
  • 网络overlap;onlap;override;lapout
  1. 研究认为,套保以西具备良好的储、盖条件和上倾方向的遮挡条件,可形成大型地层超覆圈闭,有利区面积150km2,前景资源量5000×104t。

    Study shows the west of Taobao area has nice reservoir-seal and screening condition in the up dip direction , where an extremely large stratigraphic overlap hydrocarbon reservoir formed , with favorable area of 150 km ~ 2 and potential resources of 5000 × 10 ~ 4t .

  2. 地震综合解释技术在地层超覆圈闭研究中的应用

    Application of Integrated Seismic Interpretation Technique in Studying Stratigraphic Overlap Trap

  3. 国外CO2驱油防止粘性指进和重力超覆工艺

    The Technology of Preventing CO _2 Breakthrough and Gravity Segregation Abroad

  4. 新疆北部石炭系地层层序和其化石组合特征论川东石炭系地层超覆圈闭气藏

    The Carboniferous system and its fossil assemblage characteristics in Northern Xinjiang

  5. 地层超覆边界控制了各砂层组的含油性,从而形成了典型的地层油藏组合。

    A typical stratigraphic oil reservoir assemblage was formed then .

  6. 地层超覆圈闭主要分布于各个水进体系域;

    Stratigraphy overlap traps mainly distribute in transgressive system tracts ;

  7. 泡沫剂可以减缓气驱中的气窜和重力超覆现象。

    Foam can retard gas channeling and gravity override in gas flooding .

  8. 考虑重力超覆的稠油热采试井分析模型研究

    Well test method in heavy oil thermal recovery with consideration of gravity override

  9. 蒸汽超覆对块状超稠油油藏剩余油分布影响研究

    Influence of steam overlay on residual oil distribution in massive super heavy oil reservoirs

  10. 地层圈闭主要表现为削切不整合面,超覆不整合面;

    The stratigraphic traps are mainly expressed as truncated unconformity surfaces and overlap unconformity surfaces ;

  11. 超覆不整合主要分布在洼陷南斜坡,形成不整合面超覆油气藏与岩性油气藏。

    Onlap unconformities distributed on southern slope of the sag , forming onlap and lithologic traps .

  12. 孤东断层以东扇三角洲体系发育,沙河街组地层层层超覆于孤东潜山之上;

    Delta had been developed on east of Gudong oilfield , and lake system on west .

  13. 证实郎山组与下伏地层之间存在一大型海侵超覆界面;

    There exists a large-scale transgressive onlap boundary between the Langshan Formation and its underlying strata .

  14. 初期只在古地形低部位接受沉积,然后逐步向上超覆。

    Early days it only deposits at the low of ancient landform , then gradually overlap upward .

  15. 岩体北西缘见断层接触,也见超覆侵入接触。

    Faulted contact is round and overlapping intrusive contact is also found at northwestern margin of the ro-ckbody .

  16. 并据此评价了地层超覆带附近高值烃所对应的资源类型。

    Based on these , correspondent types of resource of high value hydrocarbon near formation overlap zone are evaluated .

  17. 塔里木西南缘(西昆仑北带)发育新元古代辉绿岩及玄武岩,辉绿岩侵入青白口系而被南华系超覆,玄武岩发育在南华系下部。

    Neoproterozoic diabase and basalt outcrop in south of Tarim Plate ( in north belt of Western Kunlun ) .

  18. 因此库车坳陷南缘地层超覆圈闭具有良好的含油气前景。

    The stratigraphic overlap traps in the south margin of the Kuqa Depression is a favourable target for hydrocarbon exploration .

  19. 地层超覆点的迁移是层序地层分析和海平面变化曲线编制的重要依据。

    The shift of onlap offlap points is a critical factor in sequence stratigraphic analysis and charting sea level curves .

  20. 通过成藏条件分析,总结出该区地层超覆圈闭成藏模式;

    Through analyzing reservoir forming conditions , its forming mode of the stratigraphic overlap trap in the region is established .

  21. “杂色泥岩”上覆的白垩系清水河组为超覆,下伏的侏罗系西山窑组被削截。

    The Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation overlaps the variegated mudstone , while the Jurassic Xishanyao Formation is truncated by the variegated mudstone .

  22. 平面上盆地四周被凸起所围限,凸起与盆地之间通过大型断裂带或超覆边界过渡。

    It is surrounded by uplifts on the plane . Boundaries between the basin and uplifts are large faults and overlap lines .

  23. 通过对沉积建造特征的分析,认为南海的下旋回大多属充填式沉积,主要由河流一湖泊相沉积组成;上旋回属超覆沉积,主要由浅海相或深海相沉积组成。

    By analyses of the sedimentary formation , we suggested that the lower cycle was mostly fill sediments , and mainly fluvial-lacustrine facies ;

  24. 1980年,钱祥麟等经过系统的研究,提出这套地层为晚长城纪大红峪期的超覆沉积。

    ( 1980 ), on the basis of the systematic study , interpreted the sequence as the Dahongyuian ( Late Changchengian ) onlap deposits .

  25. 在简述粘性指进和重力超覆的基础上,对国外采取的工艺措施进行了调研。

    Based on the brief description of the principle and phenomenon of CO2 breakthrough and gravity segregation , this paper investigates the technology abroad .

  26. 研究表明,通过改变油井射孔方式、调整注汽参数等措施可以有效地减缓蒸汽超覆,提高油层纵向动用程度,降低油层纵向上的剩余油。

    The study shows that , steam overlay can be effectively reduced through changing perforation and adjusting injection parameters to improve vertical reservoir producing degree .

  27. 注入油层的湿饱和蒸汽向油层顶部超覆推进以及沿高渗透区域指进一直是蒸汽吞吐开采过程中的主要矛盾。

    Injected wet saturated steam moving override on top reservoir and fingering along high permeability zone have been the main problem of cyclic steam stimulation .

  28. 地层超覆型油藏与透镜体型油藏主要沿中央低凸起两侧分布,古地貌形态和水动力条件是砂体分布的主控因素。

    For the stratigraphic_overlapped and sand_lens reservoirs formed mainly along the two flanks of the middle uplift , the main controls are the palaeogeomorphology and hydrodynamics .

  29. 目前研究蒸气吞吐的解析模型主要有前缘驱替模型和重力超覆模型两类。

    There are mainly two types of huff and puff analytical models at present , one is frontal displacement model and another is gravity overriding model .

  30. 不同时期、不同级别的地层超覆带的广泛发育为油气运移提供了通道,也为地层油气藏的形成创造了有利的圈闭条件。

    The wide development strata overlap belt of different period and different level provided passage for petroleum migration , created beneficial reservoir conditions for strata reservoir formation .