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  • dough figurine
  1. 桃源人家民间工艺大汇展:剪纸、沙画、糖人、面人、糖葫芦等。

    Folk arts & crafts demonstration by peach orchard families : paper cutting , sand picture , sugar-coated figurine , dough figurine , sugar-coated berry , etc.

  2. 以Moore型双极珍珠面人工股骨头置换术治疗各类髋部疾患24例共25髋,对其中21例作了9个月以上、平均2年8个月的随访,治疗满意率95.45%。

    Hips in 24 cases of coxa disease were treated with replacement by artificial femoral of Moore bipolar peal pow - der . The effective rate was 95.455 from the following - up survey for 2 years and 8 months of average over 9 months for 21 cases .

  3. 采煤工作面人的操作可靠度分析与确定

    Analysis and ascertainment of people 's operation reliability at coal face

  4. 一项简单却特别的手工艺就是做捏面人。

    One simple yet special craft is making dough figures .

  5. 无骨水泥固定珍珠面人工髋关节置换术&实验研究和初步临床应用

    Cementless fixation of pearl surfaced hip arthroplasties & Experimental study and clinical application

  6. 制作捏面人的方法有两种。

    There are two ways to make dough figures .

  7. 我是个体面人,你去打听好了。

    I 'm a decent guy , ask anyone .

  8. 综采工作面人&机系统可靠性与作业环境的研究

    Study on the Reliability of Man-Machine System of Fully-Mechanized Mining Face and Working Environment

  9. 中国民间艺术之一&面人,已引起了世人的关注

    " Dough figuring , a part of Chinese folk art , has attracted public attention "

  10. 作为情感丰富的人类,我们不自觉地要使生活的方方面面人性化。

    As emotional human beings , we feel a compulsion to personalise most aspects of life .

  11. 面塑是中国的一种民间工艺,俗称面人或者江米人。

    Dough Figurines are Chinese traditional art form and is commonly known as sticky rice flour toys .

  12. 我觉得我必须答复体面人的利益,制止任何猜测发生了什麽。

    I feel I must reply in the interest of decent people and to stop any guesses about what has happened .

  13. 他就是北京著名手工艺家族“面人郎”的第三代传人&郎佳子彧。

    His name is Lang Jiaziyu , and he comes from a family in Beijing that is famous for making dough figurines .

  14. 我不是跟你开玩笑。你是个体面人,30块的加钱很合理。

    I 'm not kidding , but we are making a fair deal & 30 yuan is quite acceptable for a decent man like you .

  15. 在本论文中,针对于此,作者把放顶煤综采工作面人-机-环境融合为一个三维系统,对其进行综合评价。

    In this paper , the analyse and studies of top-coal caving fully-mechanized face system in man machine environment - a three dimension combined is established .

  16. soony--哦,沿着这条街往前走三个街区有一个小公园。这个时候那里面人不多。

    soony -- Well , there 's a little park down the street about three blocks . It 's usually not crowded this time of day .

  17. 过去在新奥尔良城,或在其他城镇中,多十只有在那些“体面人”不会涉足的地方才能听到爵士音乐。

    In New Orleans , and in other towns in the United States , jazz was most often heard in sections of the town where respectable citizens were not supposed to be seen .

  18. 结合开滦马家沟矿9723工作面人-机-环境系统分析,探讨了提高系统可靠性和生产能力的有效途径。

    According to the analysis of the man machine environment system of the face No. 9723 at Majiagou mine in Kailuan , effective measures for enhancing the reliability and production capacity of this system are discussed .

  19. 多年来,在太多次场合,我看到父亲撕掉报纸上关于一些他从未谋面人的故事,他们正面遭受不公或面临困境。

    Over the years , on too many occasions to count , I saw my father tear stories out of the newspaper about people whom he had never met who were facing some injustice or hardship .

  20. 由于在长期城市化影响下,武汉市城市湖泊湿地表现出湖泊面积萎缩、水体污染、富营养化、水陆交界面人为干扰严重等问题。

    Due to the influence of long-term urbanization , urban lake wetlands in Wuhan are faced serious problems , such as areas reduced , pollution , eutrophication , man-made interference the interface of water and land .

  21. 多年来,在太多次场合,我看到父亲撕掉报纸上关于一些他从未谋面人的故事,他们正遭受不公或面临困境。

    Over the years , on too many occasions to count , I saw my father tear stories out of the newspaper about people whom he had never met , who were facing some injustice or hardship .

  22. 他认为从开罗到拉各斯都有遭受恐怖袭击的危险,并称蒙面人部队计划在911袭击周年时策划对马格利布的袭击活动。

    He said the threat of an attack spread from Cairo to Lagos and claimed the Masked Men Brigade is plotting to use the planes in attacks on a Maghreb state on the anniversary of 9 / 11 .

  23. 针对这个复杂系统,运用模糊结构元的方法,通过对机械、环境、人三个子系统的可靠性分析,得到采煤工作面人-机-环境串联系统模糊可靠度。

    Aiming at the complex system , the structured element applied by people , machines , environmental three subsystems , and calculating reliability of series system that is machine-environmental-people , namely the fuzzy reliability of production system , Get the reliability model of analysis and evaluation .

  24. 采用计算机可视化模拟技术,基于人机工程学理论和方法,对综采工作面人机系统进行了研究,并研制开发了计算机模拟软件,为综采工作面研究的深入和扩展,提供了新途径和新方法。

    This paper studies the human_machine system of fully mechanized coal face applied computer visual simulation and based on theory and method of ergonomics , the computer simulation software is developed . It developed a new aspect and way for working on fully mechanized coal face .

  25. 综合应用系统可靠性、灰色系统理论和模糊数学方法,研究了放顶煤综采工作面人-机-环境系统可靠性,得到了割煤系统和放煤系统可用度的计算公式

    Based on the application of systematic reliability and grey system theory and fuzzy mathematics method , the reliability of the man machine environment system of caving fully mechanized face is studied , and the calculating formulas of the effectiveness of extraction system and caving system are also given