
  • 网络Shanghai Art Museum;shanghai museum;shanghai art gallery
  1. 第一场是2006年在上海美术馆举办的。

    The first was in 2006 at the Shanghai Art Museum .

  2. 让我们一起玩象棋-个人展,上海美术馆,上海。

    Let 's Play Chess-Solo Exhibition , Shanghai Art Museum , Shanghai .

  3. 第二届中国油画展,上海美术馆;中国美术馆,北京。

    The2nd Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition , Shanghai Art Museum ; National Art Museum of China , Beijing .

  4. 2010年举办“1971&2010周春芽艺术四十年回顾”,上海美术馆,中国;

    2010 " 1971 & 2010 Forty Years Retrospective Review of Zhou Chunya ", Shanghai Art Museum , China ;

  5. 数件水彩画作品被上海美术馆、德国西门子公司收藏。

    A dozen of his pieces are in the collections of the Shanghai Art Gallery and the German company Siemens .

  6. 作品被中国美术馆、上海美术馆、国际艺苑美术馆、广州美术馆收藏。

    His works are collected by National Art Museum of China , Shanghai Art Museum and Guangdong Museum of Art .

  7. 我们谨代表夏威夷全体人民祝贺你应邀在久负盛名的上海美术馆举办个人画展。

    On behalf of the people of HawaiI ' , we wish to congratulate you for being invited to exhibit your works at the prestigious Shanghai Art Museum .

  8. 刚刚结束于上海美术馆的「周春芽艺术四十年回顾展」,呈现了周春芽过去创作历程的脉络及变化。

    Lot Notes Forty Years Retrospective of Zhou Chunya , the exhibition which recently closed at the Shanghai Art Museum , displayed the evolution and development of Zhou Chunya 's artistic career .

  9. 参加“新形象:中国当代绘画二十年”,中国美术馆、上海美术馆、广东美术馆、四川美术馆,中国;

    " Towards a New Image : Twenty Years of Contemporary Chinese Painting ", Touring Show in National Art Museum , Shanghai Art Museum , Guangdong Art Museum , Sichuan Art Museum , China ;

  10. 《首届林州水墨双年展》上海多伦美术馆;

    " The Ink painting Biennale Linzhou " Shanghai Duolun Gallery ;

  11. 我期待今年重新开馆之后,上海外滩美术馆会给大家带来更多的惊喜。

    I am looking forward to more surprises after it reopens later this year .

  12. 据悉,“容器”由瑞士艺术家桑德拉孔兹携手中国艺术家杨健共同打造,曾亮相于2008年在上海证大美术馆和2009年中国厦门艺术中心十周年展。

    The container was exhibited at the Zendai Museum of Modern Art in Shanghai in2009 and the China-Europe Art Center in Xiamen .

  13. 去过很多美术馆,也看过很多展览,却唯独越来越喜欢上海外滩美术馆。

    I have been to many exhibitions in a number of art museums , yet Rockbund Art Museum has always been my favorite .

  14. 这场展览也是上海外滩美术馆的五周年庆祝活动之一。该美术馆是上海的几个私立当代艺术机构之一,位于一个修复后的艺术装饰风格的建筑里。

    The show also marks the fifth anniversary of the Rockbund Art Museum , one of several private contemporary art institutions that have emerged in Shanghai .

  15. 像上海的喜马拉雅美术馆和北京的MWoods美术馆等许多艺术馆都是由房地产开发商和私人收藏家牵头,私人经营的。

    Many , like the Himalayas Museum in Shanghai and the M Woods Museum in Beijing , were spearheaded by real estate developers and private collectors and are privately run .

  16. 这只杯子在收藏者中有中国陶瓷圣杯的美誉,刘益谦将会把这件稀世珍品收藏在自己位于上海的龙美术馆中。

    Liu will house the incredibly rare item , known in collectors ' circles as the holy grail of Chinese ceramics , in his private Long Museum in Shanghai .

  17. 这对夫妇在上海拥有两家龙美术馆,王薇是美术馆的幕后推手和总监。

    Ms. Wang is known as the driving force and general director behind the couple 's Long Museum , which has two branches in Shanghai .

  18. 这些年来,他们收藏了大量中国传统和现代艺术作品,其中大部分都陈列在他们位于上海的两座美术馆里,即2012年开幕的龙美术馆浦东馆,和去年开幕的龙美术馆西岸馆。

    Over the years , they have built a vast collection of both traditional and contemporary Chinese art , much of which is displayed in their two museums in Shanghai : the Long Museum Pudong , which opened in 2012 ; and the Long Museum West Bund , which opened last year .

  19. 参加“首届上海双年展”,上海美术馆,中国;

    " First Shanghai Biennale ", Shanghai Art Museum , China ;

  20. 参加上海美术双年展,上海美术馆。上海;

    Shanghai Biennale , Shanghai Art Museum in Shanghai .

  21. 如果你有机会再来上海出差,你可以参观一下上海美术馆和上海博物馆都是好地方。

    If you have the chance to Shanghai as a bussiness trip again , you may go to Shanghai Art Museum or Shanghai museum .

  22. 艺术馆座落于人民公园,与上海市政府、上海大剧院、上海美术馆及上海博物馆为邻,位处上海行政和文化中心。

    The Museum is located in the People 's Park , directly center of the administrative and cultural hub of the city .