
  • 网络Hard rock layers;hard stratum
  1. 采场上覆坚硬岩层的变形运动与矿山压力

    Behaviour of overlying hard strata above workings and its effect on roof pressure

  2. 特厚坚硬岩层组下保水采煤技术

    Coal Mining Technique with Water Conservation Under Hard-and-Thick Strata

  3. 采场上覆大厚度坚硬岩层破断规律的力学分析

    Mechanical analysis of rupture regularity of hard and massive overlying strata of longwall face

  4. 在地震勘探钻井中,为对付坚硬岩层,国外采用了冲击式钻头。

    In foreign seismic prospecting , impact action bit is used to drill hard formation .

  5. 上述过程反映一次强地震灾变事件作用在软沉积物与坚硬岩层中的不同响应。

    The aforesaid process reflects different responses of soft deposits and hard rocks to a strong seismic catastrophic event .

  6. 通过在立体相似模拟实验的老顶坚硬岩层中预埋小铁片并用导线引到模型外部测量其位移的方法,获取了老顶来压步距及老顶断裂位置。

    Through pre buried little iron pieces which were lead to the outside of the model and measured its displacement , the intervals and cracked point of main roof were obtained .

  7. 应用覆岩托板理论计算分析了厚松散层厚坚硬岩层条件下托板的破坏形态及强度、刚度破坏准则。

    After applying cover rock supporting plate theory , the damage patterns and intensity and stiffness damage criteria are calculated and analyzed under the condition of thick alluvium and hard solid rock .

  8. 随着开采深度及强度的增加,一些相距较近的坚硬岩层随采动影响出现了复合效应,由此产生的矿山压力显现对煤层瓦斯抽采提出了新的课题。

    With the depth and intensity of exploitation increase , some proximal hard rock appeared composite effect , the resulting rock press appearance has greater challenges to gas drainage in coal seam .

  9. 在钻井中,虽然坚硬岩层只占整个钻井深度中很少的一部分,但却花费了整个钻井时间的70%,钻井花费的时间越长,费用越高。

    Although the hard rock drilling is the small part in the drilling process , but it spent 70 % of the entire drilling time , the longer it takes , the higher the drilling costs .

  10. 通过实验研究、现场实测、冲击矿压现象分析,说明了顶板坚硬岩层,特别是顶板的关键层运动、破断对冲击矿压的发生有巨大的影响。

    By laboratory study , field test and phenomena analysis of rock burst , the paper indicates that the hard strata of roof especially the moving or breaking of the key strata or stratum has great influence on the occurrence of rock burst .

  11. 质地坚硬的岩层传播震波的效率比松软的土壤高。

    Hard strata transmit shock waves more efficiently than loose earth .

  12. 坚硬致密岩层用绳索取心钻头的研制与应用

    Development and Application of Wire-line Coring Bit for Hard and Compact Rock Formation

  13. 近年来,空气钻井技术在国内外得到了广泛应用,特别是对干燥、坚硬的岩层进行钻进时效果更为出色。

    The air drilling technology has been developed greatly all over the world in recent years . It is a practical technology and often the application of choice in dry , hard rock .

  14. 沂南金矿在较坚硬的大理岩层中掘进巷道时,采用螺旋掏槽替代传统的桶形掏槽,可改善爆破效果,提高爆破效率,降低材料单耗。

    By adopting spiral cutting instead of traditional barrel shaped cutting in the course of digging tunnels in the solid marble strata of Yinan Gold Mine , the blasting efficiency and result were improved besides the consumption of materials was lowered .

  15. 岩溶陷落柱系指坚硬的非可溶性岩层向下伏岩溶洞穴坍塌的老基岩塌陷。

    The karstic collapse column is the old bedrock subside which the stiff non-dissolubility rock caved in subjacent karst cave .