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  • 网络furong town;Hibiscus Town
  1. 芙蓉镇笼罩在恐怖当中。

    Hibiscus Town were shrouded in terror .

  2. 这一部分用民俗学和修辞学的理论来分析古华作品中的俗语歌谣和修辞,并且探讨它们在描绘湘南民俗风情中的重要功能。五、从方言看《芙蓉镇》描绘的风俗民情图画。

    The part will analyze proverb songs and rhetoric in the works by the theory of folklore and rhetoric , and probe their important functions in portraying folk customs in the South of Hunan . Fifth , the customs of the picture from dialect in " Hibiscus Town " .

  3. “穷开心,浪快乐”,谁作孽?&论《芙蓉镇》中的秦书田和王秋赦。

    On Qin Shutian and Wang Qiushe in Furong Town ;

  4. 对人的历史的探询&再谈电影《芙蓉镇》

    Inquires to person s history & Discuss it later movie " Cotton rose Town ";

  5. 《芙蓉镇》可以说是谢晋最具代表性的作品。

    " Furong Town " may say that is Xie Jin the most representative work .