
  • 网络Shanghai international financial center;Shanghai World Financial Center;IFC
  1. 再次,实证分析论证上海国际金融中心建设对QFII投资的影响,数据论证上海距离国际金融中心的距离还有多远。

    Thirdly , empirical analysis proves the impact of the construction of Shanghai international financial center on QFII and data show that the distance between Shanghai and the international financial center .

  2. 第五章则立足于上海国际金融中心建设的现实,以SWOT分析方法,综合概括上海目前的优势、劣势以及所面临的机遇和挑战。

    The fifth part is based on the reality of the construction of Shanghai international financial center . With SWOT analysis , summarize the strengths 、 weaknesses 、 opportunities 、 threats in Shanghai , and put forward ideas for further construction .

  3. 德国金融监管体制对上海国际金融中心建设的启示

    Enlightenment from German Financial Supervisory Regime for Building Shanghai International Financial Center

  4. 抓住历史机遇加快推进上海国际金融中心建设

    Historical opportunity to build Shanghai into an international financial center

  5. 不断完善上海国际金融中心建设的法制环境

    Further Improvement of Legislation Construction for Financial Center of Shanghai

  6. 上海国际金融中心证券业竞争力评价指标体系的构建与提升

    Evaluation and Enhancement of Shanghai Securities Industry Core Competencies

  7. 关于重建上海国际金融中心的再思考

    Reflections on Re-establishing Shanghai as an International Financial Centre

  8. 论上海国际金融中心法制建设

    On Legal Construction of Shanghai International Financial Center

  9. 经济金融发展新格局和上海国际金融中心建设的战略选择

    New Situation of Economic and Financial Development and Strategy for Construction of Shanghai Financial Center

  10. 人民币国际化背景下上海国际金融中心的发展战略研究

    The Development Strategy of Shanghai International Financial Center Construction in the Background of RMB Internationalization

  11. 从这点来看,建立上海国际金融中心与巩固香港的国际金融中心地位是不冲突的。

    So , The establishment of Shanghai international financial center is not in conflict with hongkong .

  12. 新国际金融监管共识对上海国际金融中心建设的影响和启示

    Enlightenments of G20 London Consensus on Financial Supervision and Regulation to Developing Shanghai International Financial Center

  13. 国际金融中心与大城市群的协同性&兼论上海国际金融中心的建设

    The Cooperation between IFC and Large City Agglomeration : Discussion on the Construction of Shanghai IFC

  14. 金融危机对上海国际金融中心建设的挑战与机遇

    Challenges and Opportunities for the Construction of Shanghai International Financial Center against the Background of Finanical Crisis

  15. 美国金融危机后我国金融改革开放策略&兼论上海国际金融中心建设

    China 's Financial Reform Opening-up Strategy for Post-American Financial Crisis Also Construction of Shanghai International Financial Center

  16. 对上海国际金融中心建设的目标、途径和发展现状进行了分析,指出发展电子金融是上海国际金融中心发展的重要途径。

    This paper puts forward that electronic finance is the important channel to build Shanghai international financial center .

  17. 本文正是以上海国际金融中心建设为契机,提出同步推进与前者相匹配的“会计生态系统”建设。

    This paper proposes a brand new concept of accounting ecosystem matching for the Shanghai financial center construction .

  18. 上海国际金融中心超过同为于浦东陆家嘴金融贸易区的高421米金茂大厦。

    The Shanghai World Financial Center dwarfs the421-meter-tall Jin Mao Tower in Pudong 's Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone .

  19. 第六章在前文的基础之上提出上海国际金融中心建设的政策建议。

    Chapter six proposed the policy recommendations of construction of Shanghai international financial center which is based on the previous paper .

  20. 而随着上海国际金融中心的建设,上海非上市公众公司股份转让市场的建立也被纳入了日程。

    With the construction of Shanghai international hub , the establishment of the non-listed companies stock transfer market has also been put into agenda .

  21. 建设上海国际金融中心是上海市未来发展的战略规划,同时也是国家长期发展战略规划的重要组成部分。

    Construction of Shanghai International Financial Center is a strategic plan for Shanghai 's future development and an integral part of state long-term development strategy .

  22. 当前,上海国际金融中心建设正站在一个新的历史起点上,人员支撑是其中至关重要的因素。

    At present , the Shanghai international financial center is standing at a new historical starting point , staff support is one of the crucial factors .

  23. 而在商业环境的变化上,贺瑛指出,金融危机的发生为上海国际金融中心的建立提供了良好的契机。

    In terms of business environment , He Ying says the global financial crisis has provided good opportunities for the establishment of Shanghai global financial center .

  24. 面对如此庞大的劳动力派遣队伍,如何加以规范,加强建设,关乎整个上海国际金融中心建设的推进。

    Sent the face of such a large labor force , and how to regulate , strengthen the construction relates to the construction of Shanghai international financial center forward .

  25. 上海国际金融中心建设也面临着支付环境建设、金融市场发展、加强风险管理等基本问题,需要综合推进。

    While promoting the construction of financial center , we should pay heed to the improvement of living environment , the development of financial market and the enhancement of managing risks .

  26. “这次比赛非常精彩,好几次我们都被挤出了楼梯,稍微打断了一下赛程。但是比赛非常激烈,必须全程集中精神。”这次在上海国际金融中心举办的活动也对业余选手开放。

    But you know it 's really tough and you have to stay focused the whole way . " The event at the Shanghai International Financial Center was also open to amateurs .

  27. 中国三大城市群经济空间重心轨迹特征比较国际金融中心与大城市群的协同性&兼论上海国际金融中心的建设

    A Comparative Study of Shift Route of Eco-spatial Gravity Center of the Three Major Urban Agglomerations in China The Cooperation between IFC and Large City Agglomeration : Discussion on the Construction of Shanghai IFC

  28. 但是,因为我国各地区经济发展水平所引起的金融发展不平衡,将会严重阻碍上海国际金融中心辐射功能的发挥,也会进一步阻碍上海国际金融中心功能的深化。

    However , because of the unbalanced development in different regions of China , it will seriously hinder the radiation function of Shanghai financial center ; even hinder the further function of Shanghai financial center .

  29. 周日世界垂直跑巡回赛的活动中既有专业选手,也有数百名业余爱好者挑战自我,跑完了260米高的上海国际金融中心的52层楼。

    This Sunday 's event on the World Vertical Circuit has seen professionals , along with hundreds of amateurs , challenging themselves by running up the 52 flights which the 260-meter tall Shanghai International Financial Center .

  30. 而发展金融市场体系是上海国际金融中心建设的核心,其中又以发展素有经济晴雨表之称的证券市场最为重要。

    The development of financial market system is the key of Shanghai international financial center construction , and the securities market , which known as the " barometer of the economy ," is the core of them .