
  • 网络Team Meeting
  1. 每个人应该遵守团队会议的基本规则。

    Everyone should observe ground rules in the team meeting .

  2. 充分利用第一次团队会议的机会。

    Make the most of the first team meeting .

  3. 如今随着更多的工作电话和团队会议在舒适的家中进行,办公装已经明显变得更加休闲化。

    With more work calls and team meetings now taking place from the comfort of home , office wear has become decidedly more relaxed .

  4. KentBeck和WardCunningham提议在团队会议过程中采用CRC卡片来进行面向对象设计。

    Kent Beck and Ward Cunningham proposed the adoption of CRC cards to perform object-object design during team sessions .

  5. 用例实现的团队会议讨论和设计用例实现。

    Use-case realization team session to discuss and design the use-case realizations .

  6. 七:团队会议在哪里进行?

    Seven : Where is the teamwork session taking place ?

  7. 后面的团队会议讨论所需的设计变更。

    Follow-up team session to discuss required design changes .

  8. 团队会议是交流想法的一个机会。

    Team meetings are an opportunity to exchange ideas .

  9. 多次的团队会议和讨论可以解决很多问题。

    Many times just getting together and talking will solve many of the issues .

  10. 时常在团队会议的讨论中发言

    Contribute regularly to discussions at team meetings

  11. 在团队会议上设计用例实现。

    Design use-case realizations in team sessions .

  12. 召集一次团队会议。

    D.Call a meeting of the team .

  13. 或许你在团队会议上,可以就自己的论点侃侃而谈。

    Perhaps you 're already speaking up in team meetings and getting your ideas across effectively .

  14. 同事们在团队会议上播出了他们的电话录音,如此一来那位销售代表便可以在背景声中听到自己的声音。

    Co-workers in team meetings shared recordings of their calls , so the rep could hear himself in the background .

  15. 特别重要的是确保开发人员没有在未首先要求后续的团队会议的情况下引入了主要的设计变更。

    Especially important is to ensure that the developers did not introduce major design changes without first calling for a follow-up team session .

  16. 因为老板希望您在星期五之前提交改组计划,而且您答应在下次团队会议时提交项目日程。

    Your boss wants your reorganization plan by friday , and you promised to present a project schedule at the next team meeting .

  17. 如果我们计算一下所有与会人员的开销及管理费用,一个全天的团队会议要花费数千美元。

    An all-day team meeting costs thousands of dollars , if we calculate the cost of all the people involved along with overheads .

  18. 在团队会议中集中于它们在环境中设计的应用,提供了交换知识并重申设计技巧的极好机会。

    Focusing on their application to the design in context during a team session provides an excellent opportunity to exchange knowledge and reaffirm design skills .

  19. 此课程为那些经常开会的人们所设计,不管是团队会议,部门会议或是非官方组织的会议。

    This course is designed for those who chair meetings from time to time whether team meetings , board meetings or meetings in voluntary organizations .

  20. 在赛季开始前,与每一位球员单独讨论目标、期望等。偶尔召开团队会议讨论“问题”。

    Before the season starts , meet with each player individually about goals , expectations , etc. Have occasional team meetings to discuss " issues . "

  21. 每日例会(或standup[站立会议]及团队会议)的关键方面是关注团队现在正在做什么工作。

    The key aspect of a daily scrum ( or standup or team meeting ) is to focus on what the team is working on now .

  22. 在团队会议上进行用例设计还将帮助经验较少的开发人员提高他们的设计技能,并且增加他们发现潜在的实现风险的可能性。

    Doing use-case realizations in team sessions will also help less experienced developers improve their design skills and increase their likelihood of exposing potential implementation risks .

  23. 如果开发人员只发现设计及其实现之间的,可以用较小的调整进行修正的较小的差异,那么他们不应该号召后续的团队会议。

    Developers should not call follow-up team sessions if they find only minor discrepancies between the design and its implementation that can be fixed with minor adjustments .

  24. 程序员每天通常有这样几项固定任务:参加团队会议,设计我们的程序并进行测试,编写文档,以及重新审视代码。

    Programmers perform a variety of daily tasks : We attend team meetings , design and test our programs , write documentation , and perform code reviews .

  25. 因为他们知道自己是为了参加团队会议才去办公室的,所以他们在提前准备的时候会比其他人更加谨慎。

    Because they know they 're only coming into the office for a team meeting , they plan that meeting much more carefully than perhaps they would do otherwise .

  26. 在团队会议上(最少包括系统架构师和负责实现的开发人员)进行用例实现要有效得多。

    It is far more effective to do use-case realizations in team sessions that include , at a minimum , the system architect and the developers responsible for the implementation .

  27. 建立追溯信息时要勤奋且深思,但不要让追溯讨论占用您的团队会议(或者“单独为其开会”)。

    Be diligent and thoughtful in establishing traceability information , but do not let the traceability discussion take over your team meetings ( or " develop a life of its own ") .

  28. 由于同学们的课表都排满了,所以他们在确定团队会议时间时遇到了麻烦;他们几乎没有时间同客户(即我)在一个彼此共有的开放时间内进行面对面的交流。

    Since students have full schedules , they have trouble enough finding time for team meetings ; they almost never have time to meet face-to-face with the customer ( me ) at a mutually open time .

  29. 她很快向每个人道歉,然后举行了一次高管团队会议,分享她学到的经验:她说,当你在家里受到压力时,在工作中时刻控制情绪需要情商。

    She quickly apologized to each one , then held an executive-team meeting to share what she had learned : Keeping emotions in check at work when you 're under stress at home takes ' emotional intelligence , ' she says .

  30. 接下来,项目经理决定创建在团队工作会议中记录的其他任务。

    Next the project manager decides to create additional tasks that were documented in a working meeting with the team .