
  • 网络United Fruit Company
  1. 企业一直深深地介入政治:从1954年联合果品公司(UnitedFruitCompany)参与推翻危地马拉政府,到该公司1961年支持入侵古巴猪湾(BayofPigs);从游说议会,到向竞选公职的候选人提供日常经费。

    Companies have always been deeply engaged in politics , from the United Fruit Company 's involvement in the overthrow of the Guatemalan government in 1954 and its backing of the 1961 Cuban Bay of Pigs invasion to legislative lobbying to the everyday funding of candidates for office .

  2. 追溯奇基塔公司的起源可到19世纪90年代末,当时还是联合果品公司,把操控着一些的中美洲国家戏称为“香蕉共和国”。

    Chiquita traces its origins to the late 1890s and the United Fruit Company , which treated some of the Central American countries it operated in as banana republics .