
  • 网络Unity Party;NUP
  1. 1990年,军政府支持的民族团结党(前身为缅甸社会主义纲领党),再次呼吁士兵们支持民族团结党。

    In1990 , the current junta supported the National Unity Party ( formerly the Burmese Socialist Programme Party ), and soldiers were again urged to support the military 's preferred party .

  2. 在播出大量电视竞选广告之后澳大利亚在竞选国会议员时很少出现这种情况他的帕尔默团结党(PalmerUnitedParty)有四名成员获得了众议院议员席位。

    Four members of his Palmer United Party secured seats in the House of Representatives after a bonanza of television campaign advertising rarely seen in Australia for parliamentary seats .

  3. 中信最近针对帕尔默提起法律诉讼,帕尔默去年被选为澳大利亚议会议员,通过他所在的帕尔默团结党(PalmerUnitedParty)影响澳大利亚参议院的权力。

    The Chinese company recently launched a legal action against Mr Palmer , who was elected to parliament last year and holds the balance of power in the Senate through his Palmer United party .

  4. 没有自由团结党,拉迪科娃无法进行她需要的投票。

    Without SaS , Ms Radicova did not have the votes she needed .

  5. 即使是亲军政府的民族团结党也抱怨联邦巩固发展党获得国有财产和设施的单方面支持。

    Even the NUP complained about the unilateral campaigns of the USDP , which has access to state-owned property and facilities .

  6. 我们团结党内外、国内外一切可以团结的力量,目的是为了什么呢?

    What is our objective in uniting with all the forces that can be united , inside and outside the Party and at home and abroad ?

  7. 齐贝吉总统的民族团结党与奥廷加的橙色民主运动签署的协议要求两党平份内阁职位。

    A power-sharing agreement between President Kibaki 's Party of National Unity and Odinga 's Orange Democratic Movement calls for Cabinet ministries to be evenly divided between the two .

  8. 齐贝吉总统的民族团结党成员将出任许多主要的部长,包括金融部长、国防部长、外交部长、国内安全部长和司法部长。

    Members of President Kibaki 's Party of National Untiy will hold on to many of the key ministries , including finance , defense , foreign affairs , internal security and justice .

  9. 民族团结党行政机关成员之一吴奇莱,曾经抱怨说,他想要一个公平的竞争环境,但联邦巩固发展党有许多优势和享有政府的支持。

    U Chit Hlaing , one of the executive members of the NUP , has complained that he wanted a level playing field , but the USDP has many advantages and enjoys government support .

  10. 副总统穆西约卡将留任。他在选举中从奥廷加的橙色民主运动中分离出来,并且从那以后一直与齐贝吉总统的民族团结党结成联盟。

    Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka , who split from Odinga 's Orange Democratic Movement , known as ODM , during the campaign , and who has since allied with President Kibaki 's Party of National Untiy will keep his position .