
  • 网络Super Talk Show
  1. 执行这个修改很可能需要超级用户访问权。

    You will likely need superuser access to make such a change .

  2. 当普通用户需要执行特权任务时,他们不可避免地要接收超级用户访问。

    When a regular user needs to execute a privileged task , it becomes inevitable he or she receive super user access .

  3. 作为一项最佳实践,应该将每个实例级权限参数的缺省值改为一个显式的组名,以防止意料之外的超级用户访问。

    As a best practice , change the default value of each instance-level authority parameter to an explicit group name in order prevent unintended super-user access .

  4. 这样是安全的就像它的名字“单一用户模式”的含意一样只有超级用户可以访问系统。

    It is safe , since as the name " single-user mode " suggests only the superuser is able to access the system .

  5. 超级动态、交互式访问、基于矢量的动画和声音。

    Super-dynamic , interactive , vector-based animation , and sound .

  6. 这是因为您希望查看只有超级用户才能够访问的文件。

    This is because the file you want to view is only accessible to the superuser .

  7. 因为可以显示系统活动,所以对日志文件的访问通常会受到限制,只有超级用户才可以访问。

    Because system activity can be revealing , logs here are typically restricted and available to superusers only .