
fēng bō
  • disturbance;wind wave;a storm in a teacup
风波 [fēng bō]
  • (1) [wave]∶风和波浪。比喻生活或命运中所遭遇的不幸或盛衰变迁

  • 世路风波

  • 惹出风波

  • (2) [disturbance]∶乱子;纠纷

  • 风波迭起

风波[fēng bō]
  1. 还好及时发现阻止了这场风波。

    Fortunately , discover in time that have prevented this disturbance .

  2. 加国同性婚姻草案的风波

    The Disturbance of Marriage of the Same Sex Draft in Canada

  3. 我没有料到我的请求会掀起这么大一场风波。

    I hadn 't foreseen the tempest my request would cause

  4. 风波迭起。

    Disturbances arose repeatedly .

  5. 风波过去了,一切恢复正常。

    It has blown over , and everything is back to normal .

  6. 亲爱的读者们,你们对Facebook这场公关风波有何看法?

    Readers , what do you think of the Facebook PR brouhaha : overblown or inexcusable ?

  7. 经历过HR丑闻和黑客风波,他都信不过电脑技术员了。

    Given the HR scandal and hackers , he didn 't even trust the I.T.Techs .

  8. 昨天爆发的一家俄罗斯音乐下载网站风波,打击了俄长期渴望加入世界贸易组织(WTO)的雄心。

    RUSSIAN music download website stands in the way of the country 's long-cherished ambition of joining the body that governs world trade , it emerged yesterday .

  9. 2003年一场RPC病毒风波席卷全球,造成了很大的损失。

    In 2003 , a RPC virus storm sweep the world , and did great damage .

  10. 但这却引来舆论一片哗然,从《纽约时报》(TheNewYorkTimes)到福克斯新闻(FoxNews),几乎所有人都指责该公司是在“暗中监测”购物者。这场风波好几周后才平息下去。

    But the media brouhaha , with everyone from The New York Times to Fox News accusing the company of " spying " on shoppers , took weeks to die down .

  11. 昨天这场风波再起波澜:另类资产管理公司太盟亚洲资本(PAGCapital)报价每股6港元收购盈德。

    Yesterday brought a new gust to roil the dust : alternative asset manager PAG Capital has offered HK $ 6 for Yingde .

  12. 采取了VLAN、MAC地址绑定和广播风波抑制等安全措施,保证了校园网络的安全性。

    Making use of VLAN , MAC binding , repressing broadcast dispute and so on to guarantee the safety of the campus network .

  13. THG风波下再谈合成类固醇类兴奋剂

    On synthetic Steroid Hormone After THG Disputes

  14. 谷歌(Google)和雅虎(Yahoo)以及其它近期因为参与了政府监视项目陷入舆论风波的科技巨头们正在发起一场公关保卫战,以挽救突然间急转直下的名声。

    Google and Yahoo and the other tech giants stung by the recent news of their participation in government surveillance programs are in the midst of a public-relations offensive to steady suddenly wobbly reputations .

  15. 一周过后鲁珀特默多克(RupertMurdoch)则传递了相反的信息。他取消了原定的达沃斯之行,留在伦敦试图平息《世界新闻报》(Newsoftheworld)电话窃听门引起的风波。

    Rupert Murdoch this week delivered the opposite message as he cancelled a planned trip to Davos to stay in London to try to quell the storm over phone hacking at the News of the World .

  16. 但至少世界银行(worldbank)行长罗伯特佐利克(RobertZoellick)正设法平息风波。他呼吁各国探讨建立一个以经过改良的以金本位制为核心的全球货币新体系。

    But at least , Robert Zoellick the World Bank president , is trying to pour oil on troubled waters by calling for a debate on a new global currency system with an modified gold standard at its heart .

  17. 正当我们以为赛琳娜·戈麦斯和海莉·鲍德温的恩怨要平息的时候,赛琳娜新歌《LoseYoutoLoveMe》和《LookatHerNow》的发布又引起了新的风波。

    Welp , just when we thought the Selena Gomez and Hailey Baldwin feud was dying down , another mini drama brewed up amid the release of Selena 's recent songs , " Lose You to Love Me " and " Look at Her Now . "

  18. 目前,苹果公司正努力结束这一令人尴尬的风波,以便迎接下周二的产品推介活动。在下周二的活动中,苹果预计会推出新款iPhone和一款新的可穿戴设备。

    Apple is scrambling to bring to a close an embarrassing episode for the company ahead of next Tuesday 's press event at which it is expected to launch new iPhones and a new wearable device .

  19. 市场研究公司IDC的游戏研究总监路易斯o沃德表示,索尼从2011年的风波中得到了许多惨痛的教训。

    Sony SNE 2.21 % learned a lot of painful lessons from the 2011 breach , says Lewis Ward , research director for gaming at the market research firm IDC .

  20. 德国总理安格拉默克尔(angelamerkel)将大部分时间花费在对付一场越来越艰难的国内辩论上,如今斯塔克的辞职又引起了一场新的风波。

    Angela Merkel , Chancellor of Germany , spends most of her time managing an increasingly fraught domestic debate , which has now taken a new twist with the resignation of Mr stark .

  21. 马云采访在博客圈引发的风波出现新的转折。《南华早报》网站上周六早上的一份声明称,采访阿里巴巴集团控股有限公司(AlibabaGroupHoldingsLtd.)创始人兼董事局主席马云(JackMa)的该报记者已经辞职。

    In another twist to the much-blogged about Jack Ma interview , The South China Morning post reporter who interviewed the founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. has resigned , according to a statement on the newspapers website early this morning .

  22. 为了提高风能利用效率、保证功率输出的稳定,针对风波动较快的特点,本文采用BP神经网络PID控制器,在低风速下最大限度地跟踪理想曲线,从而获得最大的输出功率。

    In order to improve the wind energy utilization and keep output power stable for rapid fluctuations of the wind , BP neural network PID controller was adopted in this paper in a low wind speed to maximize follow an ideal curve , to achieve the largest output power .

  23. 预告片中,布里奇特偶遇前任(科林·费尔斯饰),并与其上演了一出“点酒风波”。随后BJ怀孕被同事发现引发了一系列闹剧。

    The trailer shows how Bridget deals with encounters with her ex ( Colin Firth ) with alcohol-fuelled elan , and what happens when her colleagues find out she 's pregnant .

  24. 保守党议员萨姆吉马(samgyimah)表示:“我们认为渣打银行风波是一篇大肆煽风点火的报道,实际上像是检方的诉状。”

    Sam gyimah , a Conservative MP , said : " what we have seen in the case of Standard Chartered is a highly inflammatory report that is effectively the case for the prosecution . "

  25. 2009年第一轮召回风波后,强生关闭了McNeil工厂,并承诺将对质检规程进行整改,使产品质量回到正轨。

    After the initial spurt of recalls in 2009 , J & J shut down the McNeil plant , promising to revamp its quality assurance practices in order to get production back on track .

  26. 还有一些人,比如Salesforce的首席执行官,曾经短暂充当过Valleywag靶子的马克·本尼奥夫(MarcBenioff),简洁地评价这个网站与本周的这些风波:“所有这些人我全都不关心。”

    Others , like the Salesforce chief executive Marc Benioff , an occasional Valleywag target , said simply about the site and this week 's events , " I don 't care about any of those people . "

  27. 露露柠檬(Lululemon)在2013年遭遇了麻烦,令人遗憾的瑜伽裤召回风波让顾客不仅开始质疑这家健身服装公司的昂贵产品的质量,还质疑公司领导层的诚信。

    Lululemon ( LULU ) was stung in 2013 by an unfortunate yoga pant recall that made customers not only question the quality of the fitness retailer 's expensive products but also the integrity of its leadership team .

  28. 苹果风波:为傲慢付出代价薪资的相对标准;

    Apple Paid for Arrogant relative standard of wages and salaries ;

  29. 哈恩还呼吁人们抵制卷入这起风波的科技企业。

    Hahn also called for a boycott of the companies involved .

  30. 而2012年的反日风波严重影响了部分邮轮的行程。

    And the anti-Japan riots of 2012 caused havoc with itineraries .