
  • 网络Doushantuo Formation
  1. 贵州陡山沱组顶部和牛蹄塘组底部的黑层,是贵州最主要的沉积型黑色岩系,赋存有钒、银、钼、镍、钴、铂、铀和稀土元素等矿产资源。

    The black layers which are the most important black sediments located at the top of the Doushantuo Formation and at the bottom of the Niutitang Formation .

  2. 根据朱博士对陡山沱组地质层其他九个部分的研究,他认为氧气的增加正好发生在5.6亿年前的前寒武纪冰河时期,并持续了约900万前。

    Follow-up work by Dr Zhu , in nine other sections of the Doushantuo formation , suggests this surge started just after the final Precambrian glacial period about 560m years ago , and went on for 9m years .

  3. 这一定年结果是目前中国震旦(埃迪卡拉)系陡山沱组底部首次获得的SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄。

    It is the first SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age obtained nearly the base of the Sinian ( Ediacaran ) Doushantuo Formation and represents a maximum age of the Doushantuo Formation .

  4. 葫芦磷矿床位于古丈背斜南西端,含磷岩系赋存于震旦系陡山沱组下部,总厚度10m、分为ABCDEF沉积序列。

    Hulu phosphorus deposit is situated in the southwestern end of Guzhang anticline . The phosphorus-bearing rock series lies in the lower part of Doushantuo Formation of Sinian , with a total thickness of 10m , which can be divided into A-B-C-D-E-F sedimentary sequences .

  5. 锰矿体赋存于陡山沱组(Z1d)顶部,为浅海相沉积菱锰矿床,锰矿体呈层状或似层状产出,层位稳定,其中常因断层重复或局部断失。

    Ore bodies developed in the the top of Doushantuo Formation ( Z1d ) Which is shallow sea facies sedimentary dialogite deposits and the ore body in the stratified or stratoid , stable but often repeat or lost because of faults .

  6. 贵阳马场地区陡山沱组含磷特征分析

    Analyses on the Phosphor-bearing Character of Doushantuo Formation in Machang Area , Guiyang

  7. 云南陡山沱组含矿性及其找矿探讨

    Discussion on ore potentiality of Doushantuo group in Yunnan Province and related ore prospecting

  8. 湘西地区陡山沱组黑色岩石风化与物理力学性质的变化特征

    Weathering degree and properties of Doushantuo group black rock in the west of Hunan Province

  9. 峡东伊迪卡拉纪陡山沱组顶部重晶石特征与地质意义研究

    Barite from the Top Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation in the East Yangtze Gorges Area and Its Geological Implications

  10. 峡东区晚震旦世陡山沱组宏体生物化石生态地层学研究

    A study on macrofossils ECOSTRATIGRAPHY in Doushantuo Formation at the late Sinian in the eastern Yangtze Gorges

  11. 华南埃迪卡拉(震旦)系陡山沱组生物地层学研究的新进展

    New Advances in the Study of Biostratigraphy of the Sinian ( Ediacaran ) Doushantuo Formation in South China

  12. 江西上饶朝阳磷矿新元古代晚期陡山沱组微体化石新材料

    New microfossils from the late Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation at Chaoyang Phosphorite Deposit in Jiangxi province , South China

  13. 贵州瓮安陡山沱组磷块岩生物标志物特征及对沉积环境的指示

    Biomarkers of the phosphorites and their indicators of the sedimentary environments of the Doushantuo Formation in Weng'an , Guizhou

  14. 峡东陡山沱组丝状蓝藻化石的新资料丝状蓝藻原生质球的释放及再生研究

    New material of filamentous fossil cyanophytes from the Doushantuo Formation ( late sinian ) in the eastern Yangtze Gorge

  15. 湘西地区磷矿资源较丰富,主要为赋存于震旦系上统陡山沱组中的磷块岩矿床。

    Affluent P-ore resources in west Hunan occurred mainly in phosphor block rock deposit of Doushantuo Group Upper Sinian System .

  16. 陡山沱组的储集空间有晶间孔隙和裂隙缝洞空间。

    Aperture Couplings of Waveguide The reservoir spaces of the Doushantuo Formation consist of inter crystalline pores and fracture voids .

  17. 玉溪地区震旦纪陡山沱组是该区震旦纪的主要含铜层位。

    In Yuxi region , the Sinian Doushantuo Formation is the main Cu-bearing horizon of sinian strata in this region .

  18. 鄂西宜昌陡山沱组含磷岩系沉积相特征及矿床赋存规律

    Sedimentary facies characters of phosphorus-bearing system of the Doushantuo Formation in Yichang area and distribution regularities of the phosphate deposits

  19. 宜昌陡山沱组碳酸盐岩岩石磁学研究碳酸盐岩基质岩块底水驱替作用分析

    Rock Magnetism of the Carbonates in Doushantuo Formation in Yichang , South China ; RESEARCH ON BOTTOM WATER DRIVE IN CARBONATE MATRIX BLOCK

  20. 在湖北秭归庙河震旦系剖面陡山沱组-灯影组界线层内首次发现了微球粒。

    Abundant micrcspherulites have been recently discovered first in the Doushantuo Formation-Dengying Formation boundary layer of the Miaohe Sinian section in Zigui , Hubei .

  21. 陡山沱组盖帽碳酸盐岩形成于温暖条件下、微咸化海水沉积环境,属潮间&潮下台地前缘斜坡和浅海盆地之间的过渡带。

    The precipitation of Doushantuo cap carbonates was deposited in warm , brackish water , and between the intertidal-subtidal inner ramp and shallow basin .

  22. 对贵州上震旦统陡山沱组‘黑层’中银、铜、钒等金属含量的初步调查

    Preliminary Investigations on the Contents of Ag , Cu , V and Some Other Metals in the Doushantuo Formation Black Bed in the Upper Sinian of Guizhou

  23. 滇东震旦系陡山沱组顶部的砂质砂屑白云岩是一例典型的混积岩,即狭义的混合沉积。

    The sandy dolarenite of the Sinian Doushantuo Formation in the eastern Yunnan Province is a typical example of hunji rock , a mixed sediments in narrow sense .

  24. 陡山沱组和上二叠统煤系烃源对于龙门山前缘的贡献并不大,而下志留统烃源在川西地区缺失。

    The hydrocarbon source of the Doushantuo and upper Permian is less contribute to the front of Longmen mountains , moreover , the lower Silurian hydrocarbon source is deletion in west Sichuan .

  25. 分布于甘肃文县一带的原“碧口群”据岩性、层位特征及微古植物化石厘定为震旦系,并可进一步划分出南沱组、陡山沱组、灯影组。

    The " Bikou group " that distributed in Wenxian county of Gansu , on the basis of the features of lithology and sequence and micropaleoflora , should be named the Sinian .

  26. 本文首次全面地对瓮安磷矿陡山沱组开展沉积学和化石埋藏学的系统研究,化石观察主要通过岩石薄片来进行。

    The principal of this paper is to make a systematic study on the sedimentology of the Doushantuo Formation of Weng'an , Guizhou , and the taphonomy of phosphatized fossils it contains .

  27. 冈底斯中北部晚侏罗世&早白垩世地球动力学环境:火山岩约束贵州瓮安磷矿陡山沱组地层元素地球化学特征

    Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous geodynamic setting in middle-northern Gangdese : New insights from volcanic rocks . The Geochemistry of Phosphorite of Doushantuo Formation in Weng'an , China : Insights from Trace Elements and REE

  28. 但是,由于化石只发现于少数岩石薄片中,因此,这些化石或许只代表峡东陡山沱组局部的生态环境。

    Owing to the fossils are only found from a handful of the thin sections , these microfossils may be represent the parts of the ecological environment from the Doushantuo Formation in eastern Yangtze Gorges .

  29. 为了将这些物种的进化与环境的变化联系起来,北京地质和物理研究的所楚学雷和他的同僚们在陡山沱组岩石里看到了碳同位素。

    To try to link the evolution of these species with changes in the environment , Chu Xuelei of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics in Beijing and his colleagues have been looking at carbon isotopes in the Doushantuo rocks .