
Study on Geographical Zone Feature of Precipitation in the Loess Plateau
Coastal zone joints marine system and land system , so , it is very active and has the most complex phenomenon and activity of the earth surface . Also , it has abundance resource and its environment is very preponderance .
From north China to south China , 32 samples of various types of soil were collected and main ecological factors which might affect the distribution of protease-producing bacteria were studied . Through the study , 491 strains of bacteria were obtained and purified .
It aims to discuss the methods of grassland tourism planning in geographically transitional regions so as to fulfill grassland tourism 's sustainable development .
With the effect of these restricted factors , the woody flora in Henan split into three distrbution patterns , the zonal fringing , the interzonal continous and the areal distributions .
Regional difference potential is regional predominance in environmental conditions , ecological functions and industries , such as that the geographical zonality influences allocation of traditional agriculture .
Under the background of the complex systems theory in the world at present , it is the frontier area of geographic modeling that using Geographic Cellular Automata model to simulate geographic space-time course .