思路。

    In allocation methods to generators , the characteristic of allocation method with risk index is analyzed to propose a new scheme on the basis of EENS index .

  25. 浅议技术创新风险的社会分摊

    Discussion on the Social Assignation of the Risk of Technical Innovation

  26. 布什:好,李先生,现在你能不能告诉我,在这种企业里利润和风险是怎样分摊的?

    Now Mr Li , could you tell me how profits and risks are shared in such a venture ?

  27. 原则上,这就是我们能做的,我认为这也是金融业最重要的概念,即风险汇聚及分摊。

    That 's what , in principle , we can do and what I think is the most important concept in finance & this concept of risk pooling .

  28. 第二课,我讲了风险汇聚及分摊,那节课的主题是,一门数学理论,即概率论。

    In the second lecture , I talked about the pooling of risks and the basic theme of that lecture was that we now have a mathematical theory , probability theory .

  29. 我国以个人转移风险和社会分摊风险为主的自然灾害保险很不发达,海洋灾害保险更是一片空白。

    In China , the natural disaster insurance , such as " personal transfer risk " and " social risk sharing ", is very underdeveloped . Also , marine disaster insurance is a blank .

  30. 保险作为集合同质风险单位以分摊损失的一种经济制度,其目的是补偿风险事故所造成的损失,以确保经济生活的安定。

    Insurance serves as an economy system gathered the same unit of risk to share the loss . The purpose is to compensate for loss caused by accident to ensure the stable of economic lives .