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jiān qiáng
  • strong;firm;strengthen;staunch;fortitude
坚强 [jiān qiáng]
  • (1) [strong;fortitude;firm;staunch]∶坚固,不可摧毁;不动摇

  • 坚强不屈

  • (2) [strengthen]∶使坚强

  • 坚强信心

坚强[jiān qiáng]
  1. 斯托扮演了一位坚强而且充满活力的女性,她的表演震撼人心。

    Stowe gives a stirring performance as a strong spirited female .

  2. 她有一个坚强而支持她的姐姐在鼓励她。

    She had a strong and supportive sister who urged her on

  3. 他们面对困难表现了坚强的毅力。

    They showed great perseverance in the face of difficulty .

  4. 她在危难中表现非常坚强。

    She is a pillar of strength in a crisis .

  5. 每一个人都钦佩她坚强的性格和决心。

    Everyone admires her strength of character and determination .

  6. 他靠坚强的信心渡过了难关。

    His determination carried him through the ordeal .

  7. 他们全凭坚强的决心幸存下来。

    They had survived by sheer determination .

  8. 安娜的坚强源自于她的父母和姐姐们。

    Anna 's strength is derived from her parents and her sisters

  9. 关键时刻,她总是很坚强。

    When the chips are down , she 's very tough .

  10. 我当时不知道罗恩有那么坚强的个性。

    I didn 't know Ron had that much strength of character .

  11. 西伯利亚大草原的艰苦环境使她变得坚强起来。

    She was hardened by the rigours of the Siberian steppes

  12. 他健硕的身体使他显得意志尤为坚强。

    His hard sinewy body advertised his ruthlessness of purpose .

  13. 很多女儿都认为她们的母亲无比坚强。

    Many daughters assume that their mothers are invulnerable .

  14. 这把她描绘得很懦弱,其实她性格十分坚强。

    This portrays her as wimpy , but she has a very strong character .

  15. 任何经历都能使你从中受益并让你变得坚强,而那些比较艰难的经历尤其如此。

    Any experience can teach and strengthen you , but particularly the more difficult ones

  16. 她镇定而且坚强,绝不会垮掉。

    She 's calm and strong , and she is just not going to crack

  17. 她是一个坚强而有原则的女人。

    She was a strong , principled woman

  18. 不管这个女人是谁,她都比我坚强。

    Whoever this woman is , she 's made of sterner stuff than I am .

  19. 这是我喜欢你的一个地方。你很坚强。

    That 's one of the things I like about you . You 're strong .

  20. 他们认为参与打架会使男孩子变得坚强,教会他们怎样成为男人。

    They believe that participating in fights toughens boys and shows them how to be men .

  21. 她是个坚强的女性,但阿尼去世时,她几乎崩溃了。

    She 's a strong woman , but she nearly went to pieces when Arnie died .

  22. 你必须坚强自信,千万不要给人留下丝毫你应付不来的印象。

    You have to be strong and confident and never give the slightest impression that you can 't hack it

  23. 赫克是一个为种族平等而战的坚强战士。

    Huck was a sturdy fighter for racial equality .

  24. 一个坚强的人会忍受困苦而不抱怨。

    A strong man will bear hardship without complaining .

  25. 她具有坚强的意志和速决的才能。

    She had a strong will and power of rapid decision .

  26. 在艰苦环境中工作,经过千锤百炼?,他意志越来越坚强了。

    Toughened by working under difficult conditions , his will-power became stronger .

  27. 把革命意志锻炼得钢铁般坚强。

    Harden one 's revolutionary will into steel .

  28. 他觉得他的队伍实力坚强,声势浩大。

    He was confident of the unyielding strength and formidable superiority of his troops .

  29. 山区的生活使我更加坚强。

    Life in the mountains hardened me .

  30. 他那坚强的毅力使人吃惊。

    His will power is amazing .