
yǔn shí yǔ
  • meteorite shower
  1. 世界历史上一次罕见的陨石雨

    The meteorite shower rare in World History

  2. 除此之外,另一个尚未探索的原因是远古时代河北平原曾发生过一次规模宏大的陨石雨撞击灾害。

    In addition , another reason that is not yet discovered might be a large-scale meteorite shower impact disaster occurred in Hebei Plain in the ancient time .

  3. 山东省鄄城县董口乡陨石雨的初步研究

    Primary research of meteorite rain in Dongkou village , juancheng County of Shandong Province

  4. 吉林陨石雨样品中宇宙成因核素Mn~(54)、Co~(57)和K~(40)的深度变化

    Cosmogenic nuclides k ~ ( 40 ), mn ~ ( 54 ) and co ~ ( 57 ) in Kirin meteorites and their depth distribution

  5. 大自然现在每天晚上正在为居住在北半球的人们展示出美丽的景象。这种景象就是陨石雨。

    Nature is now providing a Beautiful show each night for persons living in the northern half of the world . The show is a meteor shower .

  6. 研究人员通过分析地球上最古老的岩石得出结论:黄金是地球形成很久以后由陨石雨带来的。

    The researchers , who looked at some of the oldest rocks on Earth , concluded that gold was delivered by meteorites long after the Earth 's formation .