
mín zú chā bié
  • Ethnic differences;national distinction
  1. 语言差别加深了隐藏于民族差别之中的交往障碍。

    The communication barriers implicit in ethnic differences are frequently heightened by language differences .

  2. 你不能使用任何的语言攻势他人,有民族差别主义者或猥亵的语言都是违反规则的。

    You must not use any language used which is offensive , racist or obscene .

  3. 提出了构建符合发展规律的、适合我国具有民族和地域差别的信息技术教育系统。

    The information technique education system that matches the law of development and fit for our country with race and region difference is put forward .

  4. 哈族新生儿体格发育优于汉族可能与种族差异、哈族新生儿中经产儿比例大于汉族及两民族食物构成差别等因素有关。

    We think that the physical development of Kazak newborns better than Han newborns was due to racial difference and new borns of multiparas in Kazak more than those in Han was due to the composition of food and so on .

  5. 全球经济一体化的到来,在不断提高和丰富着产品与服务的数量、种类的同时也愈加淡化了国家之间的界限、民族之间的差别,使世界成为真正意义上的地球村。

    The arrival of global economic integration , in a rich and continuously improve products and services , amount and type at the same time more to play down the boundaries between countries , ethnic differences make the world a true sense of the global village .

  6. 所有斯里兰卡民族保持了明确差别的性别角色分工。

    All ethnic groups in Sri Lanka preserve clear distinctions in the roles of the sexes .

  7. 闽方言,又称闽语,是汉语七大方言中与民族共同语普通话差别最大、语言现象最复杂、内部分歧最大的一个方言。

    Abstract : Fujian dialect , also calls Min language , is Chinese seven calls the turn naturally with the common national language standard spoken Chinese difference is biggest , the language phenomenon to be most complex , an internal divergent biggest dialect .