
  • 网络strong smart grid
  1. 建设坚强智能电网支撑又好又快发展

    Build Strong Smart Grid as Pillar of Sound and Rapid Development

  2. 智能变电站是坚强智能电网建设的基本前提和关键所在。

    Intelligent substation is the basic premise and the key of strong smart grid .

  3. 配电系统作为建设坚强智能电网的六大环节之一,是坚强智能电网的重要基础和组成部分。

    The distribution system is one important part of smart grid .

  4. 智能变电站是统一坚强智能电网的重要基础和支撑。

    The safe platform can share information and are required in smart substation .

  5. 提升国网系统勘测水平服务统一坚强智能电网

    Improve the Survey Capability and Serve for the Unified Strong Smart Power Grid

  6. 建设智能农村电网是国家建设统一坚强智能电网的重要内容。

    Constructing smart country grid is the major theme of constructing uniform Strong Smart Grid .

  7. 超/特高压输电线路是我国坚强智能电网的重要组成部分。

    EHV / UHV transmission line plays an important role in strong smart grid in China .

  8. 我国坚强智能电网的筹备、规划和建设也在有条不紊进行之中。

    Simultaneously , a plan of Strong and Smart Grid is being carried out in China .

  9. 配电自动化建设是统一坚强智能电网的重要组成部分。

    The construction of distribution automation system is an important part of united firm intelligent grid .

  10. 2009年5月,国家电网公司提出了建设坚强智能电网战略发展目标。

    May 2009 , the State Grid Corporation proposed the strategic development objective of constructing a strong and smart grid .

  11. 本文重点关注在坚强智能电网背景下的电力营销信息化建设。

    This paper focus on the construction of the power marketing informationization in the circumstances of the Strong Smart Grid .

  12. 智能调度是建设统一坚强智能电网的关键内容,是智能输电网的神经中枢。

    As the nerve central of smart grid , intelligent dispatch is the key component of the strong and smart grid .

  13. 国内电网在经历了数字电力、数字化电网的发展阶段后,结合中国电网特点,提出了坚强智能电网的概念。

    China presents the concept of strong smart grid after digital power , digital grid , with Chinese characteristics of power grid .

  14. 随着坚强智能电网建设的大力推进,分时电价已经试点执行,阶梯电价的脚步正在迈近。

    With strong power grid construction vigorously promote intelligent and time-of-use electricity price has pilot implementation steps are the ladder , price .

  15. 强化规划体系创新,加快规划方式转变科学推动华东坚强智能电网建设迈上新台阶

    Enhancing innovation of planning systems and accelerating planning mode conversion to scientifically promote intelligent grid construction of East China Grid to a new step

  16. 天津市电力公司配电自动化试点工程项目是坚强智能电网建设的重要组成部分,配电网重构是其中的高级应用功能之一。

    Tianjin Electric Power Corporation pilot project is an important part of smart grid construction , and distribution network reconfiguration is a key of it .

  17. 建设坚强智能电网,是当前中国电网的发展目标,并已经进入大规模实施阶段。

    Currently , building the strong smart power grids is China state grids ' development goal , and has entered the implementation phase of large scale .

  18. 能否在当配电网中发生单相接地故障时能够快速准确地进行故障定位并进行相关故障排除对建设坚强智能电网至关重要。

    Can Fast and accurate fault location and associated trouble shooting when the single-phase ground fault in Distribution network is very important for Building strong and smart grid .

  19. 以灵活输电技术、用户电力技术和电力储能技术为代表的电力电子技术是实现坚强智能电网的重要技术支撑。

    Power electronic technologies , represented by flexible transmission technology , custom power technology and energy storage technology , are the important supporting technologies for strong smart grid .

  20. 建设全国性的直流骨干输电网,不仅可更有效地利用可再生能源,也将积极推动坚强智能电网的建设。

    Building a national backbone DC transmission grid can not only make use of renewable energy more efficiently , but will also actively promote the construction of smart grid .

  21. 目前我国在超高压直流输电方面取得了瞩目的成就,以此为支撑,构成大电网互联,为建设坚强智能电网奠定了基础。

    Currently China has made remarkable achievements in terms of the HVDC , which forms a large grid interconnection as a support for the construction of a strong smart grid .

  22. 中国的电力专家们提出了建设数字化电网,最近提出了统一坚强智能电网的概念。

    Some new concepts of Advanced Power System , Smart Grid are proposed . Chinese scholars and electrical experts put forward a new idea of ' digital power grid ' .

  23. 本文的结论对于推动风力发电在中国特色坚强智能电网建设进程中的大力发展也具有积极的启示和借鉴作用。

    This conclusion also has the positive enlightenment and the model function regarding the impetus wind power generation in the chinese characteristic strong intelligence electrical network construction advancement vigorously development .

  24. 按照国家电网公司建设坚强智能电网的总体要求,业界正在大力进行用电信息采集系统建设。

    In accordance with the general requirements of the State Grid Corporation of building a strong and smart grid , the industry is vigorously the construction of the information collection system .

  25. 电网数据采集系统为电网的运行监控与故障诊断提供了有力手段,为我国建设坚强智能电网提供了核心工具。

    Data acquisition system of power grid provides an effective measure to monitor and diagnose faults for power grid , and is the core tool of building Strong Smart Grid in China .

  26. 建设坚强智能电网是新一个五年规划的重要工作之一,先进的传感量测技术是建设新型现代化电网的重要保障。

    The construction of Strong Smart Grid is one of the most important things in the next five-year plans . Advanced sensing measurement technology provides the important guarantee for building a new modern grid .

  27. 建设坚强智能电网已经成为电网发展的趋势,加强营销需求侧管理是电力行业面临解决的重要问题。

    Building a strong and smart grid has become the trend of future power system development , strengthen the marketing demand side management is an important problem to be solved urgently in power industry .

  28. 我国电网正处在高速发展阶段,坚强智能电网与特高压电网输电的建设步伐越来越快,对继电保护系统的要求也越来越高。

    Now power grid is in a stage of rapid development , the pace of building strong smart grid and UHV transmission is faster and faster , requirements for relay protection system are also increasing .

  29. 随着统一坚强智能电网规划的逐步实施,电力行业技术更新的速度越来越快,电力企业对人才和人力资源管理都提出了新的要求。

    With the strong unity of the gradual implementation of smart grid planning , power industry , technology updates faster and faster , the power of business professionals and human resource management have put forward new demands .

  30. 随着现在电力系统输送容量和电压等级的不断增大,以及坚强智能电网建设的推进,传统的电磁式电流互感器已经不能满足电力系统发展的需求。

    The traditional electromagnetic current transformer has no longer met the demand of the development in electric power system , which was displayed in the gradual increasing of transmission capacity and voltage as well the strong smart grid .