
  • 网络sister;Sister Lotus
  1. 芙蓉姐姐,今夏霎时红遍中国。

    Suddenly this summer , Sister Lotus is all over china .

  2. 芙蓉姐姐彻底转型啦!

    The transformation of Sister Lotus is now complete .

  3. 这是芙蓉姐姐的粉丝!一只公的大鼠!

    This is a male rat , a fan of Sister Furong .

  4. 一些社会学家认为芙蓉姐姐能够对中国青少年产生好的影响;

    Some sociologists warn that Sister Lotus cannot be good for China 's teenagers ;

  5. 尽管备受争议,但芙蓉姐姐的玉照在网上达到了上百万的点击率。

    Hotly debated on Chinese-language Web sites , her saucy photos get millions of hits .

  6. 开发商应该讨教“芙蓉姐姐”:如何一下蹿红楼市?

    Developers should be sought " Fu Yung sister ": how to jump red chamber city ?

  7. 芙蓉姐姐表示自己计划明年举办个人演唱会,但苦于找不到赞助商。

    She says she plans to hold a solo concert next year but complains that she can ` t find sponsorship .

  8. 然而,这个东南亚团体在中国娱乐圈的走红似乎走的是芙蓉姐姐和“美国偶像”淘汰者孔庆祥的路线。

    However , the Southeast Asian musicians ' rise to Chinese stardom is more akin to that of Sister Lotus or William Hung 。

  9. 但从7月初开始,中国大街上的报刊亭随处可见有关芙蓉姐姐的报道。

    But by the beginning of July , Sister Lotus appeared to be looking out from the magazine racks at every newsstand in China .

  10. 昨天我在芙蓉姐姐的博客上写了个评论,具体内容他(她)也帮我复制了在该评论的横线上方。

    I wrote a comment on Furong 's blog yesterday , the one copyed it in his or her comment ( above the line ) .

  11. 芙蓉姐姐的瘦身故事鼓舞了全世界许多美女们,同时新的问题又出现了&为什么厂商不找她做减肥广告呢?

    Sisters all over the world are surely being inspired by this fat-to-fit story , which raises the question , how come advertisers won 't touch her ?

  12. 她的蜕变引起网友强烈反响:“连芙蓉姐姐都减肥成功了,你还好意思胖下去吗?”

    Her total makeover has generated the Internet meme : " If Sister Lotus can lose weight , how do you have the effrontery to stay fat ?"

  13. 大众传媒与审美文化&从芙蓉姐姐审丑教育的真人秀谈起

    The Mass Medium and the Aesthetic Culture & A talk from the real-people show of the education of appreciating the ugly in " Sister Furong ( Lotus )"