
jiān bì
  • hide supplies to prevent the enemy from seizing them
坚壁 [jiān bì]
  • [place in a cache;cache;hide supplies to prevent the enemy from seizing them] 把物资转移走或埋藏起来,使不落到敌人的手里

  1. 把粮食坚壁起来。

    Hide grain from the enemy .

  2. 他向四面细看,显然是在寻找长期囚禁他的城堡坚壁。

    And when he looked about him , it evidently was for the strong fortress-walls which had long encompassed him .

  3. 简言之,用户不再拥有围城的深沟、坚壁、城门或窗户来保障他们的数据。

    In short , users no longer own the moats , the walls , the doors or the windows to their data .