
  • 网络Super Hybrid Rice;super-hybrid rice
  1. 基肥施入0~10cm土层,有利于为超级杂交水稻提供氮素养分。

    Basic fertilizer provided nitrogen nutrient for super hybrid rice by 0 ~ 10cm soil layer .

  2. 现在袁教授正研制超级杂交水稻。

    Now Professor Yuan is working on developing super hybrid rice .

  3. K对超级杂交水稻吸收和利用中量和微量元素的颉颃作用机理有待进一步研究。

    The mechanism of antagonism of K to absorption of middle elements or trace elements of super rice should be further studied .

  4. 高抗水稻白叶枯病新基因Xa-23转导超级杂交水稻技术探讨

    The technology of integration of high blight-resistance gene Xa-23 of varieties to the super-hybridization rice

  5. 超级杂交水稻抗倒力差异及栽培调控技术研究

    Study on Super Hybrid Rice Lodging Resistance and Cultivation Regulation Technology

  6. 袁博士种植了被人称作超级杂交水稻的稻谷。

    Dr Yuan grows what is called super hybrid rice .

  7. 超级杂交水稻理想株型图像识别的探讨

    Image Analysis on Rice Morphology Discrimination in Super Hybrid Rice

  8. 超级杂交水稻专用复合肥缓控释功能研究

    Studies on Slow-controlled Release Effectiveness of Special Compound Fertilizer for Super Hybrid Rice

  9. 超级杂交水稻主要生理性状与产量性状关系的研究

    Studies on the Relation between the Main Physiological Character and Yield Character of Super-hybrid-rice

  10. 今年的成就表明了中国在超级杂交水稻研究方面处于世界领先地位。

    This year 's success showed China is leading the world in super hybrid rice research .

  11. 随着超级杂交水稻的生育期的进程,增加氮肥用量对其生物量的促进作用愈加明显。

    With progress of rice growth , the effect of N-fertilizer on biomass increasing was becoming obvious .

  12. 综述了近年有关中国超级杂交水稻的栽培特性和生态适应性的研究结果。

    This paper summarizes the results of high yielding cultivation researches on super hybrid rice in recent years .

  13. 氮肥、磷肥、钾肥的合理配施能显著提高超级杂交水稻的产量。

    The reasonable combined application of N-fertilizer 、 P-fertilizer and K-fertilizer could increase yield of super hybrid rice obviously .

  14. 超级杂交水稻生育中后期的植株碳/氮比值随氮肥用量的增加而下降。

    The ratio of carbon and nitrogen of super hybrid rice in middle-latter growth period decreased with N-fertilizer amount increasing .

  15. 超级杂交水稻植株氮含量随生育期推移而下降,但下降的速率随着氮肥用量的增加而减小。

    The decreasing rate of plant nitrogen content of super hybrid rice with growth was decreased as N-fertilizer amount increasing .

  16. 超级杂交水稻的产量和氮素积累总量之间呈二次曲线关系。

    The yield of super hybrid rice was showed quadratic relationships with total nitrogen accumulation amount of super rice . 3 .

  17. 适宜提高氮肥用量和氮肥的合理分配比例能提高成熟期超级杂交水稻的吸氮能力。

    Increasing N-fertilizer amount and reasonable N-fertilizer distribution could boost the absorption of nitrogen nutrient of super hybrid rice . 4 .

  18. 随着超级杂交水稻生育期的进程,植株中的碳、氮含量逐渐下降,而碳/氮比值逐渐升高。

    With progress of rice growth , carbon and nitrogen content in plant was being decreased , the ratio of carbon and nitrogen was being increased continuously .

  19. 试验表明:氮肥后移以及氮肥在水稻不同生育期的合理分配能增加每穗总粒数和实粒数等产量构成因子,从而促进超级杂交水稻库容量的增大。

    This experiment showed that reasonable retroposition of N-fertilizer or reasonable distribution of N-fertilizer in different growth period could increase some yield components including total grain number per spike and filled grain number and so on , thus increased the storage capacity of super rice . 2 .

  20. 超级杂交中籼水稻物质生产特性分析

    Analysis on Dry Matter Production Characteristics of Middle-Season indica Super Hybrid Rice