- homespun;nankeen;russet;handwoven cloth;hand loomed (hand spum,handwoven) cloth;étoffe du pays;nankin

[russet;handloomed (hand spum,handwoven) cloth;nankeen;nankin] 乡下人从前用的褐色或本色的手工纺织粗布
Most of them still wore the homespun clothes in which they had left their farms .
Homespun is a cloth of coarse weave .
After reform and opening-up , the textile industry of traditional nankeen disappears in people 's memory gradually .
Since the establishment of China , the textile industry of traditional nankeen begins to be abandoned by people .
Kidjo , her salty-sweet voice in top form , moves confidently from ballad to club track to homespun earthmover .
Most of the old villagers still wear clothes made from weaving , dyeing and sewing of their own hands .
The women wore homespun or " linsey-woolsey " dresses , sometimes supplemented by an apron or shawl , and sunbonnets .
Pyrite Formation and Its Controls in Black Shales of the Buxin Formation ( Lower Eocene ) from the Sanshui Basin , Guangdong
On the basis of that , By contrast , discusses the influence of spin by machine on the quality of hand-woven cloth in Nantong .
Someone of his importance obviously didn 't have the time to spend with them , but he detested gingham dresses and homespun suits cluttering up his outer office .
A widely-circulated tale describes Leland and Jane Stanford 's supposed visit to Harvard University 's president , dressed in a suit of homespun cloth and a faded gingham dress .
The settlers that followed the trail blazers on the Great Plains were farmers from " back east " who wore the homemade clothing common to all of the settlements .
I once saw a photo of him . Wearing a cotton coat , he appeared to be very timid with a dull look in his eyes . His appearance was that of a common Chinese seen everywhere in China at that time .
Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties , Yangtze River Delta region has been the important cotton and homespun production areas . This region has become our national cotton textile industry birthplace since the modern times , where the market and trade of cotton and cotton products outshines others .