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tài bó
  • Taber;a surname
泰伯[tài bó]
  1. 本论文给出了部分相干光情形下的通用分析方法,同时为后续各类x射线成像平台的性能分析奠定基础。2.一维X射线泰伯干涉仪是目前相衬成像的研究热点。

    Our thesis presents a general analysis for the study of X-ray partial coherence , and paves the way for subsequent performance analysis of X-ray imaging platforms . 2 .

  2. 我认为将是一首歌点头打算在未来的CC的泰伯利亚的,玩的游戏,结果实际上证明是一个CC的国歌的主打歌曲:红色警报。

    What I thought would be a song intended for NOD , in the next C C Tiberian based game , in fact turned out to be an anthem title track for C C : Red Alert .

  3. 报道说,前述北京理科状元李泰伯吃惊地发现,他已经被哈佛(Harvard)、耶鲁(Yale)、斯坦福(Stanford)等美国名牌高校拒录。

    Li Taibo , the Beijing science top scorer , was surprised to discover that he had been rejected by Harvard , Yale , Stanford and a number of other top American colleges , according to reports .

  4. 基于Ronchi光栅的泰伯效应,在理论上分析了温度场的波动对长焦距测量系统稳定性的影响。

    On the basis of Talbot effect of Ronchi grating , the influence of temperature on the stability of the measuring system of long focal length has been theoretically analyzed .

  5. 泰伯摆出一副古代那种骑士风度的样子。

    Tabor took on the air of a knight of old .

  6. 弘扬泰伯&季札精神促进和谐社会建设

    Tai Bo and Ji Zha for the Construction of Harmonious Society

  7. 基于泰伯效应的高斯光束尺寸测量

    A Scheme Based on Talbot Effect for Measuring Gaussian Beam Spot

  8. 泰伯衍射光场的三维分布特征

    Characteristics of the Three Dimensional Distribution of Talbot Diffraction Field

  9. 你有没有看到有两个人去泰伯山谷?

    Have you seen two people on the way to Tembo valley ?

  10. 默雷取消了下达给罗伊斯和泰伯利特的进攻命令。

    Murray canceled the attacks to be made by Roise and Taplett .

  11. 泰伯?我早就认为你一向不喜欢这条狗。

    Tabor , I thought you always hated him .

  12. 《论语·泰伯》篇载孔子以“大”论尧。

    In Analects of Confucius-Tai Bo , Confucius regarded Yao as " great " .

  13. 我还想要回泰伯的那本日记。

    And I want tauber 's diary back .

  14. 二维斜周期阵列的分数泰伯效应

    Fractional Talbot Effect of 2D Skewed Periodic Array

  15. 这些结果对泰伯成像和阵列照明器的设计有重要的参考价值。

    These results are very useful for Talbot-imaging and the design of array illuminators .

  16. 离焦量和非单色光对二元相位光栅泰伯像的影响

    The Influence of Defocus Length and Quasimonochromatic Line on Talbot Image with Binary Phase Gratings

  17. 现在奥卡空袭能够直接击毁泰伯利亚精炼厂或者重创科技中心。

    Now Orca Strike can directly destroy a refinery or seriously damage a Tech Center .

  18. 分数傅里叶变换产生分数泰伯效应

    Fractional Talbot Effect under Fractional Fourier Transform

  19. 温度对长焦距测量精度的影响泰伯&莫尔法测量长焦距系统的焦距

    Focal length measurement of holographic lens Effect of temperature on measuring system of long focal length

  20. 脉冲和连续多色光源照明下光栅泰伯效应的等价性

    Equivalence of Talbot Effect of the Grating Illuminated by the Pulsed Laser and Continuous Polychromatic Light

  21. 泰伯效应对激光并行共焦显微系统成像影响的研究

    Research on the influence of Talbot effect on the imaging in laser parallel confocal microscopy system

  22. 泰伯效应光学照明阵列

    The Talbot effect optical array illuminators

  23. 利用平面波衍射的角谱理论,分析计算了二元相位光栅衍射光场的空间分布,特别讨论了离焦量和非单色光对泰伯像的影响。

    The spatial distribution of Fresnel diffraction field of binary phase gratings is analyzed by using RSD theory .

  24. 基于分数泰伯效应,利用泰伯光栅实现了高效率的空域色分离。

    Based on fractional Talbot effect , Talbot grating is adopted to realize spatial color separation with high light efficiency .

  25. 还有作品写到的人文历史人物,如泰伯,梁鸿,西施。

    There are works written in the human historical figures , such as Tabor , Hong Liang , Xi Shi .

  26. 意大利庆祝新年方式独特,一群跳水者跳入冰冷的泰伯河。

    Italians welcomed the New Year with a splash as a group of divers jumped into the icy Tiber River .

  27. 迈克•泰伯,黄金投资者如果你手头有一万美元,你可购买金币或金条。

    MIKE TEMPLE , GOLD INVESTMENTS It 's best if you 've got 10000 dollars to either buy bullion coins .

  28. 本文提出了一种基于泰伯效应的测量方法,只需测定条纹间隔就能确定高斯光束尺寸,因此降低了对光源或光栅定位精度、电路和光源稳定性的要求。

    This characteristic reduces the requirements to location of grating or light source and the stability of electrical circuits and light source .

  29. 本文主要是计算了在平面波、高斯平面波和发散球面波这三种不同的光波照明条件下的正弦光栅的菲涅耳衍射光场的空间分布特征和泰伯效应的不同表现情况。

    Here , the spatial distribution of Fresnel diffraction field and different Talbot effects of sinusoidal grating are presented , under three different illuminating conditions .

  30. 泰伯表示:如果看到证交会对若干策略和交易做法进行审查,我不会感到奇怪。

    I would not be surprised to see the SEC take a look at a number of strategies and trading practices , says Mr Tabb .