
  • 网络perched water;perched groundwater;perch ground water
  1. 该文介绍了地基承载力标准值大于120kPa的上层滞水地基,成功采用深层搅拌法加固的实例。

    The paper introduces a practical example of successfully strengthen the ground with perched water of bearing capacity standard value greater than 120 kPa by deep mixing method .

  2. 由于数值模拟的主要目的是分析库水位升降对涉水滑坡体各种力学机制的综合作用结果,本次计算没有考虑降雨以及滑坡体内上层滞水等其它因素影响。

    For the main purpose of the numerical simulation is the comprehensive effect of the mechanisms to the wading landslide caused by the change of reservoir water level , the other factors such as precipitation and perched water are ignored in the model .

  3. 有上层滞水产生的水土压力不同于一般静水情况;上层大气温度变化趋势

    When there is superstratum perched water , water and earth pressure is different from that of static water ; Trends in Annual Average Upper Air Temparature

  4. 减小井间距,增加上层滞水和潜水的入流通道,尤其要在潜水含水层底板低洼处设置降水井将低洼处的残留水引走。

    ( 2 ) Minish the well space and increase transflux routeways upper backwater and driving , especially setup precipitation well and drain residual water at the bottom of diving layer .

  5. 层状岩石边坡倾倒破坏稳定分析中,应计入上层滞水产生的倾倒力矩,这样才能解释倾倒体的许多不规则现象。

    It shall reckon in tilting movement resulting from perched water in the stability analysis of tilting failure of bedded rock slope , thus it can only explain many irregular phenomena of topping mass .

  6. 本文由地下水中上层滞水的基本概念谈起,总结北京地区修建地下铁道和基坑施工时,常常遇到的上层滞水问题,以及近期施工中取得的一些主要经验和认识。

    Starting with the basic concept of stagnant water in the upper and middle layers , this paper presents a summary of the problem often encountered in the construction of subways and galleries in the Beijing area .

  7. 地下水对基坑开挖支护有着重要影响,由于未探明的上层滞水和管道渗漏等支护设计未充分考虑到的水体是引起基坑坍塌的主要因素。

    Groundwater has important effect on excavation support of foundation pits , because the water body not sufficiently taken into account by the support design such as the upper sluggish water and pipeline leaks is the main factor causing foundation pit collapse .