
  • 网络Replacement;land replacement
  1. 第四章为土地置换:F区城乡一体化新探索。

    Chapter Four is Land Replacement : New Exploration of Urban and Rural Integration in Fengxian District .

  2. 通过对河南Z高校的案例分析,表明缓解高校债务危机仍然是政府主导解决,形成了贴息、短期贷款转为长期贷款、协调土地置换等经验。

    By case analysis of a university in Henan , we find the university debt crisis is still a government-led solution . Subsidies on interest payment , short-term loans transferring into long-term loans , land replacement are the experience .

  3. 城市土地置换开发会产生增值收益。

    Displacement and development of city land can bring added value .

  4. 城市土地置换过程中的土壤环境影响评价探讨

    Discussion on Soil Environmental Impact Assessment of Urban Land Functional Replacement

  5. 天津五大道历史街区动态保护中的土地置换研究

    Land Use Displacement of Dynamic Conservation in Tianjin Five Road Historic District

  6. 城市土地置换过程中土壤污染研究进展评述

    Review on Soil Pollution During Functional Replacement of Urban Land

  7. 发达国家污染土地置换开发管理实践及其对我国的启示

    Contaminated land redevelopment management of developed countries and the inspirations to China

  8. 论利用土地置换方式融资建设城市基础设施

    Talk on Building Urban Infrastructure by Capital from Mode of Land Replacement

  9. 城市土地置换开发项目费用及融资研究

    Discussion on Expenses and Financing of Urban Land Replacement Project

  10. 城市土地置换开发已成为城市发展过程中的重要内容。

    Urban land replacement has become a more important issue in city development .

  11. 第五章为土地置换的效应:乡村社区重构。

    Chapter Five is Effects of Land Replacement : the Reconstruction of Rural Communities .

  12. 重庆城市土地置换问题研究

    Study on replacement of city land in Chongqing

  13. 高校土地置换政策分析

    Analysis of the University Land Replacement Policy

  14. 土地置换和城市持续发展&以济南市为例

    Land Substitution and Urban Sustainable Development

  15. 小城镇的土地置换相对较为复杂,同时也影响着城市与农村的土地管理。

    The land-displaced of town is better complex comparatively and affects land administration in city and countryside .

  16. 城市土地置换开发收益及分配研究&以兰州市南河道周边土地置换开发为例

    Incomes of Displacement and Development of City Land and Their Sharing & In the Instance of LanZhou City

  17. 用足土地置换和土地整理政策,促进集约用地,改革和加强征地管理工作。

    Land transfer and adjustment policy will promote to save land , reform and strengthen land 's management .

  18. 政府在对高校土地置换政策的制定中,高校与政府结成了政策网络,在利益互惠基础上实现了制定政策的目的。

    University and government form a policy network , and make the policy on the basis of their reciprocal interests .

  19. 以土地置换为主要手段的城市空间结构优化研究&以开封为例

    The study of urban space structure optimization with land use displacement as the main measure & a case study of Kaifeng City

  20. 污染土地置换开发是一个复杂的过程,涉及技术、法律、经济和社会等诸多问题。

    The redevelopment of contaminated land is a very complex process , involving many technology , law , economy and society issues .

  21. 利用土地置换方式融资建设城市基础设施是与市场经济相适应的土地运作机制。

    To build urban infrastructure by capital from the mode of land replacement is a land operating mechanism to suit the market economy .

  22. 现阶段我国高校贷款债务的主要化解方式有四种:土地置换、高校偿还、政府偿还和奖补政策。

    At present our country college loan debt main dissolve way has four kinds : land replacement , universities , government pay pay for policy and award .

  23. 南充市改革开放实施以来,由旧城改造、土地置换进入城市振兴,作为川东北区域中心城市的现代大都市特征日益明显。

    Since reforms and open policies were initiated , Nanchong city has been constructed as a center of northeast Sichuan Province by modifying its old districts and selling its land .

  24. 国际上污染土地置换开发的环境管理已有20多年的实践,在污染土地的识别、评价及其处理与管理、法规建设等方面上形成一整套体系。

    With the practice and development of contaminated land replacement for 20 years , many countries have formed a complete system on the identification , assessment , and management of contaminated land .

  25. 但是,在实际中,已经有多个省、市、自治区出台了相关政策允许高校土地置换,即变相上市交易。

    But , in practice , there have been many provinces , municipalities , autonomous regions issued relevant policy allows college land replacement , namely in disguised form of the stock exchange .

  26. 最后针对分析结果,提出通过土地置换、清洁生产、循环旅游等措施改善景区的旅游环境。

    Based on the analysis , to improve the tourism environment of the area , some measures are proposed , such as land exchange , cleaner production , and circular tourism and so on .

  27. 伴随着城市化发展的不断加剧,土地置换作为一种新的土地整理的方式,适应市场经济的要求,能够更加优化土地配置,提高土地利用效率。

    With the development of the city-featured becoming more and more intense , a new way of land-keep , the land-displaced adapts the demand of marked economy , benefits the land-displaced and advances the efficiency of land-used .

  28. 随着社会和经济的发展,广州市老城区面临着土地使用置换和建筑物更新改造的问题。

    With the development society and economy , the old city zones confront the replacement of land use and the renewal of architecture .

  29. 宝鸡市“东岭村”城中村改造更新立足于开放与融合的规划思路,采用城市设计的方法,通过动态的土地功能置换实现城市空间形态的“跳跃式”重塑。

    This paper analyses the renewal mode of Dongling village in Baoji , such as planning ideas of open and harmonization , planning methods of urban design , dynamic replacement of land function .

  30. 论文分析了在土地淹没与置换的胁迫条件下,库区土地资源类型转换的方式与过程;

    In this paper , the ways and process of conversion of land use types under the forced conditions including land submergence and use allocation are analyzed .