
zì yóu luò tǐ
  • free fall
  1. 因为当m1=0时,m2相当于自由落体运动。

    Because if I make m1 zero , m2 goes into free fall .

  2. 介绍了用VISUALBASIC6.0语言编写的自由落体法测重力加速度(火花计时法)仿真教学软件的主要设计思想和方法。

    The main idea and method to design a teaching software , using visual Basic 6.0 , to measure the gravitational acceleration of a free fall ( spark timing method ) is discussed .

  3. 他的业余爱好是自由落体式跳伞。

    His hobby is freefall parachuting .

  4. 在委内瑞拉,油价的剧跌已使其经济呈自由落体式下滑。

    In Venezuela , collapsing oil prices have sent its economy into free-fall .

  5. 结论NSCs移植有利于大鼠脑自由落体撞击伤后期的功能恢复。

    Conclusion NSCs have effects on rat brain weight-dropping injury .

  6. Q.在地球上的哪个地方跳下去能让你体验到时间最久的自由落体?

    Q. What place on Earth would allow you tofree-fall the longest by jumping off it ?

  7. 方法采用自由落体法致Wistar大鼠顶叶皮质挫裂伤动物模型。

    Methods Brain contusion model that falling body injury method lead to crown cortex of brain contusion in wistar rat was used .

  8. 结果自由落体脑创伤后血清和脑组织中TNF-α含量明显升高;脑水含量显著增加;

    TNF - a in sera and cerebral homogenates brain water content and the morphology of microglia did not change significantly after the fluid percussion brain injury .

  9. 方法SD大鼠250只,采用Feenly自由落体撞击法建立颅脑损伤模型,随机分成六组,于损伤后30min开始给药。

    Methods 250 SD rats with head trauma by the free-falling-body-crash were divided into six groups randomly .

  10. 实验通过改良自由落体撞击装置撞击免胸壁,并加微量脂多糖(LPS)的方法来制成兔的创伤性急性呼吸窘迫综合症(ARDS)模型。

    A rabbit model of trauma-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome ( ARDS ) was established with the impactor and by injected limited lipopolysaccharide ( LPS ) .

  11. 采用自由落体方式制作大鼠脑损伤模型,分别采用放射免疫分析方法及干湿比重法测血浆IL-1、ET值及脑组织含水量。

    The brain injury model was induced by free-falling method , the brain water content was measured with drying wet method , the plasma IL-1 , ET were detected by radioimmunoassay .

  12. 神经干细胞移植对大鼠脑自由落体撞击伤的治疗作用NSCs移植有利于大鼠脑自由落体撞击伤后期的功能恢复。

    Effects of neural stem cells on rat brain weight-dropping injury Transplanted NSCs can survive , proliferate , differentiate and immigrate in traumatic area .

  13. 将衬垫抽象为某一质量m、质心O(a,b)的准自由落体,其运动为自由落体基本运动和绕固定点回转的牵连运动。

    The lining is abstracted to be a quasi freely falling body with mass m and centroid O ( a , b ) ; and its motion , to be basic motion of freely falling body and involving motion revolving around fixed point .

  14. 由于房屋价值如自由落体般直线下跌,两家GSE目前支撑着超过五分之四的美国抵押贷款。

    With the value of homes in free-fall , the GSEs backed more than four-fifths of recent US mortgages .

  15. 方法建立自由落体打击大鼠脑挫伤动物模型,采用TUNEL和Feulgen′SDNA染色方法,结合图像分析技术进行研究。

    Methods The model of brain contusion caused by free drop hammer was established . TUNEL and Feulgen ′ s DNA staining conjoined with image analysis technique were used for exploration .

  16. 方法:采用Feeney自由落体撞击法建立急性局灶性脑挫裂伤模型。

    Methods : Acute regional brain trauma was applied according to Feeney 's apparatus .

  17. 尼尔森全球消费者研究副总裁詹姆斯罗素(JamesRusso)表示:我们不再是2008年第四季度的自由落体状态。

    We 're no longer in this freefall that we were in the fourth quarter of 2008 , said James Russo , vice-president of global consumer insights at Nielsen .

  18. 自由落体条件下三元Ni-Pb-Cu偏晶合金的快速凝固

    Rapid solidification of ternary Ni-Pb-Cu monotectic alloy under free fall conditions

  19. 上周晚些时候发表演讲时,美国国家经济委员会(nec)主任劳伦斯萨默斯(lawrencesummers)表示,今后几个月内,“自由落体的感觉”将会告终。

    In a speech late last week , Lawrence Summers , director of the National Economic Council , said the " sense of freefall " will be over within the next few months .

  20. 方法采用钢球自由落体复制家兔肝脏撞击伤模型,ECT静态和动态采集观察核素显像。

    Methods The model of hepatic impact injury was established in rabbits with a steel ball falling down to the xiphoid process of the animals . Static and dynamic imagings were conducted with ECT using nuclide as the tracer .

  21. 介绍了国家微重力实验室(NMLC)落塔自由落体实验装置。

    The free fall facility of the drop tower of NMLC is introduced .

  22. 方法:采用Feeney自由落体法制成大鼠颅脑损伤模型,健康雌性wistar大鼠60只随机数字法分成移植实验组、培养基对照组、假手术组,每组20只。

    60 healthy female wistar rats will be divided by digital method at random into transplantation experimental group , cultivation experimental group and sham operation group , each of which has 20 rats .

  23. 我们利用自由落体法构建了大鼠的机械性颅脑损伤模型,在伤后的24h内,将EGFP标记的小鼠ES细胞植入到了脑损伤区。

    In this study , we made a mechanical brain trauma model on rats through a free falling way . Within the 24 hrs after insult , we transplanted the EGFP expressing mouse ES cells into the point of strike .

  24. 对自由落体致颅脑伤的大鼠在致伤同时进行腹腔注射硫酸镁治疗,伤后24h测定各组大鼠脑线粒体Ca2+、Mg2+、丙二醛(MDA)含量及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性。

    In the treated group , the magnesium sulfate was administered intraperitoneally immediately following brain trauma . The content of MDA , Ca 2 + 、 Mg 2 + and the activities of SOD in brain mitochondria were measured 24 hours after brain trauma in rats .

  25. 方法建立自由落体脑挫裂伤模型,伤后立即腹腔注射灯盏花素注射液,采用生化检测的方法分别测定伤后4h、24h和48h及各自的对照组大鼠脑组织线粒体ATP酶活性水平。

    Methods The Erigeron Breviscapus was intraperitoneally given immediately following brain trauma resulted from free-falling . The mitochondria were isolated at 4 h , 24 h and 48 h after trauma respectively and the levels of activity of ATPase were measured .

  26. 正常对照组大鼠不予处理,DAI模型组和治疗组大鼠利用自由落体撞击装置对其实施头部撞击致伤,假手术组大鼠进行同样的撞击前的手术及准备,但不予以致伤。

    The rats of the normal control group have no treatment . The rats of DAI model and treatment group suffer diffuse axonal injury after free-fall , the sham-operation group suffer the same impact and preparation before the surgery , but not be injured .

  27. 方法:雄性Wistar大鼠,随机分为假手术(对照)组和脑创伤后3h、12h、24h、72h和7d组,采用自由落体撞击致重型颅脑损伤。

    Methods : Male Wistar rats were randomly divided into six groups ( 6 rats each group ) including controls with sham operation and TBI groups at hours 3,12,24 , and 72 , and on day 7.Parietal brain contusion was adopted using weight-dropping method .

  28. 方法制作大鼠自由落体脑损伤模型,应用免疫组化及ELISA方法,在不同的时程检测脑组织局部淋巴细胞浸润、外周血淋巴细胞的增殖活性、IFNγ及IL-10的含量。

    Methods After execution of brain trauma model in rats by freedrop object , at different periods , we observed the soakage of lymphocytes in the traumatic area , measure the proliferation activity of lymphocytes and the content of IFN γ and 1L-10 in peripheral blood with immunohistochemistry and ELISA .

  29. 方法18只健康犬随机分为3组,采用Feeney自由落体法致犬脑损伤,伤后6h每组给予不同的处理。

    Methods Eighteen healthy hybrid canines ( either sex ) were randomly divided into three groups : hemofiltration group , routine hypothermia group and control group . Animal head injury model was made by Feeney 's method .

  30. 方法从牛脑组织中提取GM1治疗SD大白鼠自由落体脑外伤,测定脑线粒体呼吸功能变化和线粒体、微粒体质膜钙泵活性变化。

    Methods GM 1 was isolated from bovine brain tissues to treat experimental free drop brain injury in Sprague-Dawley rats , and the changes of brain mitochondrial respiratory function and Ca 2 + - Mg 2 + ATPase activity of mitochondria and microsome membrane was determined .