- 网络aeration zone;vadose zone;Zone of Aeration

According to particular conditions of Zhanjiang city 's hydrogeological condition , DRASTIC model is simplified specifically and zone of aeration ( thickness , lithology , structure ) as well as topography is selected as assessment factors of shallow groundwater .
Such a traditional division of the zone of aeration is useful for illustrative purposes .
Characteristics of Water-gas Two-phase CO_2 Transport in Unsaturated Zone
Adsorption of Eu (ⅲ) on Aerated Zone Soil
Experimental research on the pH influence of lead and mercury absorption on the soil in the unsaturated zone
Experimental study of the self-purification capacity of COD in the aeration zone layers
Migration of ~ ( 85 ) Sr IN LOESS AERATED ZONE
The experimental result agrees with the general relieving law of COD in the aeration zone layer .
By using the black ? box model , the variation quantity of COD passing the aeration zone layer is determined .
Numerical modeling of ~ ( 85 ) Sr migration in aerated zone with the characteristic of double peak concentration distribu-tion
Model II is a system composed of two horizontal layers . Each layer is homogeneous and the upper layer is more permeable than the lower one .
Theoretical analyses based on the VBA program show that there is a substantial amount of water in the vadose zone at earlier times of drainage .
The paper introduces seven factor of DRASTIC model : Depth of water table , Net recharge , Aquifer media , Soil media , Topography , Impact of Vadose Zone and Hydraulic Conductivity .
Three methods were used in this research . They are water retention curve measurement , field observation of moisture movement and field nuclide migration test used 3H as tracer .
In desert area , the nitrate in the vadose zone is always crucial to the ecosystem , and has directly effect on the safety of groundwater .
Therefore , excessive chemical fertilizers have been used in order to ensure the production . The conduction returns to impact the nitrate in the vadose zone .
Further , Topography through redistribution of water , gas and heat controls the direction of the Cl-migration in the unsaturated zone soil and enrichment region . As a result the soil Cl-content is very significant within the changes in topography .
Thus , it is suggested that in the studies On environmental geology and groundwater pollution control the relative factors should be fully taken into account , including the kinds of contaminants , the kinds and thickness of aeration zone , and the pH value .
This paper represents the study of migration of ~ ( 90 ) Sr and ~ ( 137 ) Cs in a kind of aerated zone soil . The water dynamics nature of this soil was studied by tritium water experiment .
The NO 3 - transportation model predicts that large parts of NO 3 - can pass the 8 m vadose zone and arrive at the aquifer , with the denitrification effect .
These two methods were simultaneously used to study migration of 85 Sr in loess aerated zone .
The field experiments in unsaturated zone were also conducted by using the stable isotope tracers of Sr , Nd and Ce . The results verified such doubles peaks might be caused by the difference of K d between the source and loess layers .
This paper introduces the field migration tests of 237 Np , 238 Pu , 241 Am and 90 Sr in aerated loess , aquifer and engineering barrier materials .
Bioventing ( BV ) is a widely applied bioremediation technology for removal of organic compounds from unsaturated soil . It can be used to treat light and heavy components of petroleum contamination and can reduce the cost of tail gas treatment comparing with Soil Vapor Extraction .
The irrigation water recharges the groundwater through the8D & δ 18O distribution map . Finally , using HYDRUS-1D model simulates the soil water movement in vadose zone after irrigation . From the simulation results , the model simulates much better , reflecting the changing trends of soil water potential .
Effect of Denitrification on Transformation in the Unsaturated Zone of Soil
The permeability coefficient has more difference in different soil layers .
Calculating water resources assessment parameters by using vadose water volume fraction
Study of the mechanism of moisture transport in desert unsaturated zone
Research on the Mechanism of Lead Vertical Pollution in Unsaturated Zone