
miàn bāo fánɡ
  • bakery;baker-shop;bakehouse
  1. 克林面包房11月份烤的面包比平常多50%。

    In November , Clean 's bakery produced 50 percent more bread than normal

  2. 考古队还发现了一个大型面包房,“包括烤炉和储存食物的陶器”,面包房的规模表明这里曾经为“数量庞大的工人和雇员”提供食物。

    The team also found a large bakery , " complete with ovens and storage pottery , " whose size suggests it was used to cater to a " very large number of workers and employees . "

  3. 它们是刚出炉的。我早上去面包房买回来的。

    They 're freshly baked . I fetched them from the baker 's this morning .

  4. 我们现在坐在巴黎14区一家面包房改造的、名为LesJardinsdePaulHa的熟食店,托马斯皮凯蒂(ThomasPiketty)已经咬了一口一只煮老了的鸡蛋。

    We are at Les Jardins de Paul Ha , a bakery turned deli in the 14th arrondissement , and Thomas Piketty is already biting into a hard-boiled egg .

  5. MetroBurgerBar餐厅位于A厅安检之后的区域,它的汉堡用的是PatLaFrieda的牛肉。SixBlocksBakery面包房在B厅的登机口附近供应曼哈顿巴尔萨泽面包店(BalthazarBakery)的点心。

    Post-security in the A gates , Metro Burger Bar uses Pat LaFrieda beef , and near the B gates , Six Blocks Bakery serves pastries from Balthazar Bakery in Manhattan .

  6. Ambrosia面包房圆满完成了任务。

    The Ambrosia Bakery delivered beautifully .

  7. RuthHins在她曾经生活过的Cantagalo的里约贫民窟开有一个杂货店和面包房。

    Ruth Hins owns a grocery store and bakery in the Rio de Janeiro favela of Cantagalo , where she used to live .

  8. 在厨房里辛苦劳作了几个小时后,比特纳先生徒步奔向了联合广场(UnionSquare),在面包房BreadsBakery购买了几块长时间发酵、新鲜烘培出来的酸面包,以此表达了对美国低碳水摄入者和低麸质摄入者的蔑视。

    After a couple of hours in the kitchen , Mr. Buettner defied the carb-avoiders and gluten-dodgers of America by dashing over to Union Square on foot to score several loaves of long-fermented , freshly baked sourdough at Breads Bakery .

  9. 美食游有六七个停靠点,包括普瓦拉纳面包房(PoilâneBakery),这里地下室碳烧炉做出的味道浓烈的大酸面团与83年前并无二致;

    Among the half-dozen or so stops are Poil â ne Bakery , which has been churning out the same large wheels of tangy sourdough from its basement wood-burning oven for 83 years ;

  10. Grocerant(便利厨房)其实就是设在超市里的餐馆,是店内面包房的升级版,但与外卖食品窗口又有所不同。

    Essentially grocerant is a restaurant inside a supermarket , a natural enough progression from in-store bakeries and a subtly different take on the take-out food outlet .

  11. 菜单上的三道菜包括一盘应季水果,比如李子和木瓜;来自法式面包房Balthazar的面包篮,以及含有格兰诺拉燕麦片的酸奶。

    The three choices are served à la carte , and include a plate of in-season fruit such as pluots and papayas , a pastry basket from the French bakery Balthazar and yogurt with granola .

  12. 那里的披萨又薄又亮,几乎是透明的。面团来自著名的PierluigiRoscioli面包房,馅料来自附近家庭自营的SalumeriaRoscioli熟食店。

    The pizzas , so thin and light they 're nearly translucent , are made with dough from the celebrated baker Pierluigi Roscioli and with toppings from the family-owned Salumeria Roscioli nearby .

  13. 大约四个月之前,他通过初步寻找,在村外离Paiyagala镇不远的地方发现并承租了一个被遗弃人的面包房。

    Scouting around he found and rented an abandoned bakery about four months ago , away from his village , closer to the interior of the Paiyagala town .

  14. 海森堡面包房的舒马赫太太&你记得她?

    Heisenberg Frau Schumacher in the bakery - you remember her ?

  15. 采购:烘焙配料,食品配料,面包房用果酱。

    Buy : Bakery ingredients , Food ingredient , Bakery jam .

  16. 队伍从面包房延伸到拐角处。

    The line of people stretched from the bakery to the corner .

  17. 所以,法国的面包房每天早晨都在烘烤新鲜的法棍。

    So the baguette is made every morning in bakeries across France .

  18. 在菲利普港湾开一家面包房的那个人。

    A man who had a bakery in port philip .

  19. 因为在我们的城镇里这没有“面包房”。

    Because in our village there is no'bread house ' .

  20. 假设你在面包房,哪种饼干好吃?

    Suppose you are in the bakery , which cookie sounds good ?

  21. 一家德洛丽丝面包房开张。

    There 's a spot open at Dolores ' bakery .

  22. 她曾在当地面包房工作过。

    She used to work in the local bakery .

  23. 我可以把飞机带到面包房去吗?

    Can I take a plane to the bakery ?

  24. 玛格诺丽亚是以西村的一个面包房店名而命名的,这是他俩夫妇相遇的地方。

    Magnolia is named for the West Village bakery where the couple met .

  25. 他宁愿躲着肉铺老板和面包房老板。

    He preferred standing off the butcher and baker .

  26. 到面包房去买面包。

    And to the bakery for bread and rolls .

  27. 星期一,他去面包房。

    On Monday , he goes to the bakery .

  28. 面包房刚出炉的松饼走吧

    Fresh muffins at the bakery . Come on !

  29. 能有多少穿着面包房的制服的女士能看起来象女神?

    How many women can look like a goddess in a bakery uniform ?

  30. 我们在市中心的一家小面包房买的。

    We got it at this little bakery downtown .