
kè chuàn
  • to guest;guest appearance;be a guest performer;play a part in a professional performance;(an amateur) plays a part in a professional performance
客串 [kè chuàn]
  • [(an amateur) plays a part in a professional performance;be a guest performer] 专业剧团临时邀请非专业演员参加演出;也指非本地或非本单位的演员临时参加演出

客串[kè chuàn]
  1. 所以学会忘记一个人,就把她(他)当成“友情客串”。

    Therefore the academic society forgot that a person ,( he ) regards her " the friendship to be a guest performer " .

  2. 他们是在她客串出演热播电视系列剧《守护者》时认识的。

    They met when she made a guest appearance in the hit TV show Minder .

  3. 这个乐队最近在林戈·斯塔尔和“恐惧之泪”乐队的唱片中客串过。

    The band have recently guested on records by Ringo Starr and Tears For Fears .

  4. 她在迈克的电视节目里出场客串。

    She made a guest appearance on mike 's TV show .

  5. 这是他客串动画《辛普森一家》时用的剧本,是藏品的重要组成部分。

    His script from the Simpsons is an important part of the collection .

  6. 这场音乐会颇有些外行客串的味道。

    The concert was rather an amateurish affair .

  7. 如果这两个人真的会出现,他们会饰演主要角色还是短时间的客串?

    If they are here , is it for major roles or just quick cameos ?

  8. 他最近在TNT的《罪恶第六感》中客串了两集。

    He recently completed a two-episode guest role on TNT 's Perception .

  9. 这是你第一次客串主持吧是的Ellen

    This is your first time enthuse a anchor ? That 's right , Ellen .

  10. CBS电视网的热播美剧《生活大爆炸》又要迎来一位科学界天才客串了。

    CBS 's The Big Bang Theory is getting another visit from a real life scientific genius .

  11. JustinBieber最近完成了自己一项献声工作:客串《辛普森家庭》。

    Justin Bieber has just completed vocals on his latest project : A guest spot on The Simpsons .

  12. 尽管她有时会在《燃情克利夫兰》(HotinCleveland)和《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)等电视剧中客串,不过伯内特大部分时间都远离聚光灯的关注。

    Though she sometimes pops up in cameos on shows like Hot in Cleveland and Glee , Burnett mostly stays out of the limelight .

  13. JustinBieber将客串出现一名问题少年,而CSI成员们会同新的拆弹专家合作。

    Justin Bieber will guest-star as a troubled teen and the CSIs will work with a new bombs expert .

  14. 据TVGuide杂志报道温特沃什·米勒将在下一季《法律与秩序:SVU》的首映集中客串演出。

    Wentworth Miller is set to guest star on the season premiere of " Law & Order : SVU ," reports TV Guide magazine .

  15. 应该是9个月我们想让GeorgeClooney来客串一下

    Like nine months I think , we were trying to get George Clooney to do a walk on and for me to see

  16. 小天后希拉里·达芙与名模TyraBanks的客串并没有停止《绯闻女孩》寻找客串明星的脚步。

    Not stopping at Hilary Duff and Tyra Banks ," Gossip Girl " is moving forward with signing one more major guest star .

  17. 周二的时候,埃夫隆在比弗利山庄的鞋店中为这部HBO的热剧客串拍摄。

    The High School Musical star filmed a cameo appearance for the hit HBO show at a Beverly Hills shoe store on Tuesday .

  18. 《触摸未来》已经确定该剧今年春天上演的第二季大结局中将会邀请RonRifkin来客串。

    Touch has booked Ron Rifkin in a guest-starring role for the show 's season 2 finale this spring .

  19. 这部剧第三十季的第一集《Bart'sNotDead》由客串配音演员盖尔·加朵、艾米丽·丹斯切尔、乔纳森·格罗夫、达沃·阿特尔和PeteHolmes配音。

    The Season 30 premiere episode " Bart 's Not Dead " features guest voice stars Gal Gadot , Emily Deschanel , Jonathan Groff , Dave Attell and Pete Holmes .

  20. 对我才不公平呢,事业被搞得一塌糊涂,Earl却跑去客串“家族风云”了!

    What 's not fair is me picking up the pieces of my life while Earl gets to be an extra on " Dallas " !

  21. 多年来,BuzzAldrin,StephenHawking,ElonMusk,andSteveWozniak都客串过该剧。

    Buzz Aldrin , Stephen Hawking , Elon Musk , and Steve Wozniak have all appeared as guest stars on The Big Bang Theory over the years .

  22. 它不是由迪普洛(Diplo)或者MikeWillMade-It制作,也没有德雷克(Drake)或皮特布尔(Pitbull)客串。

    There is no production by Diplo or Mike Will Made-It here , no guest verse by Drake or Pitbull .

  23. 18岁的她从去年热播剧中抽出大段时间,和自己的摇滚乐队ThePrettyReckless组织了巡演。不过她有希望会重返剧中做客串。

    The18 year old took an extended hiatus from the hit TV series last year to tour with her rock band The Pretty Reckless , but she was expected to return as a guest star on future episodes .

  24. 莫妮卡这个角色在戏里有着一长串的罗曼史,包括她和客串明星汤姆·塞莱克(TomSelleck)扮演的眼科专家理查德·伯克(RichardBurke)之间引人注目的感情线。

    The character of Monica had a string of romances on the show , including a notable storyline that involved her and guest star Tom Selleck , who played ophthalmologist Richard Burke .

  25. 当Richard给我讲述他在那部重现著名摄影家DianeArbus生平电影《fur》的客串经历时,我正努力调整自己在长椅上的坐姿,以便自己能看起来更好看或更舒服一点。

    Richard told me about his gig as an extra on Fur , reenacting famous Diane Arbus portraits , while I struggled to find a flattering or comfortable upright couch position .

  26. 柏金女士最早涉足影视界是在米开朗基罗·安东尼奥尼(MichelangeloAntonioni)1966年的电影《放大》(Blow-Up)的一幕中裸体客串亮相,她对女儿的看法表示赞赏。

    Ms. Birkin , who first came on the scene with a nude cameo in Michelangelo Antonioni 's 1966 film " Blow-Up , " seemed admiring .

  27. 本期文章介绍了一位客串的专栏作家,同时也是我的朋友和同事DetheElza。

    This installment introduces a guest columnist , my friend and colleague , Dethe Elza .

  28. NBC的新剧《好莱坞报道》独家报道,NBC新剧《生活向前冲》正筹划《老友记》演员的再聚首,柯特妮·考克斯将在由马修·派瑞主演的该部喜剧中客串一集。

    NBC 's freshman comedy Go On is staging its first onscreen Friends reunion , with Courteney Cox checking in for an episode of the Matthew Perry comedy , The Hollywood Reporter has learned exclusively .

  29. 故事情节的细节尚未公布,但是CBS已经透露《小谢尔顿》里的三位演员伊恩·阿米蒂奇,兰斯·巴伯以及蒙塔纳·乔丹将会客串即将播出的《生活大爆炸》第12季。

    No storyline details are being shared , but CBS has revealed that Young Sheldon 's Iain Armitage , Lance Barber and Montana Jordan will appear in an upcoming episode of mothership series The Big Bang Theory .

  30. 消息人士确认这两个位女演员将不会成为CW电视网美剧《绯闻女孩》第五季的常规演员,但是二人仍然会作为该剧的客串演员出现。

    A source close to the show confirms that the two actresses will not be returning as series regulars for the CW soap 's upcoming fifth season , but added that both have been invited back on a guest star basis .