
shuǐ zī yuán fèi
  • charge for water resources
  1. 试论内陆河流域水资源费的构成与确定

    Components and determination of water price for China inland river basins

  2. 水资源费征收的理论依据及定价方法

    Theoretical base of water resources fee and its pricing method

  3. 干旱区水资源费的构成与确定

    Constitution and Determination of Water Cost in Arid Area

  4. 水资源费是我国水资源管理的重要经济手段。

    Water resources fee is an important economic instrument in water resources management .

  5. 对农业水资源费和水费问题的思考与建议

    Recommendations to the issues related to water resources fees and agricultural water charges

  6. 中央管理水资源费征收的演变与定价因素

    Evolution and pricing factors of collection of water resources fees of central government management

  7. 我国水资源费改革探讨

    Approach of Reforming Present Water Resources Charge

  8. 加强浙江省水资源管理和水资源费征收的思考

    Some Points of Enhancing Water Resources Management and Collecting Water Resources Fee in Zhejiang Province

  9. 立足强化旱季节水,实施水资源费动态征收制度;

    Based on water saving in dry season , implementing changeable water resources fee levy system ;

  10. 水价构成中成本不实、水资源费和污水处理费比重偏低;

    The proportion of fee to deal with wasted water and water resource is too low .

  11. 略论水资源费问题

    Discussion on charges for water resources

  12. 水资源费问题分析

    Analysis of water resources tariff

  13. 水费和水资源费的征收办法,由国务院规定。

    Measures for the collection of water fees and water resources fees shall be stipulated by the State Council .

  14. 通过对现阶段水价存在问题的分析,阐述了由水资源费、工程水价、污水处理费构成完整意义上的全成本水价的概念、测算方法及案例。

    The concept of water rate and method and precedent calculating through analyzing nowadays problem of water rate are expounded .

  15. 对《取水许可和水资源费征收管理条例》配套规章制度建设的建议

    Suggestions on counterpart rules and regulations for " the Administration of Water Abstract Licensing and Collection of Water Resources Charges "

  16. 对外商投资企业免征市政建设配套费、增容费、水资源费、绿化费。

    For foreign-invested enterprises , municipal construction matching fee , capacity-supplementing fee , water resource fee and afforestation fees are exempted .

  17. 基于水资源费的经济学属性,统一同一原水地的水资源费征收标准;

    According to economics features of water resources fee , implementing unified water resources fee levy standard in same water resources area ;

  18. 人工成本以人工工时为动因,折旧费以面积为动因,能源和水资源费以工时为动因。

    Time is the artificial cost driver , area is the depreciation cost driver , man-hour is the energy and water resources fee drivers .

  19. 针对当前水资源费测算的难点问题,提出了水资源费的测算方法和途径。

    In view of the difficulties in determining water resources fee in present , this paper puts forward a methodology to calculate water resources fee .

  20. 水资源费作为一种经济调节杠杆,是市场机制得以实现的前提与基础。

    Water resource fee as one economic adjustment lever , is the prerequisite and foundation of realizing rational distributed of water resource by market mechanism .

  21. 在完善水资源费征收管理制度中,水资源价格是水资源配置市场化的基础和条件。

    In perfecting the collection and management system of water resources fee , water resources price is the foundation and condition of marketability of water resources allocation .

  22. 依据国务院公布实施的《取水许可和水资源费征收管理条例》,依法获得取水权的单位或个人可以依法有偿转让其节约的水资源。

    According to Regulations on Administration of Water Abstraction Licensing and Collection of Water Resources Charges , subjects owning water abstraction rights can transfer the saved water resource with compensation .

  23. 明确了城市水价的四元结构组成,即水资源费、水利工程供水价格、城市供水价格以及污水处理费四部分;

    It is made clear that urban water price is composed of four components : water resources tariff , hydrotechnics engineering tariff , urban water price , and wastewater treatment fee .

  24. 陕西省通过建立水利建设基金、改革水资源费征收管理办法、利用市场吸纳社会资金等多种方式,逐步形成了多元化的水利投资新格局。

    A multi-channel investment pattern of founding water construction funds , reforming management method of water resources fee collection and attracting investment from the market has been gradually formed in the Shaanxi Province .

  25. 随着国家取消农业税以及逐步取消乡统筹、村提留等收费项目,农业水资源费和农业水费问题成为当前农村的一个热点。

    Water Resources fees and agricultural water charges become the hot point of rural areas at present due to the abortion of agricultural tax and gradually abortion of fee collection by townships and villages .

  26. 《取水许可和水资源费征收管理条例》的颁布实施是水法规建设的重大成果,对促进水资源合理开发利用,推进节水型社会建设具有重要作用。

    The promulgation of the Regulations on Administration of Water abstract Licensing and Collection of Water Resources Charges is a big achievement made in water legislation , which plays an important role in encouraging rational utilization and establishing water-saving society .

  27. 根据水价的构成关系,影子价格扣除生产成本和环境补偿费之后剩余的部分即为水资源费。(4)构建了水资源定价模型。

    According to the equilibrium relationship , it is inducted in this paper that water resources fee is the rest part of shadow price after deduction of production cost and environmental compensation tax . ( 4 ) Building of water pricing model .

  28. 除完善自身制度外,本文还对水资源费相关制度的协调与完善以及水资源费征收制度立法形式的完善提出了具体的思路与措施。

    Besides perfecting the charging system of water resource fee itself , this paper also put forward concrete measures and train of thought in the coordination and perfection of the relevant system of water resource fee and the perfection of legislative form of water resource fee .

  29. 可是随着市场经济体制的建立,水资源排污费已经无法与当前的经济体制相兼容,因此出现了众多问题。

    But as the market economy system developing . water and sewage charges can not compatible with the current economic system . which result in many problems .

  30. 事实上我国早在1982年就已经颁布实施相关条例办法,建立了水资源排污费征收制度,并且由环保部门独立测量统计和征收。

    Although in 1982 . the relevant regulations had been promulgated and implemented measures . established a fee collection system for sewage water . which were measured and collected by the environmental departments independently .