
  • 网络Objective test
  1. 客观测验中的多项选择

    Multiple-Choice Items on Objective Tests

  2. 特别难的是客观测验即多项选择,机器打分的考试,往往所测验的不仅是专业知识,而且是英语词义方面的微妙差别。

    Especially difficult are the objective tests multiple-choice , machine-scored examinations , which are often as much a test of subtle differences in English vocabulary as of subject matter .

  3. 虽然对所学的专业知识是无法用别的东西代替的,但掌握一些技巧应付测验,对提高客观测验的成绩也许还有帮助的。

    While there is no substitute for knowledge of the subject matter , mastery of certain test-taking techniques may help students to improve their scores on an objective test .

  4. 本研究立足于小学写作教学实践需要,以写作能力结构、写作教学大纲及写作能力各因素的操作性定义为理论基础,在教育测量与评价的基本原理指导下,编制小学生写作能力的客观测验。

    The study is established on the writing practice in the primary school . The author make the objective pupil 's writing test on the base of the writing ability form , writing teaching outline and the operational definition of writing facts .

  5. 我也喜欢客观式测验题。

    I like objective tests , too .

  6. 这是一个客观的测验。

    The test is objective .

  7. 我希望是客观式测验题??是非题或选择题和搭配题,对我来说还容易些。

    I hope it 's an objective test ? true-false or multiple-choice or matching tests are easier for me .

  8. 抑郁情绪与主观认知功能相关,而与多数客观认知功能测验结果无关。

    Depression is related to cognitive function but has nothing to do with most objective cognitive function .

  9. 高校教师对教育技术培训效果进行自我评价,不仅能够良好的补充客观评价即测验的不足,达到评价的激励作用,而且进一步提高高校教师教育技术效果评价的准确性。

    Self-evaluation of educational technology training by university teachers is a good complement to objective evaluation of the test to encourage teachers to improve the training . Meanwhile , educational technology self-evaluation improves the accuracy of evaluation .

  10. 这些指标都可以通过统计的方法加以量化,有了这些指标,就可以比较客观地反映教育测验的质量。

    These norm could be counted by the method of statistics ; and fairly reflect quality of education test .