
  • 网络groundwater irrigation
  1. 咸水灌溉下土壤水盐变化的试验研究莱州湾海水入侵区地下水灌溉土壤水盐迁移特征分析

    Analysis of salt and water movements in coastal saline soil in seawater intrusion region under groundwater irrigation

  2. 大部分内陆农民都依靠地下水灌溉土地。

    Most inland farmers rely on underground water for irrigation .

  3. 碱性低矿化地下水灌溉对土壤碱化的影响

    The effect of alkaline ground water with low salinity on soil alkalization

  4. 干旱绿洲长期微咸地下水灌溉对棉田土壤微生物量影响

    Effects of long-term irrigation with brackish groundwater on soil microbial biomass in cotton field in arid oasis

  5. 结果表明,在抽取地下水灌溉后地下水位略有下降,10年后水位降深量仅为0.057~0.11m,可达到动态平衡。

    The results show that the groundwater table will drop down about 0.057 ~ 0.11m in 10 years .

  6. 本项研究采用了定量研究的方法,建立了地下水灌溉系统产权制度创新模型,分析数据来源于作者对河北省3县30个村的实地调查。

    An econometric model on property right innovation is developed and estimated using a unique set of data from randomly selected 30 villages in 3 counties in Hebei Province .

  7. 为了讨论高氟地下水灌溉区的土壤氟吸附规律,本文研究了北方弱碱性土壤对碱性高氟水的氟吸附现象。

    This paper deal with the adsorption of fluoride in alkaline water by soils to approach adsorption of fluoride by soils in the area of agricultural irrigation with high F groundwater .

  8. 分析生物测试的结果,发现灌溉土壤中芳烃受体效应物质的毒性当量浓度最高达97.4ng/kg,明显高于地下水灌溉背景土壤(56.0ng/kg)。

    By bioassay , it was found that the concentration level of Ah-receptor agonists in soil irrigated using reclaimed water could be as high as 97.4 ng / kg , which was obviously higher than that in background soil using ground water irrigation regime ( 56.0 ng / kg ) .

  9. 对于有条件的区域,可采用井渠合灌的方式,利用有限的地面水与地下水一起灌溉。

    In some area , surface water is available , therefore it can uses combined groundwater and surface water irrigation .

  10. 在作物需水不足时,提取地下水补充灌溉。

    The ground - water can be lifted as a supplement irrigation in the condition of crop water demands shortage .

  11. 坎儿井是其中最具有代表性的沙漠地区利用地下水进行灌溉耕种的水利系统。

    Among them , the Karez is the most representative water conservancy system which use of groundwater for irrigation and farming in the desert area .

  12. 这位不愿透露姓名的职员称,高尔夫球场的草地需要清洁的水,所以公司引入地下水来灌溉。

    This staff member who doesn 't want to publish his name says grass from the golf course needs clean water , so the company introduced ground water to irrigate .

  13. 夏灌期,即5月中旬~6月下旬,正好处于银北灌区地面水紧张,采用抽取地下水进行灌溉,解决了地面水紧缺问题,同时以灌代排降低地下水位,腾空了地下库容。

    In summer time irrigation , from the middle ten days of May to the last ten-day of a Jun , water shortage is relative severity , so it is better to utilize the groundwater for irrigation and decrease the water level for groundwater reservoir .

  14. QJ深井潜水泵主要用于抽取地下水,农田灌溉,工业给排水。电潜泵井下水力旋流油水分离系统匹配设计

    Type QJ submersible deep-well motor pumps are mainly used to lift under ground water , irrigation and industrial water supply . The Matching Design of Downhole Oil-water Separation System with Electric Submersible Pump and Hydrocyclone

  15. 砂姜黑土区开发地下水发展补充灌溉的方式特点及效果研究

    Modes and Characters and Effects of Exploiting Groundwater and Developing Supplement Irrigation in Vertisols Area

  16. 地下水埋深受灌溉的影响呈季节性升降变化,最高水位和升降范围年际间保持相对稳定。

    The depth groundwater table , affected by irrigation greatly , changes seasonally and periodic fluctuation between tiptop and lowest groundwater table regularly .

  17. 同时模型根据土壤水贮量变化来模拟月森林水量平衡,它详细模拟了大气降水,地下水、人工灌溉、林分蒸腾量、渗透水量和土壤水之间的动态变化。

    At the same time , in view of the change of soil water storage , it simulates dynamitic change among atmospheric rainfall , groundwater , irrigation , forest transpiration , deep drainage and soil water .

  18. 利用地下水进行农田灌溉时要进行地下水供需平衡计算,以保证农田灌溉用水量,避免造成水利设施和投资的浪费。

    Underground water supply and need balance calculation should be made during the course of using underground water to irrigate farmland to ensure the quantity of water using in order to avoid wasting hydraulic facilities and investment .

  19. 全球性海面升降变化是指一切海洋的世界性海平面的变化。地下水埋深受灌溉的影响呈季节性升降变化,最高水位和升降范围年际间保持相对稳定。

    Eustatic change is pertaining to worldwide changes of sea level that affect all the oceans . The depth groundwater table , affected by irrigation greatly , changes seasonally and periodic fluctuation between tiptop and lowest groundwater table regularly .

  20. 分析了淮北涡河流域砂姜黑土区域降水特征和土壤水文物理性质与土壤易发生干旱的关系,对开发地下水和补充灌溉的几种方式和特点进行了阐述。

    In this paper , the regional precipitation and soil hydrology-physics features of Vertisols in Guohe Valley and the relations of they and the incidental aridity of soil were analyzed , the modes and characters of exploiting groundwater and developing supplement irrigation were expatiated on .

  21. 随着地下水水位下降和灌溉井枯竭,中国的小麦——在全世界小麦产量中独占鳌头——自从1997年产量达到1。23亿旽的峰值之后已经下滑了8个百分点。

    As water tables have fallen and irrigation wells have gone dry , China 's wheat crop , the world 's largest , has declined by 8 % since it peaked at 123 million tons in 1997 .

  22. 年生态用水量为1118~1347亿m3,占总收入水量(地下水入流、灌溉引水和降水量)的45%~49%。

    And ( 3 ) the amount of ecological water use is 11.18 to 13.47 × 10 ~ 8m ~ 3 , which accounts for 45 to 49 % of sum of irrigated water , groundwater recharge and precipitation .

  23. 所以过度取用地下水(要用于灌溉)低了地下水位,使空气得以接触有毒黏土而释放出砷。

    So overuse of groundwater , mainly for irrigation , lowers the water tables , allowing air to reach the contaminated clay and release the arsenic .

  24. 灌区节水潜力有:采取工程措施、调整作物种植结构、开采浅层地下水、改进地面灌溉方式、发展灌水技术、提高灌区节水灌溉管理水平等。

    The potential for water-saving can be exploited rationally by the measures , such as engineering measure , adjustment of crop planting structure , exploitation of shallow groundwater , improvement of the surface irrigation manner , development of advanced irrigation technology and improvement of water-saving management in the irrigation area .

  25. 测试了吉林省大安市苏打碱土区67、2030和6070m3种深度地下水的基本化学特征,对利用地下水灌溉可能引起的土壤盐化、碱化和盐碱化问题及其灌溉适宜性进行了评价。

    Chemical properties of groundwaters ( 6-7,20-30,60-70 m in depths ) at sodic soil areas in Da ′ an City , Jilin Province were measured and soil salinization risk of using the groundwaters for irrigation was analyzed .

  26. 在农灌区引河水通过田间入渗补给地下水。(3)北部盆地,在金塔灌区,地下水主要接受引水灌溉入渗补给;

    In the north basin , groundwater gets water from surface water through irrigation in agricultural land or gets water from river influent seepage through riverbed .