
  • 网络University of Costa Rica;Universidad Empresarial de Costa Rica
  1. RicardoRadulovich是哥斯达黎加大学的海园项目的主任,该计划是由世界银行资助的。

    Ricardo Radulovich is director of the Sea Gardens Project at the University of Costa Rica , which is funded by the World Bank .

  2. 哥斯达黎加大学孔子学院是中美洲第一所孔子学院,为增进两国人民相互了解和友谊提供了重要平台。

    The Confucius Institute at the University of Costa Rica is the first of its kind in Central America , and it has provided a platform for promoting understanding and friendship between the two countries .

  3. 都说猫有九条命,可是这只小猫的性命也差点没了:这只小猫掉落天花板,跌进了哥斯达黎加和平大学里正在进行的一场演讲之中。

    A cat came within a whisker of losing one of its nine lives when it came crashing through a ceiling during a lecture at the aptly named University of Peace , in Costa Rica .