
yǔn shí
  • meteorite;stony meteorite;meteorolite;ceraunite;uranolite;asiderite
陨石 [yǔn shí]
  • (1) [stony meteorite]∶含石质较多或全部为石质的陨星

  • (2) [meteorite]∶见陨星

陨石[yǔn shí]
  1. 明亮的流星,或者说陨石,是番难忘的景象。

    A bright shooting star , or meteor , is an unforgettable sight .

  2. 爆炸可能使陨石气化了。

    The blast may have vaporised the meteorite .

  3. 他发现了一块奇异的陨石。

    He discovered an unusual meteorite .

  4. 年著名的默奇森陨石轰然坠落在澳大利亚。

    The famous Murchison meteorite smashed into the Australian ground in 1969.1969

  5. 这个行星的表面布满了小块陨石留下的撞击坑

    Small meteorites have left impact craters all over the planet 's surface .

  6. 顽辉石陨石中A、B矿的微量元素化学意义

    Minerals a and B in enstatite meteorites and their trace element chemistry

  7. 地球的初始物质为分异的铁陨石及H群球粒陨石。

    The primitive material of the Earth were the differentiated iron meteorites and H chondrites .

  8. 陨石中宇宙成因核素~(53)Mn的放化中子活化分析

    The determination of the cosmogenic ~ ( 53 ) Mn in meteorites by RNAA

  9. REE球粒陨石标准模式图为富LREE类型,δEu无异常到弱异常。

    The chondrite-normalized REE patterns are enriched in LREE with a small Eu anomaly .

  10. 用简单化学组分离和Ge(Li)-γ射线能谱法测定亳县陨石中的稀土元素

    The determination of REE in Boxian meteorite by simple chemical group separation and Ge ( Li ) - gamma ray spectrometry

  11. 虽然在石陨石中Re,Os同位素的浓度很低,但也有了探索性研究成果。

    Although the Re and Os concentrations are very low in the ordinary chondrites , some results have been obtained in this field .

  12. 对南极类C1陨石成因和星云水化作用范围的几点看法

    A discussion on some Antarctic quasi C1 chondrites origin and range of nebular hydrous effect

  13. 15.想买陨石,可以上eBay,那里待售的陨石常常超过1000颗。

    15.To buy one , try eBay , which often lists more than 1,000 meteorites for auction .

  14. 陨石里面的这些发现帮助美国太空机构NASA形成了策略和探索方向。

    The discoveries in the meteorite helped shape policy and exploration efforts at the United States space agency , NASA .

  15. 最后,运用VC++6.0和OpenGL开发工具实现了陨石爆炸的模拟。

    At last , with the use of tools such as VC + + and OpenGL , it simulates the meteorite explosion effect .

  16. 相对于非南极陨石,南极陨石由于大的地球年龄而具有更低的自然TL值。

    Relative to non Antarctic meteorites , Antarctic meteorites have lower level of natural TL due to their large terrestrial ages .

  17. 富Co铁锰结壳不仅异常富集铂族元素,而且铂族元素及其它亲铁元素的配分与陨石特征非常相似。

    Cobalt rich ferromanganese crusts are significantly rich in platinum group elements , and the partition of platinum group elements in cobalt rich ferromanganese crusts is very similar to that of meteorite .

  18. Re-Os同位素体系在陨石研究中的应用

    Applications of the re - Os isotope system to meteorites

  19. 吉林球粒陨石(H5)的高压声速实验研究

    Experimental study on measuring sound velocities of Jilin aerolite at high pressure

  20. 几种主要陨石类型的Hugoniot参数

    Hugoniot parameters of several main types of meteorites

  21. 一个新陨落的L(65)型球粒陨石广饶陨石

    The Guangrao meteorite : a newly fallen l_ ( 6-5 ) chondrite

  22. 陨石样品经均匀地升温退火,退火温度达600℃以上其诱发TL峰温比未经退火的峰温要高。

    When the annealed temperature is greater than 600 ℃, the TL peak temperature of the annealed sample is higher than that of the unannealed sample .

  23. 青岛铁陨石是在2004年5月发现于青岛市城阳区惜福镇,重约30t。

    The Qingdao iron meteorite was found in May , 2004.Its weight is about 3 ton .

  24. 普通球粒陨石中的CAI均发生了强烈的蚀变,黄长石被细粒蚀变产物集合体所替代。(3)不同球粒陨石群中富Ca、Al包体的对比研究。

    All CAIs in the ordinary chondrites are heavily altered , mainly consisting of fine-grained alteration assemblages without melilite . ( 3 ) The comparative study of Ca - , Al-rich inclusions from various groups of chondrites .

  25. 含矿建造中容矿岩石的REE球粒陨石标准化模式是具有中等的Ce负异常和明显的Eu正异常、向右倾的图形,与一些热水沉积物的模式都有相似之处。

    The REE chondrite standardized model of the ore-bearing host rock show a middle Ce negative anomaly , obviously Eu positive anomaly and the right dip graphics , which are similar to some hot water sediments model .

  26. 各种类型的多金属结核PGE和Au的球粒陨石配分曲线及有关参数非常一致,均表现为Pt正异常和Pd负异常,显示其中PGE和Au具有相似的来源。

    Different types of nodules have quite similar PGE and Au chondrite_normalized patterns and related parameters , with positive Pt and negative Pd anomalies , indicating that PGE and Au in different types of nodules have the same sources .

  27. 尽管已在NASA“好奇号”探测车正在探测的盖尔陨石坑(GaleCrater)的那座山上发现了两处疑似条纹,前述禁令可能依然有效。那里距离“好奇号”的原定路线一两英里。

    That prohibition may continue even though two candidate streaks have been identified on the mountain in Gale Crater that NASA 's Curiosity rover is now exploring , a mile or two from its planned path .

  28. 核动力发射的“好奇号”将探索其登陆地点“盖尔陨石坑”(galecrater)的化学和地质情况,为科学家关于火星是否曾有原始生命的研究提供证据。

    The nuclear-powered curiosity will then explore the chemistry and geology of the gale crater , the landing site , providing evidence for scientists to assess whether or not primitive life has ever lived on Mars .

  29. 1954年,美国亚拉巴马州的AnnieHodges被一颗8磅重(约3.6千克)的陨石砸中:这颗陨石击穿了她的屋顶,砸中了一台收音机,并反弹起来击中了正在打盹的Annie的屁股。

    In 1954 , Annie Hodges of Sylacauga , Alabama , was struck by an eight-pound meteorite that crashed though her roof and bounced off a radio into her hip while she was napping .

  30. Allende(CV3)陨石中一种特殊蠕虫状橄榄石集合体的矿物岩石学特征及其成因探讨

    The petrography , chemistry characters and formation of a kind of especial amoeboid olivine aggregate in allende ( cv3 ) meteorites