
tuán tǐ sài
  • team event;team competition;team race
  1. 在1996年奥运会上,团体赛取代了单人赛和双人赛。

    In the1996 olympics , a team competition replaced the solo and duet events .

  2. 早在1939年国际羽联决定设男子团体赛。

    In early 1939 , the International Badminton Federation wanted to set up a men 's team competition .

  3. 在这次羽毛球团体赛中,中国男女队双双夺杯。

    Both china 's men 's team and women 's team carried off the first prizes in the badminton championships team events .

  4. 此前维多利亚•彭多顿(VictoriaPendleton)与杰西卡•瓦尼斯(JessicaVarnish)在女子自行车团体赛半决赛中虽轻易取胜,但因技术犯规而出局,男团的胜利可以算是某种弥补。

    It was some recompense for the earlier relegation of Victoria Pendleton and Jessica Varnish for a technical offence in the semi-final of the women 's team sprint , which they had just easily won .

  5. 森本诚说,日本能在柔道赛场上夺得4枚金牌;男子体操队有望在团体赛中夺冠,并靠内村航平(KoheiUchimura)在单项比赛中夺金。

    Morimoto says Japan can win four goldmedals in judo , and the men 's gymnastics team is looking for gold with Kohei Uchimura in theindividual event and in the team event .

  6. 哪个国家可获得团体赛冠军?

    Which country will is the possible champions for team events ?

  7. 有汤姆斯杯,是男子团体赛,女子团体赛是尤伯杯。

    There are Thomas Cup for men , and Uber Cup for women .

  8. 乒乓球团体赛赛制沿革及新赛制应对策略

    Evolution of table tennis team match system and countermeasure to new match system

  9. 甚至团体赛项目的任何一个队都可以既有男性又有女性。

    Even any team of the team events can consist of both sexes .

  10. 在男女团体赛中他们都是第二名。

    They came second im both the men 's and women 's team events .

  11. 我们荣获女子拔河团体赛第一名。

    We were very honored to win first place in the women 's team tug-of-war competition .

  12. 在团体赛中,每位获奖的参赛运动员也将获得全额奖励。

    In the question of team sports , eachparticipating athlete also receives a full medal bonus .

  13. 在随后的第二天,他又在3000米团体赛中率领芬兰人取得胜利。

    And finally , the next day he led the Finns to victory in the 3,000-meter team race .

  14. 赢得戴维斯杯团体赛冠军的法国队庆贺自己的胜利,并有机会受到总统加奎斯·希拉克的接见。

    France 's winning Davis Cup team celebrates success and gets the chance to meet President Jacques Chirac .

  15. 个人赛中的得分被用来决定哪个队可以参加团体赛。

    Scores from the individual round are used to determine which teams can compete in the team competition .

  16. 乒乓球男子团体赛中的多目标灰色局势决策

    Applying the Grey State Strategy of Multitarget to the Fielding of Players in Table Tennis Men 's Team Event

  17. 安妮:戴维斯网球杯锦标赛是国际网球联合会主办的国际网球男子团体赛。

    Annie : The Davis Cup Tournament is a team competition between men organized by the International Tennis Federation .

  18. 在去年的联合会杯团体赛中,你曾经对于莎拉波娃进入俄罗斯队表示了自己的不满。

    Q.At the end of last year you expressed some discomfort with having Maria Sharapova on the Fed Cup team .

  19. 俄罗斯在花样游泳团体赛中夺冠,包揽花游两枚金牌,获得奥运三连冠。

    Russia has won the team event and swept both gold medals in synchronized swimming for the third consecutive Olympics .

  20. 男子和女子体操比赛由许多项目组成,包括个人赛和团体赛。

    The men 's and women 's competitions incorporate a wide-range of exercises , spread across individual and team events .

  21. 邹凯,男子团体赛金牌得主,周日晚赢得男子自由体操冠军。

    Zou Kai , a gold medalist in the men 's team event , won the floor exercise Sunday night .

  22. 最受瞩目的汤姆斯杯和尤伯杯羽毛球团体赛将于是5月12日至于21日举行。

    The Thomas Cup and the Uber Cup , the most coveted team competition will be held on May 12-21 .

  23. 四强逐鹿&第26届世界体操锦标赛男子团体赛述评

    Four Strong Teams Vying for the Throne & Review of the Men 's Team Competition in the 26th World Gymnastics Championship

  24. 在以后的奥运会比赛中,团体赛使用新赛制5-3-3制,对运动员向全能方向发展提出了更高的要求。

    After the Olympic Games , the team using the new format 5-3-3 system , which drive the athletes develop to the all round direction .

  25. 观众观看了男子跳台滑雪从不列颠哥伦比亚省惠斯勒,星期一,2010年2月22日,加拿大大山团体赛。

    Spectators watch the Men 's ski jumping team event from the large hill in Whistler , British Columbia , Canada on Monday , Feb.22,2010 .

  26. 报名费每人港币900元,包括两项赛事(三段或以下及五人团体赛)及三月二十一日(星期六)当晚酒店住宿(单人房),包早餐及酒店服务费;

    HKD900 per head x2 events inclusive of1 night of hotel accommodation on the21st March sat ( single occupancy only ) with breakfast and hotel service charges included ;

  27. 采用专家访谈法和问卷调查法对“六三三”赛制进行剖析,研究结果表明:“六三三”赛制使团体赛竞争呈现出不稳定性,竞争更加激烈。

    Adopting expert interview and questionnaire , this paper analyzed the " six-three-three competition system " and pointed out that this system made the team competition more unstable and fierce .

  28. 在上个月刚刚率领西班牙队战胜美国问鼎戴维斯杯的莫亚,今年却不会出现在戴维斯团体赛的赛场上。莫亚1月12日宣布,今年将不代表西班牙参加戴维斯杯的比赛。

    Carlos Moya , who led Spain to victory over the United States in the Davis Cup last month , is skipping this year 's event to concentrate on Grand Slam tournaments .

  29. 由于肩伤,前全能冠军梅美尔被迫退出女子全能比赛,同时柳金只能参加团体赛和高低杠的卫冕。

    Chellsie Memmel was forced to withdraw from her all-around title defence because of a shoulder injury , while Anastasia Liukin was limited to the team event and her uneven bars defence .

  30. 本文概述了第25届奥运会女子团体赛情况。独联体队以其技术成熟,实力强大,个个都是全能型运动员,保持了女子体操的霸主地位。

    The paper summarizes the women gymnastics team competition in the 25th Olympic Games , With mature techniques and powerful strength , the Unified team still keeps the overlordship in the world women gymnastics .