
  • 网络Dohe river
  1. 陡河发电厂的机组在经过DCS改造以后,新装的纯电调系统在投入运行后出现了一些典型的故障。

    In the DCS system of Douhe Power Plant through transformation , some typical faults of DEH system occurred frequently since commissioning .

  2. 根据陡河的实际情况,确定化学需氧量和NH3-N作为主要影响因子。

    This paper takes COD and NH3-N as the most important factor based on actual conditions of Dohe river .

  3. 陡河电厂粉煤灰烧结砖生产工艺

    Producing process of sintered brick with coal - fired fly ash

  4. 在陡河电厂的亚临界参数锅炉上已采用了碱处理洗硅与钝化工艺,并取得了良好的经济效果。

    The cleaning process has been applied on a subcritical pressure boiler in Douhe power plant with satisfied economical results .

  5. 计算结果确定了陡河水库左坝肩中的两个较强的集中渗漏位置,估计了三个微弱的集中渗漏大致位置。

    Two intense-leakage passages are located and three slight-leakage passages are roughly located at the left abutment of Douhe Reservoir in this calculation .

  6. 主要河流有陡河、沙河、黑沿子排干、西排干、津唐运河、煤河等。

    The main rivers are Douhe , River , and along the sub-draining , draining the West , Jin Tang Canal , coal River .

  7. 分析电厂运行前后及引滦前后电厂温排水和引滦调水对陡河水库水体富营养化的影响,证明水库温升和库容减少加剧了库区水体的富营养化进程。

    Analyzed are the influences of thermal discharge from a power plant and water diversion from the Luanhe River on the eutrophication of the Douhe Reservoir .

  8. 介绍了陡河发电厂循环水泵房旋转滤网改造的原因、方案以及实施改造后的运行效果。

    This paper introduces the reason and plan of improving rotating filter screen in circulating water pump house in Douhe Power Plant , and the operation result after improvement .

  9. 又名陡河、兴安运河,在今广西壮族自治区兴安县境内。灵渠是世界最早的有闸运河。

    ling Qu , located in the current Xing'an County in Southwest China 's Guan-gxi Zhuang Autonomous Region , was the earliest canal with sluice gate in the world .

  10. 震源区内的陡河台与源外区的昌黎台小震综合机制解反映出震前的受力差异;

    The composite mechanism solutions of small earthquakes recorded by Douhe station , which is in the focal region , is different from that of Changli station , which is outside the focal area .