
  1. 现代医院电梯交通系统的客流分析与配置

    Traffic analysis and configuration of elevator traffic system in modern hospitals

  2. 电梯群控系统客流分析与仿真

    Passenger Flow Analysis and Simulation of Elevator Group Control System

  3. 基于数据仓库的城市轨道交通客流分析系统研究

    Research of Urban Rail Transit Passenger Flow Analysis System Based on Data Warehouse

  4. 武汉轨道交通客流分析及其启示

    Inspiration and Analysis of Wuhan Rail Transit Passenger Flow

  5. 文章在借鉴知识发现在其他领域应用的基础上,建立了基于知识发现的公交客流分析平台,提高了客流数据分析的效率和质量。

    This article established a platform of bus passenger flow Based on KDD .

  6. 数据挖掘在铁路客流分析预测中的应用

    Application of Data Mining in the Analysis and Forecasting of Railway Passenger Flow

  7. 垂直交通客流分析与电梯群控制优化研究

    Vertical Traffic Analysis and Research on Elevator Group Control

  8. 高层建筑电梯客流分析与配置

    Lift Transport Analysis and Fitting in High-rise Buildings

  9. 例如:股票分析、心电图分析、交通旅游的客流分析、产品的销售量分析等都可以归类为时间序列分析问题。

    For instance , the analysis of stock , the analysis of cardiogram , sales of some product are examples of time series analysis .

  10. 地铁客流分析可以辅助地铁运营企业制定运营计划、进行地铁改扩建项目的可行性分析等决策行为。

    Analyzing subway passengers flow rate can support subway operating companies to make running plans or to analyzing feasibility of building new lines or rebuilding lines .

  11. 该文提出的电梯客流分析模型对于电梯系统的交通分析、配置设计、电梯群控系统及其仿真的研究都具有重要意义。

    The passenger flow analysis model is important for traffic analyzing , configuring of elevator system and researching in eleva-tor group control system and its simulation .

  12. 然后对轨道交通枢纽的概念及类型进行了明确的描述,提出了研究轨道交通枢纽客流分析的三阶段法,并确定论文的主要研究范围。

    Then describe the concept and type of rail transit hub clearly , and propose the three-stage method to analyze passenger flow in rail transportation hub .

  13. 公交客流分析与预测,尤其是动态公交客流分析与预测是实现公交调度优化的基础。

    The bus passenger flow analysis and prediction , especially the dynamic bus passenger flow analysis and prediction is the base to realize the optimization of the bus dispatch .

  14. 基于小票法的公交线路客流OD分析方法

    OD Matrix of Transit Passenger Flow Based on Note Survey

  15. 基于排队论的地铁站台设施客流延误分析

    Analysis of Passengers Delays Based on Queue Theory of Subway Stations

  16. 成都市公路客流特征分析

    Analysis on Features of Highway Passenger Flow in Chengdu City

  17. 京沪线铁路客流规律分析

    Analysis of the Rule of Passenger Traffic Flow of Jing-Hu Railway Line

  18. 综合交通枢纽的客流预测分析

    An Analysis on Passenger Flow Forecast of Comprehensive Transportation Hub

  19. 航空港客流的分析与预测

    The analysis and prediction of passenger 's flow on airports

  20. 铁路客流现状分析及其对策探讨

    Analysis on the Current Status of Railway Passenger Volume and Discussion on Counter Measurement

  21. 卫星城与中心城间客流特性分析与供给对策

    Analysis on Passenger Flow Characteristis and Supply Strategy between Satellite Town and Central City

  22. 都市圈客流特性分析

    Analysis for passenger flow characteristics in megalopolis

  23. 基于模糊神经网络的世博园区客流分布分析评估模型

    The model for evaluation of trip distribution in Shanghai Expo based on Fuzzy Neural Network

  24. 北京地铁1号线车站设施与客流关系分析

    Relationship Analysis on Station Capacity and Passenger Flow : A Case of Beijing Subway Line 1

  25. 规划阶段客流特征分析是本论文的重点。

    The passenger flow analysis in the planning phase is the core of the thesis which is based on the passenger flow forecast .

  26. 因此,怎样做好城市轨道交通客流特征分析,进而为城市的轨道交通规划创造良好条件;

    The analysis of urban rail transit passenger flow will benefit its planning , operation and speed up the development of the land near by .

  27. 分析了在出站通道特定环境下,一般旅客的心理特性以及行为特性。在此基础上结合春运客流变化分析了春运期间旅客心理特性及客流特征。

    Then psychological and behavior of characteristics general passengers are analyzed in the certain environment condition of passageway , as well as the passengers during Spring Festival .

  28. 第二部分分析了川南城市群经济发展情况,进行了旅客运输需求分析,包括城际客流特征分析和客流预测。

    Secondly , the reginal economy of South Sichuan urban agglomeration has been analysed . The passenger transport demand has been analysed , including the analysis of inter-city passenger flow and the prediction of the passenger flow .

  29. 最后,在路网结构和突发客流特性分析的基础上,提出路网控制客流拥挤的方法。

    The result is the basis of effective way to control passenger congestion propagation . Finally , this thesis puts forward the congestion control methods based on the characteristics of urban rail transit network structure and unexpected passenger .

  30. 本文在介绍客流特征定量分析方法的基础上,研究了Logit交通方式选择模型、重力模型和灰色理论的GM(1,1)模型进行客流量预测的方法,并研究了敏感度分析方法。

    This paper makes study on forecast methods of passenger flow using different models such on Logit Model , Gravity Model and GM ( 1,1 ) Model , and also studies on analysis method of sensitivity after introducing the quantities analysis method for passenger flow characteristics .