
  • 网络National Federation Party;NAP;Nation Alliance Party;Ikatan
  1. 津巴布韦首都哈拉雷市西南郊区一个工人聚居区的一位菜贩说,她被迫去投票,因为两天前,非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线党的一夥年轻人告诉她,如果她不参加投票,她就会失去自己的营业执照。

    A vegetable vendor in a working class suburb southwest of Harare said she had been forced to vote because she said ZANU-PF youth told her two days ago if she didn 't she would lose her trading license .

  2. 争取民主变革运动发言人沙米萨说,选民还被警告说,非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线党的武装民兵会检查他们的小拇指,查看上面是否有投票站用的粉色印油,这显示他们已经投票。

    MDC spokesman Nelson Chamisa said that voters have been warned that armed ZANU-PF militia will check to see if their little fingers are colored pink from the dye used in polling stations to mark those individuals who have voted .