
  • 网络ownership of water resources;water resources ownership
  1. 通过对发达国家以及发展中国家的水资源所有权与使用权制度、水权配置制度、水权交易制度与水市场、法律准则和机构体系等方面的比较分析,得出了一些重要结论。

    Several important conclusions in the paper are arrived at by the comparative analysis on aspects of water resources ownership and usufruct system , water right allocation system , water right trade system and water market , rule of law and institution system , etc. in developed and developing countries .

  2. 我国现行的水权制度主要包括水资源所有权和取水权制度。

    In China , the current systems of water right include the system of ownership of water resources and water in-taking .

  3. 因此,我国的水权包括水资源所有权、使用权和地役权,在水资源的利用中,主要表现为水资源使用权人之间的相邻权关系和地役权关系。

    Easement and neighbor right are important for using water .

  4. 分别研究了水资源所有权和使用权;

    Water resource ownership right and use right are studied .

  5. 我国水资源所有权与使用权完善的研究

    A Study on the Perfection of Ownership and Tenure of Water in China

  6. 水权由水资源所有权派生而来。

    Water rights derive from ownership of water resource .

  7. 首先,对国外水资源所有权理论和立法进行了分析。

    First of all , it reviews foreign theories and legislations on ownership to water resources .

  8. 在水资源所有权方面,全部水资源为公有,不存在水的私有;

    As to the ownership of the water resources , all water belongs to the public .

  9. 从宏观决策角度,论述了水资源所有权、使用权和水市场问题。

    Water resources property right , usage right and water market are discussed from the macroscopic point of view .

  10. 我国的水权制度建设内涵主要由水资源所有权制度、水资源使用权制度、水权转让制度等三部分内容组成。

    Water right system is mainly composed of property right system , water use right system and water right transfer system .

  11. 完成水资源所有权私权属性的回归是水资源物权所有权制度设计的前提。

    The premise of the design of the water property rights system is the return of the private ownership of water resources .

  12. 这一原则过于简单,还应解决与库容所在范围内的土地及库容中的水资源所有权的问题。

    But the principle was too simple . We should also solve the problem concerning land ownership and ownership of water in reservoir .

  13. 学者们对此产生了不同的理解,尤以水权包括水资源所有权和使用权为代表。

    Therefore , the scholars have deferent understandings on water right , which includes the usufruct of water right and the ownership of water right .

  14. 相比较而言,我国现行水权制度还不完善,水权概念不完整,水资源所有权制度不完善,没有建立水权流转制度。

    The current system of water right is not perfect and the concept of water right is incomplete . In addition , the system of ownership of water resources is imperfect and that of the circulation of water resources has not been established in China .

  15. 论我国水资源国家所有权的实现

    On the Realization of the State Ownership of Water Resources of Our Country

  16. 水权的核心是水资源的所有权和使用权。

    The core of water right is the right of possessing and utilizing of the water resources .

  17. 因此,水资源国家所有权,在国与国事务中才能体现所有权中的诸多权利。

    Therefore , the national ownership of water resources can reflect many of the rights of ownership in the state-to-state affairs .

  18. 接下来的问题是:水资源国家所有权属于民法中的所有权吗?

    However , there still exists the problem : does the state ownership of water resources belong to proprietary rights in civil law ?

  19. 有的学者认为水资源国家所有权的性质为民法所有权,也有学者认为其为公法所有权。

    Some scholars insist that the national ownership to water resources is ownership in civil law in its nature , but some insist that it is ownership in public law .

  20. 应明确水资源国家所有权的内涵是其基于主权性质对国内水资源的终极宏观调控管理所有权,而非财产权意义上的所有权。

    National ownership of water resources is defined as ownership of the ultimate macro-control management at home on the basis of sovereign nature , rather than property rights on ownership .

  21. 《物权法》肯定了将水资源国家所有权改造成为纯粹的私权的主流观念。

    In fact , in the history of the state ownership of water resource , civil law has never brought it into private ownership system , it has more public law characteristics .

  22. 水资源国家所有权实现中,不同层次的行为主体之间开展合作是重要的,通过公众参与可保证水资源国家所有权实现的公平。

    It is important for different main bodies of action to cooperate in the realization of state ownership of water resources . Fairness of the realization of state ownership of water resources can be guaranteed through participation of the public .

  23. 因此,水资源的终极所有权和宏观调控管理所有权也就理所当然地由国家享有。

    Therefore , the ultimate ownership of water resources and the macro-control management naturally belonged to the state .

  24. 因为作为政治国家无法亲自利用水资源,所以水资源国家所有权的实现必然通过用益物权来完成,这是一个从归属到利用的过程。

    As a political country , the country can not use water resources directly . Therefore , realization of state ownership of water resources is inevitably fulfilled through right of use . This is a process from ownership to utilization .

  25. 水权利是一组涉水权利,由水资源所有权、水权和其他水权利构成。

    The ownership of water resources is an identical abstract proprietary right among curren .

  26. 因为水资源具有双重价值属性,所以水资源国家所有权承载了两方面的功能,即必须同时实现水资源的经济价值和生态环境价值。

    Because of the dual values that water resources have , the state proprietary right of water resources bears two functions , that is the realization of both the economic value and the ecological value of water resources .

  27. 汲水权、引水权等类型犹如水所有权主体的转换器,其运行使水所有权从水资源所有权中分离出来,转归水权人享有。

    The right to draw and to divert water and other types of water rights are like converters for the subject of ownership of the water . Their operation separates the ownership of water from the ownership of water resources and transfers it to the owners of water .

  28. 我国水资源为国家所有,在水权权系构成中,水资源所有权是第一位的权利。

    In China , the country owns water resources .

  29. 通过分析水资源危机的原因和解决途径,引出水资源配置的法律制度设计,包括水资源所有权的确定、水权的设置和作为水权取得方式之一的用水许可制度。

    By analyzing the causation of water resource crisis and the settlement , the article points out the legal system , including the ascription of ownership of water resources , the creation of the water right and the water permit system .