
  1. 期待,我们仍能在一起。相信爱,坚持爱。

    Let 's be together again , believing in love , never ending love .

  2. 坚持爱的法则常常是人性挣扎的主要内容。

    Adhering to this law of love has always been the core struggle of human nature .

  3. 谢谢,但是我知道爱上是一回事,坚持爱下去又是另一回事。

    Thanks , but I know falling in love is one thing while staying in love is another .

  4. 不管怎样我们都爱他,而且坚持爱下去。我也这样对我的狗狗。

    We love them anyway , and we stick to it , and that is what I did with my dog .

  5. 人道主义和主客二元论是其思想根源,而超越人类中心主义的途径与契机则是建立辩证有机的主客关系,要坚持爱和美统一的伦理观以及借鉴先人的智慧。

    Humanitarianism and dualism of subject and object are idea root of it , building dialectic and organic relationship of subject and object , using ancestor 's wisdom for reference are the approach and chance to surpass anthropocentrism .

  6. 我们曾经坚持把爱和喜欢分开。

    We used to insist on the difference between love and liking .

  7. 可能我还没找到!也许现在我坚持的爱不属于我,呵!

    If the love is mine , I will never give up ! hei hei !

  8. 还有一种思想学派坚持认为爱是一种文化现象。

    There is also a school of thought that insists love is a cultural phenomenon .

  9. 如果你坚持报复,爱就不会来临。

    If you are holding onto revenge , love cannot walk in .

  10. 马蒂:在坚持。不爱它直到你试试。

    Marty : On a stick . Don 't love it till you try it .

  11. 而奥黛丽却坚称,两人将坚持他们的爱。

    Audrey , however , insists the two will continue to give their love a shot .

  12. 本人的缺点是缺乏毅力,有些事情不能够坚持到底,爱抱怨,对待事情的态度有时会受情绪的影响,并且也有些懒惰,等等。

    My shortcoming is the deficient will , some matters cannot persist , likes complaining , the treatment matter manner sometimes can receive the mood the influence , and somewhat is also lazy , and so on .