
  • 网络Meteor Crater;meteorite crater;CRATER;impact crater
  1. 陨石坑在Flagstaff东40公里,对于那些没有太多想象力的人来说是一个世外桃源。

    Meteor Crater , 40 miles east of Flagstaff , is an out-of-this-world site for those with a thimbleful of imagination .

  2. 多数人来这里看亚利桑那州的流星陨石坑,他们看到一个在地上的大洞。

    Most people come here to meteor crater in Arizona to see a big hole in the ground .

  3. 基于Census变换和Boosting方法的陨石坑区域检测

    Crater Region Detection Based on Census Transform and Boosting

  4. 数星期前,探测器到达了一个巨大陨石坑的边缘,科学家们把这个陨石坑命名为“奋进”(Endeavour)。

    The rover arrived several weeks ago on the rim of a large crater that the scientists named Endeavour .

  5. 当拍摄水星中央巨大的卡洛斯盆地时,MESSENGER发现了一个陨石坑,如上图所示,可以看到从它的中心放射出一组奇怪的射线。

    When imaging the center of Mercury 's extremely large Caloris Basin , MESSENGER found a crater , pictured above , with a set of unusual rays emanating out from its center .

  6. 尽管已在NASA“好奇号”探测车正在探测的盖尔陨石坑(GaleCrater)的那座山上发现了两处疑似条纹,前述禁令可能依然有效。那里距离“好奇号”的原定路线一两英里。

    That prohibition may continue even though two candidate streaks have been identified on the mountain in Gale Crater that NASA 's Curiosity rover is now exploring , a mile or two from its planned path .

  7. 核动力发射的“好奇号”将探索其登陆地点“盖尔陨石坑”(galecrater)的化学和地质情况,为科学家关于火星是否曾有原始生命的研究提供证据。

    The nuclear-powered curiosity will then explore the chemistry and geology of the gale crater , the landing site , providing evidence for scientists to assess whether or not primitive life has ever lived on Mars .

  8. 针对算法对成像条件适应性差的问题,引入多尺度自适应高斯滤波降噪算法、以及基于图像梯度幅值直方图的自适应Canny边缘检测算法,对已有陨石坑检测算法进行了改进,得到自适应陨石坑检测算法。

    For the problem of poor adaptability to imaging conditions , the algorithm is improved by introducing Multi-scale Adaptive Gaussian Filter and Adaptive Canny Operator based on image gradient magnitude histogram , which results in Adaptive Crater Detection Algorithm .

  9. 去年秋季,LCROSS太空船撞击到一个永远处于阴影中的陨石坑中,发现了表层中拥有水冰的迹象,但是那些水冰可能是由于古代的彗星撞击而积存下来的。

    The LCROSS spacecraft , which slammed into a perpetually shaded lunar crater last fall , turned up evidence of water ice on the surface , but that ice was presumably deposited by an ancient comet impact .

  10. 在新闻发布会结束后接受采访时,来自NASA的格林表示,如果盖尔陨石坑的条纹结果是季节性坡纹,NASA会考虑多年接受紫外线照射的“好奇号”,可能会给潜在的火星居住环境造成多大程度的污染威胁。

    In an interview after the news conference , Dr. Green of NASA said that if the streaks in Gale Crater turned out to be recurring slope linae , the space agency would consider how great a contamination threat Curiosity , irradiated by ultraviolet light for several years , might pose to a potential Martian habitat .

  11. 对陨石坑障碍,给出一种基于GVF-Snake动态模型的可靠闭合轮廓检测方法;对岩石障碍,给出一种基于多分辨率分析的快速岩石检测方法。

    A novel contour detection method based on GVF-Snake dynamic model is given for the detection of crater , and a rapid detection methods based on multi-resolution analysis is presented for the detection of rock .

  12. 我们在新墨西哥希克苏鲁伯发现了巨大的陨石坑。

    We discovered the meteor impact crater near Chicxulub New Mexico .

  13. S:但是我们没有在地球上这些陨石坑。

    S : But we don 't have these craters on earth .

  14. 整个金星上的陨石坑情况真的很让人迷惑。

    The whole impact craters situation on Venus is really very puzzling .

  15. 他发现在印度有一个比希克苏伯陨石坑大&大很多的陨石坑。

    Dr Chatterjee has found a bigger crater much bigger in India .

  16. 大家请往后站那是个陨石坑吗

    Everyone step back please . Is that a crater ?

  17. 一个空前绝后的陨石坑,好像另一次泰坦尼克号的碰撞一样。

    A crater epic proportions , the result of yet another Taitanic collision .

  18. 福波斯卫星表面最大的陨石坑称为“斯蒂克尼”。

    The biggest crater on Phobos is called Stickney .

  19. 对陨石坑尺寸和数目之间的关系进行了研究。

    The pits dimension and number and its relationship between them was studied .

  20. 说明:为什么水星上的这个陨石坑看起来像只蜘蛛?

    Explanation : Why does this crater on Mercury look like a spider ?

  21. 例如,所有陨石坑的位置分布?

    For example , where are all the craters ?

  22. 现在,我们还可以看到仍然陨石坑和弹孔。

    Now , we can also see the remained craters and bullet holes .

  23. 试验结果表明该方法有效地恢复了陨石坑的三维信息;

    The method is verified by the experiment result in the reconstruction of craters .

  24. 火星表面陨石坑的碎形特征

    Fragmentation of meteorite pits on Mars ' surface

  25. 那是由陨石坑里发现的金属锻造的。

    The triangle was forged from metal found in the crater of a meteor .

  26. 这些陨石坑在夏天浸出水分。

    These craters are weeping during the summer .

  27. 白沙绿茶,中国唯一在陨石坑上种植的绿茶!

    Baisha green tea , the only green tea grown in the crater on !

  28. 我国首次发现陨石坑

    The First Discovery of Impact Crater in China

  29. 在那些远离希克苏鲁伯陨石坑的地点,有证据显示只发生过一次撞击事件。

    The sites that are distant from Chicxulub show evidence of only one impact .

  30. 约翰斯特福尔发现,被研究的陨石坑1953年以前就已存在。

    John Westfall discovered that the crater in the study had existed before 1953 .