
  • 网络Shanghai Tower;Shanghai Center;Shanghai Center Tower
  1. 这座名为上海中心大厦的超高建筑总高度632米,共128层。

    Next up is a632-meter , 128-floor building dubbed Shanghai Tower .

  2. 不仅仅只有上海中心大厦对速度有所要求。

    The Shanghai Tower is not alone in its need for speed .

  3. Savills指出,除了浦东的上海中心大厦,年底前还将有一座340米高的大厦在更具历史风情的浦西地区破土动工。

    Savills noted that in addition to the new tower for Pudong , a groundbreaking is set before yearend for a340-meter building on the more historic Puxi side of Shanghai .

  4. 上海中心大厦定于2014年竣工交付使用。

    Shanghai Tower is set for a2014 completion .

  5. 论超高层绿色建筑&兼述绿色建筑标准在上海中心大厦的应用与技术策略

    On Super Tall Green Building-Also on Application of Green Building Standards to Shanghai Center Tower and Related Technical Strategies

  6. 上海中心大厦在长期荷载作用下结构竖向构件间的差异变形会在水平构件中产生较大的次内力。

    The differential deformation between vertical structural members of the Shanghai Tower can cause secondary internal forces in horizontal structural members .

  7. 上海中心大厦主设计师就出生在上海,他本周早些时候说,这座城市的变化就像一场梦。

    Speaking earlier this week , the Shanghai-born lead designer of the Shanghai Tower said his city 's transformation was like a dream .

  8. 上海中心大厦是目前世界上第二高的建筑物,但是说到电梯速度,上海中心大厦就无人能及了。

    The Shanghai Tower may be the world 's second tallest building . But when it comes to speed , it 's second to none .

  9. 上海中心大厦位于上海市浦东区陆家嘴中心商务区,紧邻上海国际金融大厦和金茂大厦。

    Shanghai Tower is located in the central business district of Lujiazui , Pudong District of Shanghai , close to the Shanghai World Financial Center and Jin Mao Tower .

  10. 在该市欣欣向荣的金融中心,工人门正对上海中心大厦进行最后的修饰。这座大厦耗资24亿美元,高2073英尺(632米),是世界第二高建筑。

    In the city 's thriving financial center , workers are putting finishing touches on the Shanghai Tower , a $ 2.4 billion cloud-piercer that at 2073 feet is the world 's second-tallest building .

  11. 排在哈利法塔和上海中心大厦之后的世界第三高楼是麦加皇家钟塔,高度为601米(1972英尺)。

    After the Burj Khalifa and the Shanghai Tower , the world 's third tallest building is the Mecca Royal Hotel Clock Tower . The Mecca tower , designed by Dar Al-Handasah architects , is 1972ft ( 601m ) high .

  12. 现在,洛杉矶的大楼也可以像上海的上海中心大厦(ShanghaiTower)一样,在屋顶设计可以收集雨水的螺旋形结构。

    Now Los Angeles can do something like the spiral form in the rooftop of Shanghai Tower in Shanghai that captures rainwater .

  13. 上海环球金融中心大厦结构高度492m,地上101层,高宽比8.49,拟建成为世界上结构高度最高的建筑。

    The 101-storey Shanghai World Financial Center is 492m above ground and its aspect ratio of height to width is 8.49 , which makes it possible to be the tallest building in the world when completed .

  14. 上海环球金融中心大厦振动控制及现场实测分析

    Vibration Control and Site Measurement on Shanghai World Financial Center Tower

  15. 上海环球金融中心大厦整体结构振动台试验设计

    Shaking table model test design for Shanghai World Financial Center

  16. 上海环球金融中心大厦弹塑性时程分析

    Elastoplastic time-history analysis of Shanghai World Financial Center Building

  17. 居民挂脚手架上的帮助,因为他们等待发生火警后,他们在周一,2010年11月15日,上海中心城区的公寓大厦。

    Residents hang onto scaffolding as they wait for help after a fire broke out at their apartment building in the downtown area of Shanghai on Monday , Nov.15,2010 .

  18. 为了捕捉上海的全景,胡歌特地登上了上海中心大厦的顶端,站在距地面600米以上的高度俯瞰这座城市。

    Planning to capture some panoramic photos of the city , Hu climbed to the top of Shanghai Tower , over 600 meters above the ground .

  19. 在浦东新区这个上海市的新商业中心里,高楼林立,即将投入使用的螺旋式建筑--上海中心大厦楼高632米(2073英尺),将成为世界第二高楼,该楼由美国Gensler公司设计,夏军担任主要设计师。

    tall . The skyline of Pudong , Shanghai 's new commercial centre , is a forest of extravagant skyscrapers and when it opens in 2015 , the twisting Shanghai Tower , designed by the US firm Gensler , with Jun Xia , as lead architect , will be the world 's second tallest building at 2073ft ( 632m ) .