
tuán duì huó dònɡ
  • group activities
  1. 参加许多团队活动,你会有很多发生恋情的机会。

    Emotional relationships will be plentiful if you attend group activities .

  2. 团队活动试图集中在架构工作,接口定义以及组件的再分解上。

    Group activities tend to be focused on architectural work , interface definitions , and the re-factoring of components .

  3. IBM已经使用OLIVE举行团队活动和会议。

    OLIVE is used by IBM early adopters for team events and meetings .

  4. E-mail是必填项,因为Jazz可以发送团队活动的电子邮件信息。

    The e-mail address is a required field because Jazz can send e-mail notification of many of the team 's activities .

  5. 评估是作为团队活动进行的,而不是由Scrum管理员或者产品所有者决定的。

    Estimation is done as a team exercise and is not determined by the scrum master or product owner .

  6. 我推荐你在有可能的情况下开发属于自己的团队活动。

    I recommend you develop your own exercises where possible .

  7. 他们每三个月会组织团队活动来加强团队精神。

    They go on team building activities every three months .

  8. 参加团队活动会对你有利并可从中获得重要信息。

    Involvement in groups will be favorable and lead to valuable information .

  9. 他们参入整个团队活动并帮助队员们更好的完成他们的活动。

    They engage the whole team and help the team own the project .

  10. 另一个当前受欢迎的建设团队活动是彩弹射击。

    Another currently popular team building exercise is Paintball .

  11. 体育是团队活动,如何为了一个共同目标而携手共进;

    Sports are about teamwork , how to work together toward a common goal .

  12. TIC&适用于车间的有效的团队活动

    TIC - The Effective Team Work for Workshop

  13. 尤其是使用模拟营销软件的竞争性团队活动,激发了亚当斯的想象力。

    In particular , the competitive team games using marketing simulation software captured his imagination .

  14. 医疗保健是一项团队活动。

    Healthcare is a team-based activity .

  15. 我曾在一家跨国化工公司,带领100名高管参加远离工作的团队活动。

    I once led an offsite with the top 100 leaders at a multinational chemical company .

  16. 非专门途径,包括在学科教学中渗透人格教育、在班级团队活动中渗透人格教育和环境熏陶。

    Amateurish ways , including creating suitable environment , among teaching of different subjects and class activities .

  17. 让你的员工在团队活动中穿上统一优质的团队服装,相信您会发现您获得的将是更大的成功。

    You will also definitely achieve great success if the employees wear uniform high-quality in team activities .

  18. 活动第一天,大会为参加者安排了一连串紧凑的团队活动。

    Organized by Group Human Resources , the camp featured an intensive first day of creative team-building exercises .

  19. 你将大量投入到团队活动中,但并非会给你带来好处。

    You will have a greater involvement in groups ; however , they may not be to your advantage .

  20. 迎新日的其他活动包括学生成长任务及生活模式评量、团队活动、个人蜕变工作坊和活力校园等。

    Other orientation programmes were devoted to developmental task assessment , team-building games , personal transformation workshops and campus dynamics .

  21. 有必要参加一些运动方面的团队活动。与政府机构打交道时要谨慎。

    You need to get involved in groups that offer physical activities . Take care of any dealings with government agencies .

  22. 团队活动部分,则安排了小组问题研讨、实地考察访问、学生论文展示、与会者互动交流、成果集中展示等。

    Attendees will have the opportunity to investigate these issues in-depth through plenary sessions , panel sessions , seminars , and case-studies .

  23. 在巨大的电视屏幕上收看流媒体节目,要比在个人电脑上收看节目更像是一种“家庭或团队活动”。

    Watching internet-streamed programmes on a big television screen rather than on a PC makes it a " family or group activity " .

  24. 即使是像在体育运动这样的团队活动中,我们也会选出每项运动的全能明星和最优秀选手。

    Even in team settings like sports , we single out the All-Stars and the MVP ( Most Valuable Player ) of each game .

  25. 这项研究证实,人们认为公开、协作、灵活的日常工作方式比一次性的团队活动更有价值。

    This research confirms that people place more value on open , collaborative and flexible ways of working every day than one-off team-building exercises .

  26. 第二,我经常进行团队活动,并进行指挥,我相信我有能力在以后把一个企业管理的很好。

    Second , I often team activities , and took command , I believe I have the ability after a enterprise management is very good .

  27. 很多受访者称,他们更喜欢让公司专注于建立更助人的工作氛围,而不是花大把的钱组织团队活动。

    Many said they would prefer firms to concentrate on building a more supportive atmosphere at work , instead of splashing out on team-building activities .

  28. 创建和部署一个新的网站是一项团队活动,它需要客户、雇主、其他设计师和开发者的共同参与。

    The creation and deployment of a new website is almost always a team activity comprised of clients , employers , other designers , and developers .

  29. 交际法通过个人、搭档和团队活动来帮助学生在现实生活场景中变得更积极。

    CLT is an approach that helps students be more active in real life situations through the means of individual , pair and group work activities .

  30. 学校不仅鼓励学生要精于学业,同时也鼓励学生积极参与学校组织的丰富的文体活动以及领导团队活动。

    We encourage our students to not only excel academically but to participate in the many different sporting , cultural and leadership activities that each school provides .