
tuán zhǎng
  • regimental commander;head (or chief, chairman)of a delegation, troupe, etc.
团长 [tuán zhǎng]
  • (1) [regimental commander]∶团指挥官(处于团指挥或主管地位上的人)

  • (2) [head (or chief, chairman)of a delegation, troupe, etc.]∶代表团、剧团等的负责人

团长[tuán zhǎng]
  1. 他们从团长那里接受命令。

    They took their orders from the regimental commander .

  2. 一个骑马的人带着团长的命令蹄声嗒嗒地飞驰而来。

    A rider came pounding up with an order from the regimental commander .

  3. 米尔斯当过团长。

    Mills was regimental colonel .

  4. 陪审团团长宣布判决结果时,旁听席响起了掌声。

    There was applause from the public gallery as the foreman of the jury announced the verdict .

  5. 联合公报是由双方代表团团长签署的。

    The joint communiqu é was signed by the heads of both delegations .

  6. 团长下令紧急集合。

    The regiment commander ordered ( or gave orders for ) an emergency muster .

  7. 一九二二年考入湖南陆军军官讲武堂,毕业后在湘军任营长、团长。

    Hunan army officer admitted to the military academy in1922 , after graduating from Hunan Renying chang , the head .

  8. 中国驻欧盟使团团长张明表示,中国跃升为欧盟第一大贸易伙伴,充分体现了中欧经贸合作的强劲韧性。

    The surge in China-EU trade fully speaks for the strong resilience of China-EU economic and trade cooperation .

  9. 参加气候变化谈判的美国代表团团长在6月17日表示,在《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)后续协议中,美国应在温室气体减排方面起带头作用。

    The US would take a lead role in cutting greenhouse gas emissions in a successor to the Kyoto Protocol , the head of the US delegation to climate change talks said on the 17th June .

  10. 被评为之间的交锋勒布朗和DJ草莓,远期为团长的马里兰州和儿子,前大联盟棒往前推草莓。

    Billed as a matchup between LeBron and DJ Strawberry , a forward headed for Maryland and the son of former big-league slugger Darryl Strawberry .

  11. 团长Ambury地区公园在春季,以满足新的羔羊。

    Head to Ambury Regional Park in spring to meet the new lambs .

  12. 欧盟观察团团长凯希尔(VeroniquedeKeyser)周二在朱巴宣读观察团的结果时,南苏丹官员的脸上洋溢着笑容。

    There were smiles on the faces of Southern Sudan officials when the head EU observer , Veronique de Keyser , her team 's findings Tuesday in Juba .

  13. FARC代表团团长伊万·马尔克斯命令道,哥伦比亚全国范围内的所有游击组织在和谈进行期间停止一切武装行为。

    Ivan Marquez , leader of the FARC delegation began by ordering all guerilla units across the country to cease all offensive operations as peace talks got underway .

  14. 美国代表团团长、财政部长汉克保尔森(hankpaulson)承认,“有人怀疑此次对话能否实现一些实质性目标”,但他表示,此次高级会谈必须有“切实的成果”。

    Acknowledging there was " scepticism that this dialogue will accomplish anything of substance " , Hank Paulson , US Treasury Secretary , who was leading the delegation , said the high-level talks had to produce " tangible results " .

  15. 第一个代表团到印度参观,由JorgeSampaio(联合国秘书长防治结核病特使,葡萄牙前总统)担任团长。

    The first of these took place to India around the Global Fund Board meeting , led by Jorge Sampaio the UN Secretary General 's Special Envoy to Stop TB and the former President of Portugal .

  16. “联合国军司令部欢迎与朝鲜的这一会谈,它带来了双方建立互信、防止误解的前景,”联合国代表团团长、美国空军少将约翰尼达(johnnyweida)说。

    " The UN command welcomed this discussion with North Korea which holds the prospect for building trust and preventing misunderstanding between the two sides , " said major general Johnny Weida of the US air force , who lead the UN delegation .

  17. 那年秋天他被任命为团长。

    That autumn he was placed in command of a regiment .

  18. 团长:嗯,你这么做是对的。

    Mom : 'Well , you have done the right thing .

  19. 国家地震局派出了以副局长陈为团长的13人代表团出席会议。

    The State Seismological Bureau sends a 13-member delegation headed by Prof.

  20. 她是访问尼日利亚贸易代表团的团长。

    She is the leader of the trade delegation to Nigeria .

  21. 那位穿军装的人恐怕就是团长了。

    The man in the army uniform will be the regiment commander .

  22. 代表团团长叙述了他们此行的目的。

    The delegation leader gave an account of his commission .

  23. 这个代表团的团长是财务部长。

    This delegation is headed by the Minister of Finance .

  24. 过了一会团长开着威利斯赶到了我们连&他是个让人讨厌的军官。

    And here our regiment commander comes in a Willys-an unpleasant man .

  25. 取得了什么成果?六方会谈韩国代表团团长魏圣洛也在北京访问。

    The ROK chief negotiator to the Six-Party Talks is also visiting .

  26. 当团队人数成长至12位,团长再成立另一个新的团队。

    When team grow to12 persons , leaders form another new team .

  27. 在她给团才讲自己的梦想时,团长注意到了她的举止。

    The leader observed her action as she told him her dream .

  28. 韩国益山市舞蹈团成立于1996年,团长是著名的舞蹈家李吉珠教授。

    Iksan City Dance Company was founded in1996 with a standing dance composer Prof.

  29. 这个代表团由我们的外交部长任团长。

    The delegation was headed by our Foreign Minister .

  30. 观察(问题等)不精细的人格鲁吉亚问题副特使/观察团团长

    Deputy Special Envoy for Georgia / Head of Mission