
  1. 袁隆平在上世纪70年代研发出全世界第一个杂交水稻品种,过去几年间,他研发的杂交水稻产量多次创造世界纪录,为中国和全世界的粮食安全作出了巨大贡献。

    Yuan , who developed the world 's first hybrid rice in the 1970s , has set multiple world records in hybrid rice yields in previous years , making great contributions to the food security of China and the world .

  2. 袁隆平院士荣获APSA杰出研究成就奖

    Academician YUAN Long-ping Was Given the APSA Award for Outstanding Research Achievement

  3. 袁隆平是中国最著名的水稻科学家。

    Yuan is the most famous ' rice scientist ' in China .

  4. 袁隆平仍然在努力改进他的水稻产量。

    Yuan is still trying to improve his rice plant .

  5. 袁隆平院士应邀赴以色列领受沃尔夫奖

    Academician YUAN Long-ping Was Invited to Israel to Accept the Wolf Prize

  6. 袁隆平也被誉为“杂交水稻之父”。

    This earned him the title " Farther of Hybrid Rice . "

  7. 袁隆平于周六去世,享年91岁。

    He died on Saturday at the age of 91 .

  8. 袁隆平院士荣获以色列沃尔夫奖

    Academician YUAN Long - ping Is Awarded the 2004 Wolf Prize , Israel

  9. 著名的杂交水稻专家袁隆平

    Famous Expert of Hybrid Rice Breeding , Yuan Long-Ping

  10. 袁隆平因培育出第一个杂交水稻品种而享誉全球。

    Yuan globally developing the first hybrid rice strains .

  11. 袁隆平院士荣获2004年度世界粮食奖

    Academician YUAN Long-ping Won the 2004 World Food Prize

  12. 1953年袁隆平大学毕业后被分配到湖南教书。

    In1953 , he began to teach in Hunan after graduating from the university .

  13. 已故中国农学家袁隆平的追悼会在长沙举行。

    A memorial service for late Chinese agronomist Yuan Longping has been held in Changsha .

  14. 袁隆平当选美国科学院外籍院士

    YUAN Long-ping Was Elected a Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences , USA

  15. 今天,袁隆平的特种水稻已被很多国家采用,包括美国。

    Today , Yuan 's special rice plant is used in many countries , including America .

  16. 是的,因为有袁隆平,一个我认为是世界上最伟大的科学家之一的人。

    Yes , because of the Yuan Longping , one of the greatest scientists in the world , I think .

  17. 紧接着,袁隆平的水稻出口到了其它国家,如巴基斯坦和菲律宾。

    Following this , Yuan Longping 's rice was exported to other countries , such as Pakistan and the Philippines .

  18. 不可否认,袁隆平为改善全世界人民的生活水平做出了巨大贡献。

    There is no denying that Yuan Longping has made great contributions to improving the people 's living standard in the world .

  19. 从事30多年科学实验的功勋科学家(续)&杂交水稻之父袁隆平事迹的启迪

    Merit Scientists Engaging in Scientific Experiment for More Than 30 Years ( Continued ) YUAN Long-ping & the father of hybrid rice

  20. 袁隆平,一个平凡的中国人,起初并不为人所知,然而他坚守信念,在平凡的岗位上作出不平凡的业绩。

    Yuan Longping , an ordinary Chinese little known by the public , stuck to his dream and created extraordinary career in an ordinary position .

  21. 如果我们能有千百个袁隆平这样的杂交水稻和绿色革命之父,我们还用担心外国农产品的泛滥吗?

    If we have hundreds of Yuan Longpings , the father of Chinese hybrid rice and green revolution , should we fear a flood of foreign agricultural products ?

  22. 尽管是中国最著名的科学家之一,袁隆平仍然认为自己是个农民,因为他在田间耕作,进行科学研究。

    Although he is one of China 's most famous scientists , Yuan Longping considers himself a farmer , for he works the land to do his research .

  23. 中国最重要的种质资源开发实例是由袁隆平等科学家参与研究的杂交水稻。

    One important outcome of China 's research into germplasm resources is hybrid rice , which was developed by scientists including Yuan Longping in central China 's Hunan Province .

  24. 是一家以“光大袁隆平伟大事业,用科技改造农业,造福世界人民”的农业高新技术上市公司。

    The company is a high-tech agriculture company with the aim of " Developing Agriculture by Science and Technology and to Benefit the People All over the World " .

  25. 从科学方法而言,袁隆平院士在科研中成功运用了信息联想、辨证分析、试验探索、灵感思维等方法。

    The following methods play a significant role in his research into a hybrid rice : information association , dialectical analysis , trial and probe , and inspiration and thinking .

  26. 自2000年设立此奖项以来,先后共有25名科学家获得最高科技奖的殊荣,其中包括“杂交水稻之父”袁隆平先生。

    The top prize has previously been awarded to 25 scientists , including China 's " father of hybrid rice " Yuan Longping , since it was established in 2000 .

  27. 三月,著名农业学家袁隆平诉说,有些地方的官员为了获得储粮补贴而谎报粮储余额。

    In March a senior agriculturalist , Yuan Longping , accused officials in some areas of exaggerating the size of grain reserves in order to get more subsidies for storing them .

  28. 前一位得奖的非洲人是塞拉利昂的育种家蒙蒂.琼斯,他与中国的育种家袁隆平一起得到了2004年的世界粮食奖,他们得奖是因为培育了高产稻种。

    The previous African winner was plant breeder Monty Jones of Sierra Leone who , with Chinese colleague Yuan Longping , was honored in 2004 for work on high-yielding rice varieties .

  29. 但是传统的三系杂交育种存在局限:育种程序和生产环节较复杂,有来自不育系的细胞质负效应和细胞质单一的潜在威胁(袁隆平,1987)。

    There are , however , limitations , relatively complex breeding procedure , negative effect of cytoplasm from sterile line and potential risks of single cytoplasm , in traditional three-line breeding .

  30. 从简化种子生产程序考虑,今后杂交水稻育种的策略将沿三系法、两系法和一系法三个阶段发展(袁隆平,1988)。

    In the future , hybrid rice breeding will follow three developmental stages to facilitate seed production procedure , they are three-line hybrid , two-line hybrid and one-line hybrid ( Yuan , 1988 ) .