
  • 网络hard rock;Solid Rock
  1. 同时,介绍模型的创新点,在于引入了由变形有关的可变渗透性界面来模拟回填材料和坚硬岩石或混凝土结构之间的关系。

    The simulation presented in this paper is novel because variable permeability interfaces that depend on deformation are introduced to model the contacts between backfill materials and solid rock or concrete structures .

  2. 我急忙寻找可以抓住的东西。我向前一扑,抓住了一块露出地表的坚硬岩石。就在这时,脚下被午后阳光照射的发热的页岩表层开始松动,从山上滑了下去,消失在峭壁上。

    Desperately , I looked for something that would offer support and lurched forward to grasp a light outcropping of solid rock just as the surface shale underfoot - loosened from its foundation by the warm noonday sun - cascaded downward and disappeared over the cliff .

  3. 坚硬岩石巷道掘进合理掏槽型式的探讨

    A discussion on the rational cutting types in hard rock driving

  4. 预裂控制爆破技术在坚硬岩石爆破中的应用

    The Application of Presplit Controlled Blasting Technique in the Hard Rock Blast

  5. 静态破碎技术在开挖坚硬岩石中的应用

    Application of Static Fragmentation Technique in Excavation of Hard Rocks

  6. 坚硬岩石中井巷掘进的斜眼与直线掏槽

    Inclined hole and Straight Cuts for Raising and Drifting in Hard Rock

  7. 坚硬岩石条件下九孔掏槽方式的数值模拟研究

    Numerical Simulation on 9-holes Cutting Mode in Hard Rock Mass

  8. 极坚硬岩石条件下冲击钎杆的动力谐响应分析

    The Dynamics Harmonic Research on Rock Percussion Drilling Steel Rod in Super-hard Rock

  9. 混合掏槽技术在坚硬岩石巷道掘进中的应用

    Application of Combined Slotting in Driving Hard Rock Roadway

  10. 立井井筒坚硬岩石爆破设计

    Blasting Design on Stiff Rock of Vertical Well Tube

  11. 坚硬岩石巷道中深孔爆破技术的应用

    Application of Deep Hole Blasting in Hard Rock Tunnel

  12. 坚硬岩石巷道掏槽爆破技术研究与应用

    Research and application of the cutting blasting technology of roadway excavation in hard rock

  13. 复合坚硬岩石巷道塌陷段监控的研究与应用

    Study and application of monitoring for subsiding area in a composite hard rock roadway

  14. 新集风井坚硬岩石爆破技术

    Blasting Technique of Hard Rock in Airshaft

  15. 坚硬岩石一次爆破成井掏槽方式的数值模拟研究

    Numerical simulation on cutting mode of shaft excavation by one-step deep-hole blasting in hard rock

  16. 他们把发现有钻石的坚硬岩石叫作蓝色脉岩,因为它的颜色有点蓝。

    The hard rock in which diamonds are found is called blue ground , because it is somewhat blue .

  17. 大陆是巨大的比较轻的岩石板块,漂浮在构成大部分地壳的坚硬岩石的上面。

    Continents are vast masses of light rock floating on the heavier rock that makes up most of the earth 's crust .

  18. 你看。山脉是在地壳板块交接的地方形成的,地壳板块是覆盖地球的坚硬岩石厚片。

    You see , mountain ranges form in places where tectonic plates meet - those are the thick sheets of rigid rock that cover the earth 's surface .

  19. 冲击旋转钻井技术这一被认为是破碎坚硬岩石最有效的方法目前在石油钻井界得到了普遍重视。

    The percussive rotary drilling technology being the most efficient way to break up the hard rocks has been highly thought of by oil drilling circles commonly at present .

  20. 电动挖掘机是矿山、水泥行业及水利建设露天工地用来挖掘矿石和坚硬岩石的大型铲装设备。

    The electric excavator is a large shovel equipment which is used to dig hard rocks andores in opencast site of mine , cement industry and water conservancy construction .

  21. 本文分析了爆破法开挖公路路堑坚硬岩石周边眼爆破参数设计的一般方法,提出了合理爆破参数确定的计算公式。

    The method of blasting parameter design of high strength rock of surrounding holeS in highway excavation is discussed in this paper , which includes formulas for blasting parameter determination .

  22. 结果,松软岩石处的河道比坚硬岩石处的河道低。悬崖和瀑布形成了。

    As a result , the channel in the soft rock becomes lower than the channel in the hard rock . ( 2 ) A cliff and a waterfall are formed .

  23. 波切台的表面较平坦,其上常覆有沙、砾等海积物,或残留有较坚硬岩石形成的海蚀柱、海穹等海蚀地形。

    Hakiri Taiwan 's surface relatively flat , on which often covered with sand , gravel and other sea sediments or residues have a more hard rock columns formed by marine erosion , sea Qiong sea erosion .

  24. 借助于灰色理论构建了优选岩巷掏槽爆破方案的方法,并将该方法应用于现场的坚硬岩石巷道爆破掏槽方式的选择中,取得了较好的效果。

    This paper presents the method of optimizing cutting blasting plan of rock roadways by means of grey system theory , and applies it to choose cutting blasting methods for hard rock roadways and achieves better effect .

  25. 本文介绍了坚硬岩石小爆破截面条件立交桥桥脚桩基孔的爆破方法,可为同类施工提供借鉴。

    This paper presents a method of demolishing the footing of overpass bridge pier by means of blasting under conditions of hard rock and narrow excavation space with a view of giving reference for same kind demolition .

  26. 花岗石划线平台是用岩石材料做成的平板,所用岩石材料为具有精细颗粒、结构致密的花岗石、辉绿岩、辉长岩等自然界的坚硬岩石。

    Granite crossed platform is made of materials with rock , rock materials used for flat plate with fine particles , structure compact granite , fai green rocks , fai long hard rock , rock of nature .

  27. 在高胆岩石(坚硬岩石或含低矿化度孔隙流体的岩石)中,高频电磁方法已经提供了煤层中煤气燃烧前缘和裂缝的高分辨率层析图象。

    In high resistivity rocks ( hard rocks or rocks with low salinity pore fluid ) applications of high frequency electromagnetic method ( HFEM ) have provided high resolution tomographic images of gas fire-fronts and fractures in coal seam .

  28. 根据巷道断面和施工条件,在坚硬岩石中的掘进试验,完善了直眼掏槽的分次爆破工艺,并以力求掏槽效果为中心,优化改进了相关作业工序;

    Based on the roadway section and the constructing condition , the test of roadway excavation through hard rock improves the technology of blasting by stages in straight hole gate excavation , and centralizing on the effect of gate excavation , optimizes the related working procedure ;

  29. 水滴能穿透坚硬的岩石,其中有几个重要的因素。

    There is some factors which can explain why water can penetrate hard stone .

  30. 月海是圆形洼地,覆盖着暗色的松散物质,而不是坚硬的岩石。

    The maria are circular depressions covered with dark , loosely packed material-not solid rock .