
kè lún
  • passenger ship;passenger liner
客轮 [kè lún]
  • [passenger ship] 运送旅客的轮船

客轮[kè lún]
  1. 石原慎太郎在数百名支持者面前提到泰坦尼克号(Titanic)的悲剧故事,这艘客轮在北大西洋沉没,超过1500人遇难,他表示,日本当前的形势与泰坦尼克号无异。

    Japan is like the Titanic , Mr Ishihara suggests to several hundred supporters as he recounts the tragic tale of the passenger liner , which sank in the North Atlantic killing more than 1500 people .

  2. 一般新的定期客轮昨天从这个船台下水了。

    One new passenger liner was launched down the ship-way yesterday .

  3. 客轮到达开普敦时,我们暂时分别。

    When the boat reached Cape Town , we said a temporary goodbye .

  4. 我确实曾经梦想过成为首位远洋客轮的女船长。

    I did once dream of becoming the first woman to captain an ocean liner .

  5. 客轮停在船坞里大修。

    The liner was in dock for major repairs .

  6. 这艘客轮上几千名乘客的生命安危全维系于船长一人。

    The captain of the passagership has the safety of thousands of lives in his keeping .

  7. 渔船遭到客轮冲撞。

    The fishing boat was rammed by a passenger ship .

  8. 横渡大西洋的客轮破浪前进。

    The trans-Atlantic liner forged ahead through the waves .

  9. 奥林匹克号最终于1935年退役,结束了豪华的奥林匹克级远洋客轮时代。

    Eventually , she was taken out of service in 1935 , ending the era of the luxurious Olympic class ocean liners .

  10. 我在船上生活了25年,如今是一名港口领航员,负责将大型豪华客轮引航入港,直到它们安全地靠港。

    I have spent twenty five years on boats . Now I am a docking pilot . My job is to bring in the large luxury liners and stay with them until they are safely moored1 in their berths3 .

  11. CheonghaejinMarine的一位管理人员说,他认为客轮并没有偏离通常的航线。

    An official at Cheonghaejin Marine said he didn 't think the ferry had deviated from its usual route .

  12. 这艘6825吨级名为“岁月”号的渡轮最多可容纳921名乘客,由ChonghaejinMarineCo.公司运营。该客轮每周航行两次。

    The ship , a 6825-ton vessel named Sewol -- meaning ' time and tide ' in Korean -- could carry up to 921 passengers and was operated by Chonghaejin Marine Co. The company plies the route twice a week .

  13. 这艘客轮在即将进入塔里萨伊市的海港时与一艘货轮相撞,并在LawisLedge附近沉没。

    The passenger vessel was about to enter the sea port in Talisay City when it collided with a cargo vessel and sank near Lawis Ledge .

  14. 这艘豪华客轮上频频举办舞会和音乐会,宽宏大量的船长还允许乘客在令人不悦的阿道夫•希特勒(AdolfHitler)半身像上盖上桌布。

    There were dances and concerts aboard the luxury vessel and the indulgent captain permitted passengers to throw a tablecloth over an offending bust of Adolf Hitler .

  15. 客轮沉没时从船体内冒出的气体引发巨大水花。

    Air escaping from the sinking ship created a huge spray .

  16. 一艘将在北大西洋航线上定期航行的新客轮。

    A new passenger liner to ply the North Atlantic route .

  17. 客轮预定本月16日到达。

    The arrival of the steamer is scheduled for the16th instant .

  18. 一客轮饮用水污染情况调查

    A Report of one Ship 's Drink Water Polluted Condition

  19. 客轮及客货轮设计船型尺度的建议

    Suggestions on Design Type and Dimensions of Passenger Ships and Passenger-Cargo Ships

  20. 冬季长途航运客轮卫生状况调查

    Investigation on Health Status of Longdistance Passenger Ships in Winter

  21. 泰坦尼克号客轮因撞上一个大冰山而沉没。

    The Titanic met her fate by crashing into a huge iceberg .

  22. 豪华客轮周四驶进了纽约。

    The luxury liner steamed into New York on thursday .

  23. 客轮的上层甲板,旅客可在上面散步。

    A deck at the top of a passenger ship .

  24. 拖船将把那艘客轮引入港口。

    The tug will lead the liner into the harbor .

  25. 上海号客轮主锅炉燃烧试验

    Combustion Adjustment of the Main Boiler on Board Ship " Shanghai "

  26. 泰坦尼克号是于1912年沉没的客轮。

    The Titanic was a passenger ship which sank in1912 .

  27. 国际航行客轮微小气候及空气质量分析

    Assessment of Microclimate and Air Quality of International Passenger Liner

  28. 客轮驾驶作业对心血管系统的影响

    Effect of pilot operation of passenger boats on cardiovascular system

  29. 在那个时代,有定期来往于伊利湖的大型客轮。

    In that era vast passenger steamships plied Lake Erie .

  30. 在浓雾中,客轮撞翻了一条渔船

    The liner run down a fishing - boat during the dense fog