
tài dǒu
  • a leading authority;leading scholar of the times
泰斗 [tài dǒu]
  • [leading scholar of the times] 泰山北斗,比喻德高望重或有卓越成就而为众人所敬仰的人

  • 学者仰之如泰山、北斗。--《新唐书.韩愈传赞》

  • 京剧泰斗

泰斗[tài dǒu]
  1. 在晨星公司(MorningStar),正如策略泰斗加里•哈默尔解释的那样,每位员工都会与受其工作影响最大的同事协商签署“谅解协议”。

    At morning star , as strategy guru Gary Hamel explains , every employee negotiates a " letter of understanding " with the colleagues who are most affected by his or her work .

  2. 不管你是名不见经传的会计师还是呼风唤雨的行业泰斗,每当一个Windows程序无法正常运行时,电脑都会一视同仁地蹦出一条提示:请向微软(Microsoft)汇报此错误。

    Be you a lowly clerk of accounts or a mighty captain of industry , when a Windows program crashes , you 'll see a pop-up with an offer to ' tell Microsoft about this problem . '

  3. 美国社会科学界的泰斗詹姆斯·Q·威尔逊表示,虽然两党之间的分歧在越战期间就已存在,但直到布什时代,两党才彻底决裂。

    Wilson , one of America 's leading social scientists , notes that , although bipartisanship may have declined in the Vietnam era , it was not until the Bush era that it utterly collapsed .

  4. 近30年来,苹果公司(Apple)的联合创始人与微软公司(Microsoft)的联合创始人都称得上是个人计算领域内的泰斗,他们有时是不共戴天的竞争者,有时又是一个战壕里的盟友。

    For nearly three decades the co-founder of apple ( AAPL ) and the co-founder of Microsoft ( MSFT ) were the twin pillars of personal computing & at times fierce competitors , at times key allies .

  5. 现代宏观经济理论界泰斗罗伯特卢卡斯(RobertLucas)谴责了批评者们的无知,他解释称,不可预知事件的经济后果是不可预测的。

    Robert Lucas , doyen of modern macroeconomic theory , decried critics for their ignorance , and ex ­ plain ­ ed that the economic consequences of unpredicted events were unpredictable .

  6. 早些时候,他的导师,也就是体育用品公司耐克(Nike)的合伙创始人,泰斗级人物比尔•鲍尔曼,曾鼓励他“改项”,也就是跑3英里赛(5公里)而不是1英里赛。

    Early on , his coach and Nike co-founder , the amazing bill Bowerman , encouraged him to " change the game " by running the 3 mile ( 5K ) instead of the mile .

  7. 在1901年,爱因斯坦首次由化学界泰斗WilhelmOstwald提名奥斯卡。WilhelmOstwald那时九年之前还拒绝过爱因斯坦要他帮忙找份工作的请求。

    He was first nominated for the prize in1910 by the chemistry laureate Wilhelm Ostwald , who had rejected Einstein 's pleas for a job nine years earlier .

  8. 广告界泰斗大卫.奥格威(DavidOgilvy)对品牌的定义是:品牌是一种错综复杂的象征,它是品牌属性、名称、包装、价格、历史、声誉、广告方式的无形总和。

    The advertising master David Ogilvy said , brand is a complicated symbol and an assembly of something intangible , which include brand attribute , brand name , packaging , price , history , reputation and advertising .

  9. 让-保尔·萨特(Jean-PaulSartre,1905-1980)曾经是法国知识界的泰斗,被誉为20世纪最杰出的思想家之一。

    Abstract : Jean-Paul Sartre , ( 1905-1980 ) was once the authorities of French intellectual circles , praised as one of " the most remarkable thinker in the 20th century " s.

  10. 与五名家人在香港一套小公寓里长大的林隽永师从香港芭蕾舞界的泰斗王仁曼(JeanM.Wong),从7岁开始在她创办的芭蕾舞学校的一个小型分校上舞蹈课。

    He grew up in a small Hong Kong apartment with five relatives and started taking dance lessons at age 7 at a small branch of a chain of schools run by Jean M. Wong , the grande dame of the territory 's ballet teachers .

  11. 他曾经被誉为诗坛泰斗。

    HE was once referred to as the Picasso of poetry .

  12. 打个比方说吧,他是人中的泰斗。

    Figuratively speaking , he 's a giant among men .

  13. 在英国的戏剧作家中鲜有人能否认莎士比亚文学泰斗的地位。

    Among English playwrights , few would deny that Shakespeare holds sway .

  14. 白酒科学大宗师&深切缅怀酒界泰斗周恒刚先生

    Mourn for ZHOU Heng-gang & Great Master of Liquor Science

  15. 贝聿铭:现代主义建筑的泰斗

    Bei Yuming : An Eminent Scholar of Modern Architecture

  16. 地学泰斗黄土之父&访国家最高科学技术奖得主刘东生

    Leading authority of geology , and father of loess

  17. 中国酒界泰斗秦含章

    Leading Scholar in Chinese Wine Industry & QIN Han-zhang

  18. 而我们拒绝的论文常常是那些声名显赫学者,甚至包括学术泰斗。

    And we commonly reject papers whose authors happen to include distinguished or'hot'scientists .

  19. 在巴西,热拉尔多绝对可称为动漫界的泰斗。

    In Brazil , Geraldo definitely be called the dean of the animation industry .

  20. 周老,他在天堂里微笑&祭白酒泰斗周恒刚先生

    ZHOU Heng-gang , Smiles in the Paradise & Memorial Paper of Liquor Master-ZHOU Heng-gang

  21. 科技泰斗&我国著名化工专家侯德榜博士

    Dr. Hou Debang & Master of Science and Technology , Famous Expert in Chemical Engineering

  22. 你知道文坛泰斗亚瑟科南道尔和罗伯特伯恩斯有哪些共同之处吗?

    What do literary greats Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Robert Burns have in common ?

  23. 学习温特教授写的这本书,他是莎士比亚研究的文学泰斗。

    Read this book by Professor Winter & he 's a top gun in Shakespeare research .

  24. 京剧泰斗程长庚发起了一次“整饬装具”运动。

    The Peking Opera Master Cheng Changgeng launched a movement of redressing modernizing the drama costumes .

  25. (甚至连武术泰斗也必须承认,自己的武功几乎防范不了枪弹的攻击。)

    ( Even the martial arts supremo must realise his skills are little help against a gun . )

  26. 摄影泰斗亚当斯凭两幅《月升》登上了艺术的高峰。

    The most famous photographer Adams reached the summit of art by two photos named " Moon Rise " .

  27. 下列课堂摘要提供各教授所司主题的概述,而每位教授都是该研究领域之泰斗。

    These lecture summaries provide overviews of the topics covered by the professors , each of whom is a leader in their field .

  28. 不知道他的黄土给这位地理学泰斗留下了多恶劣的印象。

    He had no idea what kind of bad impression his loess had left on this star in the firmament of geography scholars .

  29. 钱德勒是美国商业历史学界的泰斗,他几乎一人首创了大型企业的发展史。

    Mr Chandler was the dean of American business historians , the man who more or less invented the history of the big corporation .

  30. 当然,我是指德国音乐,如众所周知,主要是从巴赫到贝多芬,从贝多芬到瓦格纳等音乐泰斗。

    German music as we must understand it , particularly in its vast solar orbit from Bach to Beethoven , from Beethoven to Wagner .