
  1. 论团体社会工作在中国的发展

    The Development of Social Group Work in China

  2. 由于各种历史社会原因,犹太人非常重视人与人之间的关系,注重人和由人所构成的团体社会之间相互影响的作用。

    As a result of many different factors , the Jewish people emphasize highly on the relationship of individuals and the community formed by the individuals .

  3. 通过平民与公民两个概念的对比分析,阐明平民社会地位上升以后,平民团体社会结构的变化。

    By civilians and citizens of the two concepts of comparative analysis to clarify the social status of the civilian population increased after the civilian group-based social structure .

  4. 团体是社会组织的基本构成单元或子系统。

    Groups are basic cells and subsystems , which constitute the social organizations .

  5. 美国宗教团体的社会资本

    The Social Capital of American Religious Groups

  6. 第三部分是农村宗教团体在社会结构中的定位。

    The third chapter is the localization of rural religious groups in the social structure .

  7. 加大在社会团体和社会中介组织中建立党组织的工作力度。

    We should intensify our efforts to establish Party organizations in mass organizations and intermediaries .

  8. 强调宗教的公共性,就是强调宗教团体对社会公共事务的关注。

    The publicity of religion is emphasized here to draw religious groups'notice to public affairs in society .

  9. 它们可能是公司、慈善团体、社会企业、教育机构,甚至是政党或养老基金。

    They might be companies , charities , social enterprises , educational establishments , even political parties or pension funds .

  10. 团体、社会、特别是国家,其利益被给予比个人利益更优先的地位。

    The interests of groups , of society , and especially the state were given the precedence over those of the individual .

  11. 这一理论揭示了人与人之间的关系,如信任及规则在个人、团体和社会发展中的巨大作用。

    The theory emphasizes the important role of relationship , trust and regulations in the development of individuals , group and society .

  12. 社会团体是社会成员在自愿的基础上,依法成立的非营利性的自治中介组织。

    It is non-profit autonomous intermediary organization , which members of society establish according to law on the basis of their voluntariness .

  13. 发挥行业协会、学会、商会等社会团体的社会功能,为经济社会发展服务。

    Play industry association , learn , chamber of commerce and other social group , the social function of services for economic and social development .

  14. 作为该团体一切社会表征的认知基础,意识形态决定和影响了成员个体对某一事件的观点、态度以及所形成的对此事件的心理模式。

    The fundamental propositions of ideologies monitor the acquisition of group knowledge and attitudes , and hence indirectly monitor the mental models that group members form about social events .

  15. 如果这一提案被否决,香港特首将继续由提名委员会选举产生。提名委员会拥有1200名成员,由业界团体和社会团体的代表组成。

    If the bill is rejected , the chief executive will continue to be chosen by the 1,200-member committee , which is composed of representatives of industrial and social groups .

  16. 党的十七大通过的新党章,首次改用社会组织来涵盖原有的社会团体和社会中介组织,实际上将新社会组织也囊括在内。

    Party Constitution approved by the 17th Party National Congress firstly uses the concept social organization instead of social association and social intermediary organization , actually including the new social organization .

  17. 本文的关注点主要侧重于社会力量对于设计价值传播过程的参与,并通过对设计共同体这一连接职业团体和社会力量的媒介的强调,展示设计的社会学研究的必要性和可能性。

    The dissertation mainly concerns about the social forces that are involved in the process of cultural spreading . Meanwhile , it demonstrates the necessity and possibility of sociological research of design .

  18. 第四部分从公民宗教形成的社会氛围入手,着重分析了美国多元化的宗教信仰、规模化的宗教团体、社会化的宗教活动以及普遍化的宗教观念。

    Part IV from the social atmosphere which forms civil religion start , having analyzed the wide range of religious beliefs , scale religious organization , socialization activities , and universalization concepts .

  19. 其主体包括了政府、社会团体以及社会公众,其内容涵盖了政治、经济、文化、教育、医疗等社会生活的各个方面。

    Its main body that including the government , social organizations and the public , which covers political , economic , cultural , education , medical care , etc. all aspects of social life .

  20. 课程设计远远不是人才培养规格的事情,更不仅仅是一项技术性的问题,而是各种政治力量、党派团体以及社会思潮、教育派别角逐的问题。

    Course design is not at all a simple question of talent specifications or a technical one , but a struggle among various political forces , parties , groups and ethos and educational factions .

  21. 声誉是指一个人、一个企业或一个团体在社会公众头脑中所留下的总体印象,作为人类社会中的一种普遍现象,在实际生活中发挥着重要的作用。

    Reputation means the overall impression of a person , an enterprise or a group left on the public . As a common phenomenon in the human society , it plays an important role in real life .

  22. 第五十二条国家鼓励社会团体、社会文化机构及其他社会组织和个人开展有益于受教育者身心健康的社会文化教育活动。

    Article 52 The State encourages public organizations , social and cultural institutions , other social organizations and individuals to offer social , cultural and educational activities that are conducive to the sound development in body and mind of educatees .

  23. 道德思想发展的普遍趋势是:由个体到团体、社会、民族、国家,再到世界,罗尔斯的道德正义思想也循此三环节。

    It is a universal trend that morality theory develops from individual to a group , a society , a nation and a country , and finally to the world . Rawls ' Moral Justice Idea is also in accordance with these three steps .

  24. 他的理论进一步帮助人们认识到道德、道德主体的历史维度;叙事的重要性可以帮助人们理解道德洞见获得的过程性;一、对人们理解宗教团体与社会公共生活的关系的启发。

    Hauerwas ' theory further helps people realize the historical dimension of moral subject ; the significance of narrative is to help people understand the process of acquisition of moral vision . 2 , It gives us a revelation to understand the relationship between the religious community and social life .

  25. 会谈将涉及教会、人权团体和其他社会组织。

    The talks will extend to the church , human rights groups and other social organizations

  26. 企业事业组织、社会团体及其他社会组织和个人,可以通过适当形式,支持学校的建设,参与学校管理。

    Enterprises , institutions , public organizations , other social organizations and individuals may , in appropriate ways , support the development of schools and participate in their management .

  27. 企业事业组织、社会团体及其他社会组织和个人依法举办的学校及其他教育机构,办学经费由举办者负责筹措,各级人民政府可以给予适当支持。

    With respect to schools and other institutions of education established and run by enterprises , institutions , public organizations , other social organizations or individuals , their operating expenses shall be raised by the respective sponsors ; the people 's governments at various levels may provide them with appropriate support .

  28. 第四十五条国家机关、军队、企业事业组织、社会团体及其他社会组织和个人,应当依法为儿童、少年、青年学生的身心健康成长创造良好的社会环境。

    Article 45 State organs , units of the army , enterprises , institutions , public organizations , other social organizations and individuals shall , in accordance with law , create a good social environment for children , adolescents and students so that they may grow up healthy both physically and mentally .

  29. 统计表明这个团体对中国社会有非常重要的贡献。

    Statistics show that the group has already made a significant contribution to China 's society .

  30. 民间团体致信息社会世界高峰会议的宣言(2003年12月8日,日内瓦)

    Civil Society Declaration to the World Summit on the Information Society ( Dec. 8th , 2003 , Geneva )